*open access
Amur, A., B. Wadzuk, and R. Traver. 2024. “Exploring Storm Intensities and the Implications on Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design.” Hydrological Processes, 38 (11).
Chen, G., Y. Li, K. M. Sample-Lord, and S. Tong. 2023. “Analytical evaluation of steady-state solute distribution in through-diffusion and membrane behavior test under non-perfectly flushing boundary conditions.” Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
*Cook, L. M., K. D. Good, M. Moretti, P. Kremer, B. Wadzuk, R. Traver, and V. Smith. 2024. “Towards the intentional multifunctionality of urban green infrastructure: a paradox of choice?” npj Urban Sustainability, 4 (12).
*Ermagun, Alireza, Smith, Virginia, Janatabadi, Fatemeh. 2024. “High urban flood risk and no shelter access disproportionally impacts vulnerable communities in the USA.” Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 5 (2).
*Fathi, M. M., V. Smith, A. G. Awadallah, A. M. Fernandes, M. T. Hren, and D. O. Terry. 2024. “Constructing Long-Term Hydrographs for River Climate-Resilience: A Novel Approach for Studying Centennial to Millennial River Behavior.” Water Resources Research, 60 (10).
Fathi, M. M., L. Zihan, A. M. Fernandes, M. T. Hren, D. O. Terry, C. Nataraj, and V. Smith. 2024. “Spatiotemporal flood depth and velocity dynamics using a convolutional neural network within a sequential Deep-Learning framework.” Environmental Modeling and Software, 185.
Forgione, E., G. K. Felton, A. H. Aydilek, and A. P. Davis. 2024. “Hydrologic Performance of Vegetated Compost Blankets for Highway Stormwater Management.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 10 (3).
Kwak, N., V. Smith, and K. Good. 2024. “Assessing the influence of green stormwater infrastructure implemented for combined sewer overflow control on urban streamflows.” Journal of Hydrology, 640.
*Lesmes, J. A. M., V. B. Smith, A. L. Welker, and S. J. Kemp. 2024. “Geomorphic Signature of Urbanization: An Analysis of Four Streams in Southeastern Pennsylvania, USA.” River Research and Applications.
*Mehedi, M. A. A., S. Saki, K. Patel, C. Shen, S. Cohen, V. Smith, A. Rajib, E. Anagnostou, T. Bindas, and K. Lawson. 2024. “Spatiotemporal Variability of Channel Roughness and its Substantial Impacts on Flood Modeling Errors.” Earth’s Future, 12 (7).
*Orebiyi, M. A., L. Moore, S. Jones, and V. Smith. 2024. “Identifying parameters impacting WASH STEM education across the globe.” Environmental Research Letters.
Pastore, K., M. Shakya, A. Hess, K. Sample-Lord, and G. Clayton. 2024. “Particle Swarm Optimization for Inverse Modeling of Soils in Urban Green Stormwater Infrastructure Sites.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 10 (2).
Scolio, M., P. Kremer, V. Smith, A. Amur, B. Wadzuk, K. Homet, E. Devlin, M. A. Al Mehedi, and L. Moore. 2024. “Delineating Urban Flooding When Incorporating Community Stormwater Knowledge.” SSRN, 28.
Wang, Y., and K. Good. 2024. “Microplastics and PFAS air-water interaction and deposition.” Science of The Total Environment, 954.
*Abdullah Al Mehedi, M., Amur, A., Metcalf, J., McGauley, M., Smith, V., and Wadzuk, B. 2023. “Predicting the performance of green stormwater infrastructure using multivariate long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network.” Journal of Hydrology, 130076.
*Chen, G., Y. Li, K. M. Sample-Lord, and S. Tong. 2023. “Analytical evaluation of steady-state solute distribution in through-diffusion and membrane behavior test under non-perfectly flushing boundary conditions.” Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
*Dager, C. H., Morro, R. H., Hubler, J. F., and K. M. Sample-Lord. 2023. “Review of Geotechnical Properties of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement for Reuse in Infrastructure.” Geotechnics, 3 (1): 21–42.
*Good, K. D., C. Kolb, and J. M. VanBriesen. 2023. “Role of Refined Coal Use in Power Plant Effects on Downstream Drinking Water Quality.” Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 10 (3): 260–266.
*M. W. McGauley, A. Amur, M. Shakya, and B. M. Wadzuk. 2023. “A Complete Water Balance of a Rain Garden.” American Geophysical Union’s Water Resources Research, 59 (12).
M. Jerez, Lesmes A., Welker, Andrea L., Kemp, Stanley J., and Smith, Virginia B. 2023. “Effect of Human Mobility Changes due to COVID-19 on Stream Water Quality in Watersheds with Different Predominant Land Uses.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE, 149 (10).
Richard Ampomah, Danielle Holt, Cole Smith, Virginia Smith, Kristin Sample-Lord, and Jonathan Nyquist. 2023. “Modeling bioinfiltration surface dynamics through a hybrid geomorphic-infiltration model.” Journal of Blue-Green Systems, 5 (2): 152.
