Tolentine Hall, Room 103
800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA 19085
Phone: 610.519.4520
Fax: 610.519.6200
Faculty and Student Resources
The Office of the Provost regularly issues policy documents, publications and reports usually in a handbook format. Specific policies can be found in these publications.
With the exception of the Full-Time Faculty and Adjunct Faculty Handbooks (see links to pdfs below), these manuals, guides and policies will only be viewable by Villanova faculty and staff. You will need to use your Villanova credentials.
- Full-Time Faculty Handbook
- Adjunct Faculty Handbook
- Academic Integrity Manual
- Resource Guide for New Faculty Members
- CATS Guide
- Faculty Recruitment Guidelines and Policies
- Rank and Tenure Policy and Procedures
- Faculty Grade Instructions
- Guidelines for Postdoctoral Positions
- Sample Postdoc Mentoring Plan
- Academic Integrity
- Academic Dismissal Policy
- Adjunct Faculty Mediation Policy
- Centers and Institutes Guidelines
- Child Abuse Reporting
- Credit Hour Policy and Scheduling Guidelines
- Policy Prohibiting Illegal, Dishonest, and Fraudulent Conduct
- Snow Policy
- Policy for Naming University Assets
- Walkers at Commencement Policy
- Students of Concern - Concerns And Review Committee
- Compensation for Staff Teaching
- Students Enrolling in Two Graduate Programs
- Undergraduates Enrolling in Graduate Courses
- Leave of Absence, Family Leave, Adoption
- Leave of Absence (Unpaid)
- Incomplete or In-Progress Grades and Graduation
- Joint Appointments Policy
- Sabbatical Leave Policy
- Sports Wagering Restrictions
- Endowed Chair Policy and Procedures
- Guidelines for Out of College Undergraduate Programs
- Course Modality Guidelines
- Guidelines for Department Chair Teaching Load and Compensation
- Guidelines for Compensation of Directors of Programs, Concentrations, etc.
- Minimum Use of LMS
- Exceptions Policy for Undergraduate Degrees
- Spousal Appointment Policy for Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty
- Classroom Lecture Capture Recordings
The Director of Faculty Affairs is a fundamentally collaborative role. In addition to chairing Villanova’s Board of Academic Integrity, the Director works jointly with faculty governance and University administration to develop, improve, and implement policies that serve faculty across the institution.
Visit the Faculty Affairs website to learn more.
The Faculty Ombuds is a valuable resource for full-time faculty, providing impartial, confidential and informal assistance to help resolve conflicts or issues that may arise in the academic or workplace environment.
Visit the Faculty Ombuds website to learn more.
- Faculty Congress
- Adjunct Faculty Committee
- Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee
- Academic Policy Committee
- University Rank and Tenure Committee
(Contact your Dean’s Office for information about your College/School’s Rank and Tenure Committee).
Academic Program and Student Learning Assessment
Villanova’s commitment to the evaluation of institutional effectiveness and the assessment of student learning outcomes is deeply rooted and extensive. A variety of activities and processes at the university-wide, college, departmental and individual unit levels reflect this commitment. These efforts all begin with a clear articulation of the University’s mission, vision, values and goals and the adoption of these principles by individual colleges, departments and units. The Office of Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness helps provide leadership to these efforts.
Activity Insight
Activity Insight (AI) is a web-based information management system designed to organize, store and report on faculty teaching, research and service activities. AI provides one place for a faculty member to keep information about his/her performance current.
CARE Committee (Concerns And REview Committee) Students experience a wide-range of adjustments when entering college. While most students’ needs are addressed through the routine functioning of the University, a growing number of students require further attention. The CARE Committee brings together administrators from Student Life, Public Safety, the Counseling Center, and Academic Affairs to offer an informed and caring response to students of concern
Digital Measures Activity Insight
Research Administration Offices
Villanova University supports and encourages its faculty to engage in research and sponsored programs endeavors. It further recognizes its responsibility to two principles, the creation of new knowledge and the communication of existing knowledge to its students and to society.
The Research Administration Offices—the Office of Research Protections and the Office of Grants and Contracts—provides service to faculty, staff, and students while protecting the institution in sponsored programs and research compliance.
From time-to-time University sponsored and other reports of interest to faculty are posted for review.
The Provost oversees the Office of Research Administration, the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, which administer Villanova’s internally and externally funded research activities.
Villanova Institute for Teaching and Learning
Reflecting the University's emphasis on excellence in both teaching and learning, the Villanova Institute for Teaching and Learning (VITAL) was established in 1998 under the auspices of the Office of Academic Affairs. VITAL's role is to offer instructional support for all Villanova faculty.
The Office of the Provost maintains policies that regulate the educational experience of our students. The Office also supports students as they pursue their education in a variety of ways, including career counseling, study skills, math skills, writing skills, accommodations related to disabilities, and study abroad.
We encourage students to read the Student Handbook published by the Division of Student Life.
- Academic Support for Athletes
- Career Center
- Center for Access, Success and Achievement
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Office for Undergraduate Students
- College of Nursing Support Services
- College of Professional Studies Student Advising and Support Services
- Falvey Library Research & Information Assistance
- Learning Support Services
- The Math Center in The Learners' Studio
- Office of Education Abroad
- Tutoring Services
- Writing Center
- VSB Clay Center