Tolentine Hall, Room 103
800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA 19085
Phone: 610.519.4520
Fax: 610.519.6200
Students Enrolling in Two Graduate Programs
Occasionally, a student seeks to enroll in two graduate programs (degree or certificate) simultaneously (within the same college or between two colleges). If the student is not seeking admission to a previously established joint program (which functions under its own regulations), s/he may apply to both programs. Each program has separate authority to approve or disapprove the student’s admission. In so doing, it may function independently or in collaboration with the other program. Each program bears responsibility for proper advising of dual-enrolled students. Each program must communicate (a) with each other and (b) with the Registrar and Bursar on the particulars of the dual enrollment.
With the appropriate approvals from the two programs involved, the student will be registered in, and enroll in courses in, both programs. With the approval of a given program (A), up to 25 per cent of the credit hour requirements of that program (A) may be earned in the other program (B) and thus “double counted.” Thus a student in a program requiring 30 credits may, with that program’s approval, count up to six credits earned in the other program. A student in program requiring 48 credits may, with that program’s approval, count up to 12 credits earned in the other program. The transfer may go in both directions, subject to the 25 per cent limit. Five year bachelor’s-master’s programs are not included in this policy.
The two programs will collaborate on matters of financial assistance under the following principles:
(1) A student may receive only one graduate assistantship in a given academic year;
(2) A student with a graduate assistantship in one program may not simultaneously receive financial aid from the other;
(3) Both programs may combine resources to fund a full graduate assistantship;
(4) Tuition scholarship assistance from both programs may not, in total, exceed the tuition cost of that student’s coursework for the year;
(5) A student receiving tuition scholarship support from both programs may not be required to work more than a total of 20 hours in a week.
The Bursar determines the tuition typically by assessing tuition due based on the level (undergraduate, graduate) and college the student was first in until that degree is attained
Approved at Council of Deans 3/10/10; technical correction to role of Bursar 8/21/2019