Video and Media Conversion

Before you reach out for a conversion request please know that Falvey Library offers streaming access to thousands of videos across a wide range of genres and disciplines. Please visit to search the vast catalog of available videos.
Unit's Multimedia Technologies (MT) has a number of video-related services. These include duplicating videotapes (fewer than five copies), converting one video format to another (such as Hi-8 to VHS), conversion from analog to digital (VHS to DVD), and placement of digital materials on our secure Mediasite system.
To request conversion or duplication, you must fill out and provide a signed Conversion Request Form with the materials to be duplicated or converted. The media along with the signed form should be sent via campus mail to Multimedia Technologies - Video Conversion - TSB 3rd Floor.
Content that is being digitized by MT will take up to seven to ten business days to be completed, depending on the complexity of the conversion. Timeframes for other services such as video creation/production will vary by project.