*Shakya, M., A. Hess, B. M. Wadzuk, and R. G. Traver. 2023. “A Soil Moisture Profile Conceptual Framework to Identify Water Availability and Recovery in Green Stormwater Infrastructure.” Hydrology 2023, 10 (10).
Sokolovskaya, N., C. Vaughn, H. Jahangiri, V. Smith, B. Wadzuk, A. Ebrahimian, and J. Nyquist. 2023. “Variability of urban drainage area delineation and runoff calculation with topographic resolution and rainfall volume.” Water Science and Technology, 87 (6): 1349–1366.
*Welker, Andrea, Baghalian, Sara, Farnsworth, Megan, and Traver, Robert. 2023. “Quantitative Analysis of the Water Budget of a Rain Garden in Pennsylvania.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 10 (2).
Amur, A., B. Wadzuk, and R. Traver. 2022. “A 15-year analysis of precipitation and rain garden response.” Hydrological Processes, 36 (11).
Ebrahimian, Ali and Wadzuk, Bridget. 2022. “Multicriteria Prioritization of Research Needs in Urban Green Stormwater Infrastructure.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 8 (4).
Hess, A., B. Wadzuk, and A. Welker. 2022. “Evapotranspiration Void Space Accounting Method.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 149 (1): 04022047. American Society of Civil Engineers.
*Holt, D., V. Reis, R. Ampomah, C. Smith, V. Smith, K. Sample-Lord, A. Welker, and R. Traver. 2022. “Underperformance Assessment Framework for Bioinfiltration Systems.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 8 (3): 04022007.
Homet, K., P. Kremer, V. Smith, R. Ampomah, and S. M. Strader. 2022. “Mapping Predicted Areas of Common Maintenance Impacts to Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 8 (3): 05022003.
Homet, K., P. Kremer, V. Smith, and S. Strader. 2022. “Multi-variable assessment of green stormwater infrastructure planning across a city landscape: Incorporating social, environmental, built- environment, and maintenance vulnerabilities.” Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.
Hosseiny, H., R. Ampomah, M. Fares, A. Cotugno, B. Wadzuk, and V. Smith. 2022. “An Ensemble of Methods for Determining the Efficiency of Curb Inlets for Green Stormwater Infrastructure.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 9 (1): 04022020. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Khosravi, M., S. Baghalian, A. L. Welker, and M. Golub. 2022. “Using Machine Learning to Improve Performance of a Low-Cost Real-Time Stormwater Control Measure.” Preprints, (2022110519).
Krasowski, D. T., and B. Wadzuk. 2022. “A Method to Assess Plant Behavior in Green Stormwater Infrastructure.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 8 (3): 06022001.
Li, Z., R. Jorn, P. R. V. Samonte, J. Mao, J. D. Sivey, J. J. Pignatello, and W. Xu. 2022. “Surface-catalyzed hydrolysis by pyrogenic carbonaceous matter and model polymers: An experimental and computational study on functional group and pore characteristics.” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 319.
Marks, N. K., H. Hosseiny, V. P. Bill, K. L. Ahn, M. C. Crimmins, P. Kremer, and V. B. Smith. 2022. “Spatial Integration of Urban Runoff Modeling, Heat, and Social Vulnerability for Blue-Green Infrastructure Planning and Management.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148 (11): 05022007. American Society of Civil Engineers.
*Mehedi, M. A. A., V. Smith, H. Hosseiny, and X. Jiao. 2022. “Unraveling the complexities of urban fluvial flood hydraulics through AI.” Sci Rep, 12 (1): 18738. Nature Publishing Group.
Mohammed, W., and A. L. Welker. 2022. “Hydrologic Performance of a Multicell Vegetated Basin with Different Soil and Outlet Structure Characteristics.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 8 (3).
*Mueller, T., J. Komlos, C. Lewellyn, A. Welker, R. G. Traver, and B. M. Wadzuk. 2022. “Field-Scale Analysis of a Stormwater Infiltration Trench’s Failure Mechanisms.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 8 (1): 04021025.
Rahman, S. A. B., K. Sample-Lord, and G. L. Bohnhoff. 2022. “Advancing the State-of-the-Art in Bentonite Barrier Research: Measuring Membrane Behavior and Diffusion at Elevated Temperatures.” Geo-Congress 2022, 100–110.
*Smith, V. B., M. W. McGauley, M. Newman, A. Garzio-Hadzick, A. Kurzweil, B. M. Wadzuk, and R. Traver. 2022. “A Relational Data Model for Advancing Stormwater Infrastructure Management.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 9 (1): 04022023. American Society of Civil Engineers.
*Tong, S., and K. M. Sample-Lord. 2022. “Coupled solute transport through a polymer-enhanced bentonite.” Soils and Foundations, 62 (6): 101235.
Ampomah, R., H. Hosseiny, S. Stoolmiller, M. Fares, V. Smith, and B. Wadzuk. 2021. “Three- Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Urban Green Stormwater Infrastructure Curb Inlets.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147 (9).
