Center for Statistics Education
Research Support and Faculty Mentorship
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics supports faculty and student research in a wide range of scholarly interests. Faculty regularly contribute to scholarly publications and offer students opportunities to engage in faculty-mentored independent research.
Conference Travel Grants
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics encourages students to present their research at professional conferences, and will provide modest financial support for conference travel. Graduate students wishing to obtain Departmental support for travel to a professional meeting must also apply to the Graduate Studies Office, which funds travel up to $1,000 ($1,200 for international travel). Once the student portion of the travel funding request form is complete, the student forwards the form to their faculty mentor who completes an evaluation of the request and then forwards the form to the Chair. The faculty mentor should indicate the amount of funding, if any, they are able to provide to support student travel. The Chair will then complete an evaluation and determine the level of Department funding and forward the request to the Graduate Office.
Summer Research Fellowships
You will also have the opportunity to apply for Summer Research funding through the Graduate Studies Office to support travel and other expenses related to your research while in our program. Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship awards are made on a competitive basis in the amount of $3,500 for work in June, July and August.
Tuition Scholarships and Assistantships
Villanova’s graduate school tuition is very competitive, and there are a number of ways to finance your master's degree. All of the classes are held in the evenings, permitting you to work while in the program whether you are studying part-time or full-time.
The Department offers a number of graduate Tuition Scholarships and Graduate Assistantships. The Tuition Scholarships cover the cost of tuition, while the Graduate Assistantships cover tuition plus a stipend. To be considered for these funding sources, you should apply for admission in the fall semester. Applicants for spring admission cannot be considered for these awards.
There are also assistantships offered by other Villanova departments and offices. If you apply for other University assistantships, you will still be considered for internal department funding.
For more information, visit Financing Your Education.
Benefits for Teachers
Villanova offers a 20% tuition discount if you teach in a public or private school, and a 40% discount if you teach at a Catholic school.