The Fitzpatrick College of Nursing’s Simulation and Learning Resource Center (SLRC) was selected as one of only five schools from around the globe to participate in the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning’s (INACSL) inaugural Healthcare Simulation Standards Endorsement program.
FCN’s Simulation Center Selected as One of Five Schools Internationally for INACSL’s New Standards Endorsement Program

Participation in the pilot program will allow FCN to be one of the first schools to attempt to achieve endorsement by INACSL. INACSL’s Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice ™ are designed to advance the science of simulation, share best practices, and provide evidence-based guidelines for the practice and development of a comprehensive standard of practice.
“It is a privilege to work with INACSL on this new endorsement program. This follows in the tradition of FCN faculty’s involvement in the development of the standards of best practices for simulation and other contributions by FCN to INACSL,” notes Gail Furman, PhD, RN, CHSE, executive director of the SLRC and clinical professor.
The Core Four Healthcare Simulation Standards include Prebriefing: Preparation & Briefing, Facilitation, Debriefing, and Professional Integrity. Colleen Meakim, MSN, RN, CHSE-A, ANEF, director of the Second Degree BSN Track, and former director of the SLRC, has served on the INACSL Standards Committee and has contributed to the development of these international best practices. INACSL plans to offer endorsement to schools demonstrating adherence to core simulation standards.
Schools participating in the pilot are not guaranteed endorsement but will contribute to the development of the endorsement process.