*Cotugno, A., V. Smith, T. Baker, and R. Srinivasan. 2021. “A Framework for Calculating Peak Discharge and Flood Inundation in Ungauged Urban Watersheds Using Remotely Sensed Precipitation Data: A Case Study in Freetown, Sierra Leone.” Remote Sensing, 13 (19): 3806.
Crimmins, M., S. Park, V. Smith, and P. Kremer. 2021. “A spatial assessment of high-resolution drainage characteristics and roadway safety during wet conditions.” Applied Geography, 133: 102477.
Ebrahimian, A., N. Sokolovskaya, and B. Wadzuk. 2021. “Modeling dynamic performance of urban infiltration trench systems: Methodology and a case study in Philadelphia.” Journal of Hydrology, 594: 125938.
Hess, A., B. Wadzuk, and A. Welker. 2021. “Evapotranspiration estimation in rain gardens using soil moisture sensors.” Vadose Zone Journal, 20 (1): e20100.
*Hosseiny, H., H. Cao, V. Smith, and W. Xu. 2021. “Unraveling the Transport and Fate of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Through Coupling Fluvial Geomorphic Modeling and Measured Data.” Front. Water, 0.
*Krasowski, D. T., B. Wadzuk, and B. Jacko. 2021. “Feasibility of using an energy balance to measure evapotranspiration in green stormwater infrastructure.” PLOS ONE, 16 (2): e0246286.
Liu, X., A. Fleischer, and G. Feng. 2021. “Nanoencapsulated Lauric Acid with a Poly(methyl methacrylate) Shell for Thermal Energy Storage with Optimum Capacity and Reliability.” ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 3 (5): 2341–2351.
Malusis, M., A. Dominijanni, J. Scalia, N. Guarena, K. Sample-Lord, G. Bohnhoff, C. Shackelford, and M. Manassero. 2021. “Assessing the influence of chemico-osmosis on solute transport in bentonite membranes based on combined phenomenological and physical modeling.” Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 9 (2): 37–44.
Nichols, W., A. Welker, R. Traver, and M. “Peter” Tu. 2021. “Modeling Seasonal Performance of Operational Urban Rain Garden Using HYDRUS-1D.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 7 (3): 04021005.
Sample-Lord, K., G. Bohnhoff, J. Scalia, and M. Malusis. 2021. “Comparison of coupled solute flux through sodium- and enhanced-bentonite barriers leveraging two decades of experimental data.” Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 9 (2): 1–7.
Sample-Lord, K., G. Bohnhoff, and P. Gallagher. 2021. “Resources to Enhance the Geotechnical Educational Experience.” GeoStrata Magazine Archive, 24 (6).
Sample-Lord, K. M., M. Ahmed, and M. A. Malusis. 2021. “Diffusion through soil-bentonite backfill from a constructed vertical cutoff wall.” Soils and Foundations.
Smith, C., R. Connolly, R. Ampomah, A. Hess, K. Sample-Lord, and V. Smith. 2021. “Temporal Soil Dynamics in Bioinfiltration Systems.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147 (11): 04021053.
Strauss, M., and B. Wadzuk. 2021. “Predictive Maintenance of Stormwater Infrastructure Using Internet-of-Things Technology.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 148 (2): 04021084.
*Wadzuk, B., B. Gile, V. Smith, A. Ebrahimian, M. Strauss, and R. Traver. 2021. “Moving Toward Dynamic and Data-Driven GSI Maintenance.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 7 (4): 02521003.
*Wadzuk, B., B. Gile, V. Smith, A. Ebrahimian, and R. Traver. 2021. “Call for a Dynamic Approach to GSI Maintenance.” J. Sustainable Water Built Environ., 7 (2): 02521001.
Wadzuk, B., T. DelVecchio, K. Sample-Lord, M. Ahmed, and A. Welker. 2021. “Nutrient Removal in Rain Garden Lysimeters with Different Soil Types.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 7 (1): 04020018.
*Yesiller, N., J. L. Hanson, K. M. Sample-Lord, and S. Tong. 2021. “Membrane behavior of an exhumed geosynthetic clay liner – preliminary analysis.” JGS Special Publication, 9 (2): 49– 54.
*Ampomah, R., H. Hosseiny, L. Zhang, V. Smith, and K. Sample-Lord. 2020. “A Regression-Based Prediction Model of Suspended Sediment Yield in the Cuyahoga River in Ohio Using Historical Satellite Images and Precipitation Data.” Water, 12 (3): 881.
Crimmins M., Park S., McCarthy L., and Smith V. 2020. “Exploring the Application of LiDAR for Flooded Roadway Management.” International Conference on Transportation and Development 2019, Proceedings, 36–45.
Crookston B. M., Smith V. B., Welker A., and Campbell D. B. 2020. “Teaching Hydraulic Design: Innovative Learning in the Classroom and the Workplace.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146 (3): 04020006.
*Godschall, S., V. Smith, J. Hubler, and P. Kremer. 2020. “A Decision Process for Optimizing Multi-Hazard Shelter Location Using Global Data.” Sustainability, 12 (15): 6252.
Hosseiny, H., F. Nazari, V. Smith, and C. Nataraj. 2020. “A Framework for Modeling Flood Depth Using a Hybrid of Hydraulics and Machine Learning.” Scientific Reports, 10 (1): 8222.
*Hosseiny, H., M. Crimmins, V. B. Smith, and P. Kremer. 2020. “A Generalized Automated Framework for Urban Runoff Modeling and Its Application at a Citywide Landscape.” Water, 12 (2): 357.
Martin, R. M., S. Carvajal Sanchez, A. L. Welker, and J. Komlos. 2020. “Thermal Effects of Stormwater Control Measures on a Receiving Headwater Stream.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 7 (1).
Mohammed Wessam and Welker Andrea L. 2020. “Impact of Soil Compaction on Vegetated Basin Transition.” Geo-Congress 2020, Proceedings, 256–264.
*Sample-Lord, K. M., Tong, Shan, and Bohnhoff, Gretchen L. 2020. “Diffusion through sodium and polymer enhanced bentonites exposed to dilute and aggressive solutions.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
*Sample-Lord, K. M., W. Zhang, S. Tong, and C. D. Shackelford. 2019. “Apparent salt diffusion coefficients for soil–bentonite backfills.” Can. Geotech. J., 57 (5): 623–634.
*Tu, M., B. Wadzuk, and R. Traver. 2020. “Methodology to simulate unsaturated zone hydrology in Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) for green infrastructure design and evaluation.” PLOS ONE, 15 (7): e0235528.
*Tu, M., J. S. Caplan, S. W. Eisenman, and B. M. Wadzuk. 2020. “When Green Infrastructure Turns Grey: Plant Water Stress as A Consequence of Overdesign in A Tree Trench System.” Water, 12 (2): 573.
Xu, W., M. L. Segall, and Z. Li. 2020. “Reactivity of Pyrogenic Carbonaceous Matter (PCM) in mediating environmental reactions: Current knowledge and future trends.” Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 14 (5): 86.
Xu, X., J. D. Sivey, and W. Xu. 2020. “Black carbon-enhanced transformation of dichloroacetamide safeners: Role of reduced sulfur species.” Science of The Total Environment, 738: 139908.
Zhu, L., J. Lang, D. Zhou, Q. Wu, and B. Li. 2020. “Fluid-Assisted Sorted Assembly of Graphene on Polymer.” Langmuir, 36 (20): 5608–5617.
Crimmins M., Park S., McCarthy L., and Smith V. 2019. “Exploring the Application of LiDAR for Flooded Roadway Management.” International Conference on Transportation and Development 2019, Proceedings, 36–45.
Delvecchio, T., A. Welker, and B. M. Wadzuk. 2019. “Exploration of Volume Reduction via Infiltration and Evapotranspiration for Different Soil Types in Rain Garden Lysimeters.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6 (1).
Ebrahimian, A., B. Wadzuk, and R. Traver. 2019. “Evapotranspiration in green stormwater infrastructure systems.” Science of The Total Environment, 688: 797–810.
*Ebrahimian, A., K. Sample‐Lord, B. Wadzuk, and R. Traver. 2019. “Temporal and spatial variation of infiltration in urban green infrastructure.” Hydrological Processes, 34 (4): 1016– 1034.
Hess Amanda, Wadzuk Bridget, and Welker Andrea. 2019. “Predictive Evapotranspiration Equations in Rain Gardens.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 145 (7): 04019010.
*Hosseiny, H., and V. Smith. 2019. “Two-Dimensional Model for Backwater Geomorphology: Darby Creek, PA.” Water, 11 (11): 2204.
Lewellyn Conor and Wadzuk Bridget. 2019. “Risk-Based Methodology for Evaluation of Bioinfiltration Design and Performance.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 5 (1): 04018014.
Sample-Lord, K. M., W. Zhang, S. Tong, and C. D. Shackelford. 2019. “Apparent salt diffusion coefficients for soil–bentonite backfills.” Can. Geotech. J., 57 (5): 623–634.
*Smith, V., J. Mason, and D. Mohrig. 2019. “Reach-scale changes in channel geometry and dynamics due to the coastal backwater effect: the lower Trinity River, Texas.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Tu Min-Cheng and Traver Robert G. 2019. “Optimal Configuration of an Underdrain Delivery System for a Stormwater Infiltration Trench.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 145 (8): 05019007.
Tu Min-Cheng and Traver Robert. 2019. “Water Table Fluctuation from Green Infrastructure Sidewalk Planters in Philadelphia.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 145 (2): 05018008.
*Tu, M.-C., and R. Traver. 2019. “Performance of a hydraulically linked and physically decoupled stormwater control measure (SCM) system with potentially heterogeneous native soil.” Water (Switzerland), 11 (7).
Ding, K., C. Byrnes, J. Bridge, A. Grannas, and W. Xu. 2018. “Surface-promoted hydrolysis of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene and 2,4-dinitroanisole on pyrogenic carbonaceous matter.” Chemosphere, 197: 603–610.
Komlos John, Vacca Kaitlin, and Wadzuk Bridget. 2018. “Phosphate Retention in a Constructed Stormwater Wetland with Low Total Suspended Solids Concentrations.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 4 (1): 04017017.
Park Seri, Smith Virginia, Saldutti Thomas, and Zoccoli Nicholas. 2018. “Exploring Spatial Relationship between Roadway Safety and Wet Condition Risk Factors Based on Systemic Safety Analysis Approach.” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 24 (4): 04018025.
*Tu, M.-C., and R. Traver. 2018. “Clogging Impacts on Distribution Pipe Delivery of Street Runoff to an Infiltration Bed.” Water, 10 (8): 1045.
Tu Min-Cheng and Traver Robert. 2018. “Water Table Fluctuation from Green Infrastructure Sidewalk Planters in Philadelphia.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 145 (2): 05018008.
*Zarzar, C. M., H. Hosseiny, R. Siddique, M. Gomez, V. Smith, A. Mejia, and J. Dyer. 2018. “A Hydraulic MultiModel Ensemble Framework for Visualizing Flood Inundation Uncertainty.” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 54 (4): 807–819.
Barr Catherine M., Gallagher Patricia M., Wadzuk Bridget M., and Welker Andrea L. 2017. “Water Quality Impacts of Green Roofs Compared with Other Vegetated Sites.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 3 (3): 04017007.
Hess Amanda, Wadzuk Bridget, and Welker Andrea. 2017. “Evapotranspiration in Rain Gardens Using Weighing Lysimeters.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 143 (6): 04017004.
*Sample-Lord, K. M., and C. D. Shackelford. 2017. “Apparatus for Measuring Coupled Membrane and Diffusion Behavior of Unsaturated Sodium Bentonite.” Vadose Zone Journal, 16 (9).
Sample-Lord Kristin M. and Shackelford Charles D. 2017. “Membrane Behavior of Unsaturated Sodium Bentonite.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 144 (1): 04017102.
Smith, V. B., and D. Mohrig. 2017. “Geomorphic signature of a dammed Sandy River: The lower Trinity River downstream of Livingston Dam in Texas, USA.” Geomorphology, 297: 122– 136.
Traver, R. G., and A. Ebrahimian. 2017. “Dynamic design of green stormwater infrastructure.” Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 11 (4): 15.
Wadzuk Bridget M., Lewellyn Conor, Lee Ryan, and Traver Robert G. 2017. “Green Infrastructure Recovery: Analysis of the Influence of Back-to-Back Rainfall Events.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 3 (1): 04017001.
Garza Pablo R., Welker Andrea, and Rife Sarah. 2016. “Forensic Analyses of Two Failed Rain Gardens in a Tract Development in Glasgow, Delaware.” Geoenvironmental Engineering, Proceedings, 60– 68.
Lee Ryan S., Traver Robert G., and Welker Andrea L. 2016. “Evaluation of Soil Class Proxies for Hydrologic Performance of In Situ Bioinfiltration Systems.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 2 (4): 04016003.
Sample-Lord Kristin M. and Shackelford Charles D. 2016. “Solute Diffusion in Bentonite Pastes.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 142 (8): 04016033.
Zaremba Gerald J., Traver Robert G., and Wadzuk Bridget M. 2016. “Impact of Drainage on Green Roof Evapotranspiration.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 142 (7): 04016022.
Fassman-Beck Elizabeth, Hunt William, Berghage Robert, Carpenter Donald, Kurtz Timothy, Stovin Virginia, and Wadzuk Bridget. 2015. “Curve Number and Runoff Coefficients for Extensive Living Roofs.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 21 (3):04015073.
Lee, Ryan S., Welker, Andrea L., and Traver, Robert G. 2015. “Modeling Soil Matrix Hydraulic Properties for Variably Saturated Hydrologic Analysis.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment Volume, 2 (2).
Lewellyn Conor, Lyons Cara E., Traver Robert G., and Wadzuk Bridget M. 2015. “Evaluation of Seasonal and Large Storm Runoff Volume Capture of an Infiltration Green Infrastructure System.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 21 (1): 04015047.
Pluimer Michael, McCarthy Leslie, Welker Andrea, and Musselman Eric. 2015. “Evaluation of Corrugated HDPE Pipes Manufactured with Recycled Content underneath Railroads.” Pipelines 2015, Proceedings, 553–563.
Dovel Erin L., Kemp Stanley J., and Welker Andrea L. 2014. “Predicting Ecological Effects of Watershed-Wide Rain Garden Implementation Using a Low-Cost Methodology.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 141 (3): 04014063.
Nemirovsky Evgeny M., Lee Ryan S., and Welker Andrea L. 2014. “Vertical and Lateral Extent of the Influence of a Rain Garden on the Water Table.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 141 (3): 04014053.
Wadzuk Bridget M., Hickman John M., and Traver Robert G. 2014. “Understanding the Role of Evapotranspiration in Bioretention: Mesocosm Study.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 1 (2): 04014002.
Ali, H., L. M. McCarthy, and A. Welker. 2013. “Performance of hot in-place recycled Superpave mixtures in Florida.” Construction and Building Materials, 49: 618– 626.
Flynn, K. M., and R. G. Traver. 2013. “Green infrastructure life cycle assessment: A bio-infiltration case study.” Ecological Engineering, 55: 9–22.
Gaitan, L., Y. Mehta, A. Nolan, E. Dubois, S. Coffey, L. Mccarthy, and A. Welker. 2013. “Evaluation of the Degree of Blending and Polymer Degradation of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) for Warm Mix Asphalt.” The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 39: 101–113.
Jones Gerrad David and Wadzuk Bridget Marie. 2013. “Predicting Performance for Constructed Storm-Water Wetlands.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139 (11): 1158–1164.
Komlos John and Traver Robert G. 2012. “Long-Term Orthophosphate Removal in a Field-Scale Storm-Water Bioinfiltration Rain Garden.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 138 (10): 991– 998.
Komlos John, Welker Andrea, Punzi Vito, and Traver Robert. 2013. “Feasibility Study of As-Received and Modified (Dried/Baked) Water Treatment Plant Residuals for Use in Storm-Water Control Measures.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139 (10): 1237–1245.
Lee Ryan S., Traver Robert G., and Welker Andrea L. 2013. “Continuous Modeling of Bioinfiltration Storm-Water Control Measures Using Green and Ampt.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 139 (12): 1004–1010.
Welker, A., L. Mandarano, K. Greising, and K. Mastrocola. 2013. “Application of a Monitoring Plan for Storm-Water Control Measures in the Philadelphia Region.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139 (8).
Wadzuk Bridget M., Schneider Dominik, Feller Meghan, and Traver Robert G. 2013. “Evapotranspiration from a Green-Roof Storm-Water Control Measure.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 139 (12): 995–1003.
Komlos John and Traver Robert G. 2012. “Long-Term Orthophosphate Removal in a Field-Scale Storm-Water Bioinfiltration Rain Garden.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 138 (10): 991– 998.
Nemirovsky, E. M., A. L. Welker, and R. Lee. 2012. “Quantifying Evaporation from Pervious Concrete Systems: Methodology and Hydrologic Perspective.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 139 (4).
Welker, A. L., J. K. Gilbert Jenkins, L. Mccarthy, and E. Nemirovsky. 2012. “Examination of the Material Found in the Pore Spaces of Two Permeable Pavements.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 139 (4).
Aimino, Jacqueline Ann, 2021, The Effect of Record Length and Duration on Continuous Modeling to Design Stormwater Control Measures
Albright, Cara, 2018, Resilience Strategies for Climate, Hyrdology, and Urban Green Infrastructure
Hess, Amanda, 2017, Rain Garden Evapotranspiration Accounting
Emerson, Clay, 2008, Evaluation of Infiltration Practices as a Means to Control Stormwater Runoff
Erben, Jessica Nicole, 2023, Investigating Sediment Advection in Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Lutz, Carleigh, 2023, Integrating Sediment Compatibility into SMP Media Design
McPheter, Courtney Eve, 2023, Early Evaluation of Rehabilitated Rain Gardens and Monitoring Optimization Via Sampling Interval Modifications
Rahman, Mahmid Saminur, 2023, Quantifying the Performance of Multiple Green Stormwater Infrastructure as a Single System
Dager, Catherine Helen, 2022, Beneficial Reuse of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in Geotechnical Infrastructure
Heffernan, Shaelynn Marie, 2022, Modeling the Hydraulic Function of Urban Drainage Area Design to Assess the Effects of Capture Loss on Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Jacko, Brian E., 2022, Scripting Stormwater: Instituting Low-Cost, High-Resolution Measures for the Automation of Aquatic Systems Monitoring
McGauley, Matthew William, 2022, Trials and Tribulations of Establishing the World's Largest Continuous Stormwater Database: Pioneering the Future of Stormwater Data Management and Analysis
Metcalf, Jessica Denise, 2022, Monitored Rain Garden Case Study Comparison to Continuous Simulation and Design Storm Methodology for Water Quality and Quantity
Starkey, Richard John, Jr., 2022, Assessing Flooding in Urban Landscapes
Campagnola, Gabrielle, 2021, Analyzing the Long-Term Performance of a Constructed Stormwater Wetland and Investigating Potential Techniques to Increase Performance
Zakaria, Abdul-Rashid, 2021, Understanding the Impact of Nutrients and Fines Accumulation and Distribution on Stormwater Rain Garden Performance
Fares, Madhat, 2021, Analysis of Curb Cut Designs in Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Operation and Maintenance of GSI
Galloway, Danielle, 2020, Stormwater Rain Garden Performance: Investigating Under Performing Systems and the Influence of Modeling Techniques and Design Assumptions
Krasowski, Devin, 2020, Exploring Alternative Methods for Approximating Evapotranspiration for Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Martin, Rebecca, 2020, Biological Health of Streams in Relation to Flashiness, Temperature and Chlorides
McKane, Ian, 2020, Temporal Trends in Infiltration, Soil Texture, and Nutrient Accumulation in Rain Gardens
Connolly, Rebecca, 2019, Temporal Rain Garden Soil Dynamics
Jackson, Andrew D., 2019, Exploring Surface and Subsurface Physical/Biogeochemical Pathways Within a Constructed Stormwater Wetland
Jahangiri, Humaira Monowara, 2019, An Automated Method for Delineating Drainage Areas of Green Stormwater Infrastructures using GIS
Kugel, James, 2019, Evaluating Stream Health with a Focus on Temperature and Conductivity Data
Orebiyi, Mark, 2019, Identifying Improvement of Water Resources STEM Education across the Globe
Press, James D., 2019, Determining the Minimum Number of Single Ring Infiltration Tests Required to Reliably Predict Performance of a Rain Garden
Reis, Victoria, 2019, Techniques for Investigating Causes of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Underperformance and Recommendations for Rehabilitation
Ryan, Michael, 2019, Dynamic Green Infrastructure: Monitoring Long-term Changes and Improving Performance with Real-time Control and Machine Learning
Stoolmiller, Sarah, 2019, Analysis and Modeling of Philadelphia Green Stormwater Infrastructure Curb Openings
Vaughn, Casey, 2019, Determining an Optimal DEM Resolution and Evaluating Low Impact Redevelopment Through Field Monitoring and LiDAR
Ahmed, Mustaki, 2018, Transport Properties of Soil-benonite Backfills and Rain Garden Soils for Choloride and Phosphorus
Calt, Elizabeth, 2018, Comparing the hydrologic performance of a linear cascading bioswale traditional bioinfiltration in a highly urbanized setting
Carambelas, Emily, 2018, Monitoring Effectiveness of SCM on Reversing Deteriorated Stream Functions in an Urban Setting
Carvajal Sancez, Sergio, 2018, Thermal Effects of Rain Gardens at the Headwaters of the Jenkintown Creek in Pennsylvania
Nichols, Wiliam, 2018, Modeling Performance of an Operational Urban Rain Garden Using HYDRUS-1D
Schmidt, Nora, 2018, Bioswale Modeling in a Transitive Urban Transportation Setting: Green Infrastructure Instrumentation, Challenges, and Lessons Learned
Bryant, Seth, 2017, Modeling and Evaluation of Real-Time Controlled Green Infrastructure
Butwill, Samantha, 2017, Analysis of a Flow Regime: Understanding the Effectiveness of the Headwaters Approach to Restoration and Investigating how an Imperfect Rain Gauge Influences that Understanding
DelVecchio, Taylor, 2017, Evaluating Soil Type and Flow Path for the Optimal Balance of Infiltration and Evapotranspiration in Vegetated Stormwater Control Measures to Achieve Maximum Volume and Pollutant Removal
Farnsworth, Megan, 2017, Investigation of the Hydrologic Budget within a Rain Garden
Molina, Stephanie, 2017, A Retrospective Analysis of a Constructed Stormwater Wetlands
Muller, Tobias, 2017, Forensic Analysis of an Aged Infiltration Trench and Evaluation of Its Retrofit
Montano Valdez, Jhoanna, 2016, Fate and Transport of Algae in a Constructed Stormwater Wetland
Rife, Sara, 2016, An evaluation of chloride movement at a rain garden
Rindosh, Stephanie, 2016, An analysis of hydraulic monitoring equipment for inflow and outflow structures in urban SCMs
Barr, Catherine, 2015, Water Quality Impacts of a Green Roof in Comparison to Other Land Uses
Forgione, Erica, 2015, The Fate and Transport of Chloride in a Constructed Stormwater Wetland
Chase, Maggie, 2015, The Design and Implementation of a Green Roof Shelter Research Site
Lewellyn, Conor, 2015, A Hydrologic Evaluation of Pretreatment and Variations in Seasonal and Large Storm Performance of Infiltrating Stormwater Control Measures
Neptune, Ashley, 2015, Evaluating the Performance of a Constructed Stormwater Wetland as a Green Infrastructure Solution
Zaremba, Jerry, 2015, Evapotranspiration Measurement and Modeling for a Green Roof System
Hess, Amanda, 2014, Monitoring of Evapotranspiration and Infiltration in Rain Garden Designs
Rogers, Jaclyn, 2013, A Modeling Approach to the Performance of an Infiltration SCM Design and the Potential Implications of Climate Change
Jawando, Wuraola, 2013, Effects of surface termination of boron-doped diamond anodes on oxidation of aqueous compounds
Lord, Laura, 2013, Evaluation of Nitrogen Removal and Fate Within a Bioinfiltration Stormwater Control Measure
Lyons, Cara, 2013, Implementation and Evaluation of Stormwater Control Measures in Series
Rinker, Matthew, 2013, Evaluating Nutrient Removal and Hydraulic Efficiency in a Free Water Surface Flow Constructed Stormwater Wetland
Feller, Meghan, 2011, Quantifying Evapotranspiration in Green Infrastructure: A Green Roof Case Study
Figdore, Bryce, 2011, Simulation of Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Waterwater Solids with Competitive Aceticlastic Methanogen Model Structure
Flynn, KM, 2011, Evaluation of Green Infrastructure Practices
Greising, Kathryn L., 2011, The Application of an Integrated Monitoring Plan on Stormwater Control Measures
Hickmank, John, 2011, Evaluating the Role of Evapotranspiration in the Hydrology of Bioinfiltration and Bioretention Basins Using Weighing Lysimeters
Lee, Ryan, 2011, Modeling Infiltration in a Stormwater Control Measure Using Modified Green and AMPT
Nemirovsky, Evgeny, 2011, Evaporation from a Pervious Concrete Stormwater SCM: Estimating the Quantity and its Role in the Yearly Water Budget
Pittman, James J., 2011, Urban Hydrology Modeling with EPA’s Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) and Analysis of Water Quality in a Newly Constructed Stormwater Wetland
Schneider, Dominik, 2011, Quantifying Evapotranspiration from a Green Roof Analytically
Barbis, James, 2009, A Side-by-Side Water Quality Comparison of Pervious Concrete and Porous Asphalt, and an Investigation into the Effects of Underground Infiltration Basins on Stormwater Temperature
Benford, Hans M., 2009, Continuous Simulation of an Infiltration Trench Best Management Practice
Jeffers, Patrick A., 2009, Water Quantity Comparison of Pervious Concrete and Porous Asphalt Products for Infiltration Best Management Practices
Machusick, Matthew, 2009, The Observed Effects of Stormwater Infiltration on Groundwater
Hankins, Krista, 2008, An Integrated Monitoring Plan for Best Management Practices
Isaac Ricketts, Keisha, 2008, A Soil Profile Characterization of a Bioinfiltration BMP
Tokarz, Erika, 2008, Pollutant Removal Efficiency of Three Infiltration BMPs during Storm Events
Batroney, Tom, 2007, The Implications of the First Flush Phenomenon on Infiltration BMP Design
Burke, Erin, 2007, An Examination of the Effect of Plant Destiny on Low Reynolds Number Flow in a Wetland
Vanacore, Megan, 2007, An Infiltration Model of an Underground Rock Storage Bed Infiltration BMP
Braga, Andrea, 2005, An Infiltration Analysis of the Villanova Porous Concrete Infiltration Basin BMP
Dean, Erika, 2005, A Hydrologic Analysis of an Infiltration Trench Best Management Practice
Ermilio, Jordan, 2005, Characterization Study of a Bio-Infiltration Stormwater BMP
Woodruff, Greggory, 2005, Pollutant Removal Efficiency and Sesonal Variation of a Stormwater Wetland BMP
Kwiatkowski, Michael, 2004, Water Quality Study of a Porous Concrete Infiltration Basin Best Management Practice
Ladd, Tyler, 2004, Water Quality Study of a Porous Concrete Infiltration Basin Best Management Practice
Rea, Matthew, 2004, Pollutant Removal Efficiency of a Stormwater Wetland BMP during Baseflow and Storm Events
Adeleke, D., S. A. B. Rahman, V. Chanez, J. Springer, S. Burghardt, K. Sample-Lord, G. Bohnhoff, and J. Hubler. (2023, March 26-29). Solute diffusion through bentonite-polymer composites for containment applications. 2023 Geo-Congress: Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions from the Ground Up – Soil Improvements, Geoenvironmental, and Sustainability. Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Burns, M., A. Hess, J. Komlos, A. Welker, and K. Good. (2023, May 21-24). Field Monitoring of Internal Water Storage for a Bioinfiltration Rain Garden at Stream Headwaters. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Henderson, NV.
Sample-Lord, K. M., Bohnhoff, G., S. Tong, D. Adeleke, and B. Sayed Arafat Rahman. (2023, June). Advances in solute diffusion through bentonite polymer composites. 9th International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics. Chania, Greece.
Zhang, S., Amur, A., Olson, Emma, Kremer, P., Jiao, X., Smith, V., and Wadzuk, B. (2023, October 12-15). Leveraging Machine Learning to Understand Green Stormwater Infrastructure Performance Risks. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), Radnor, PA, USA.
Adeleke, D., Springer, J., Chanez, V., Sample-Lord, K., Rahman, S. A. B., & Bohnhoff, G. L. (2022, December 12-16). Effects of Temperature and Ionic Strength on Diffusion and Swell Behavior of Bentonite for Contaminant Barrier Applications. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.
Rahman, M. S., B. Wadzuk, and K. Sample-Lord. (2022, December 12-16). Impacts of Soil Classification Method in Choosing Media for Rain Garden. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.
Welker, A. L., V. Smith, S. Shrestha, and K. M. Sample-Lord. (2022, June 26-29). Including Principles of Sustainability in Design by Implementing the Engineering for One Planet Framework. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Excellence Through Diversity. Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Zakaria, A.-R., V. Smith, and K. Sample-Lord. (2021, December 13-17). Analyzing Surficial and Subsurface Transport of Sediments and Nutrients Using Terrestrial LiDAR Scans, iRIC and Hydrus 1D models. AGU Fall Meeting 2021. New Orleans, LA, USA.
Waters, K. A., J. Hubler, K. M. Sample-Lord, V. