Recent thesis titles:
Sister of the "Weary Fraternity": Louisa May Alcott’s Reconciliation to Transcendentalism via Her Writings about the American Civil War
In-between and Overflowing: Meta-archipelagic Visions of Identity, Community, and Tradition in the Literary Production of Pedro Pietri
A Prison of the Body: Illness, Incarceration, and the Embodiment of Form in Memoir
Composing Home: Things, World, and Futurity in the Poetry of George Oppen
Medicine, Disease, and Pathology in Nineteenth-Century British Gothic Fiction
The Anglophone Novel of Living and Dying: Non-Self, Impersonal Energy and the Dissolution of Subjectivity in Contemporary Fiction
Modernism and the Repurposing of Institutionally Built Space
Does it Matter of Joyce (Alone) was a Feminist?: Using Contemporary Adaptations of Ulysses to Understand Molly Bloom
"So My Dead Are Not Strangers": John Edgar Wideman, Black Lives Matter, and the Terror of Forgetfulness
Reconstructing Black Subjectivities: Formulations of Narrative Identities in 19th Century African-American Literature
Iustitiae Legibus?: The Political Implications of Arthur's Problematic Acts of War in the Galfridian Tradition
Contemplating the "Spiritual but not Religious" in Wallace Stevens and David Foster Wallace
"Strange Sensations" and Democratic Relations: Affect, Reading, and Sympathy in Herman Melville's Pierre
John Donne's Isaiah: A Structural and Exegetical Examination of Early-Modern Homiletics
Playing Doctor: Patriarchal Doctor/Patient Binaries in the Lives and Works of Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Gothic Ape: Evolutionary Influence and the Post-Apocalypse
“On the Outside of the World Peeping In": 20th Century African American Literature and the Advent of Kendrick Lamar
"We Are Gathered Here Today Because we Are Not Gathered Somewhere Else Today": Slam Poetry and Political Solidarity
K-Mart Conatus: Raymond Carver and Physical Anticipation of Revelation
God’s Ragged Edges: Religion and Public Life in the Work of Herman Melville
Belief in Lyric: The Intersection of Religion and Language in the Poetry of T.S. Eliot
The Loathly le Fay: Morgan le Fay as Irish Sovereignty Myth in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Wife of Bath’s Tale, and Morte D'Arthur
Radical Openness and The Possibility of Reading
A Fearsome Inheritance: Queer Gothic Families in Post-World War II Literature and Film
"Our Brains Upon the Same Lines"—Collaboration as a Mode of Resistance Against Aesthetic Dogmatism in Virginia Woolf’s Life and Work
"And Never Shall My Harp Thy Praise Forget": Memory, Subjectivity, and Poetic Devotion in Paradise Lost
Willfulness, Shame, and Trauma in Eimear McBride's Novels
"Water, Water, Everywhere, nor any Drop to Drink": A Posthumanist Evaluation of Formal and Rhetorical Environmental Literary Strategies
"Lost" Along the Color Line: The Conflict over Race and National Identity in the Selected Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Claude McKay
Wollstonecraft’s Maria; or the Wrongs of Women and Shelley’s Frankenstein: Echoes and Revisions
Writing "the Jew": Semitic Discourse in Oliver Twist, Daniel Deronda, and Reuben Sachs
Christianity and Decolonization: Louise Erdrich’s Reinscription in Love Medicine, Tracks, The Beet Queen, and The Bingo Palace
"A Shape Within the Watry Gleam": Writing, Subjectivity, and Visuality in Early Modern Literature
"Striking it Rich Behind the Linear Black": The Sonnet Sequences of Seamus Heaney
"So Young and Tender of Age": Children and Other Suffering Innocents as Marian and Christological Images in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales
Williams, Joyce, and Visual Clamor
Constructing Cleopatra: Making Sense of a Female Sovereign in William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra
Nation, Faith, and Body: Corporeal Subjectivity in Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses
"The Labour Which That Longeth Unto Me": Male Gaze versus Female Body in The Knight’s Tale and The Clerk’s Tale
Recent field exam titles include:
Student Identity in Twenty-First-Century Campus Novel
A Pedagogical Investigation of African American Historiographic Drama
"Playing the Woman Card": The 2016 Presidential Election, Campaign News, and the Gendered Appeal
1840–1940: The Development of a Modern Ireland and a Modern Literature
The Literary Memoir
Women of Color Feminism in the Multicultural Classroom: Self-Narrative as a Pedagogical Tool
(Un)Safe as Houses: Gender, Memory and National Trauma in American Haunted House Novels of the Late Twentieth and Twenty-First Century
"Goddesses of Night": Deviant Women in the Gothic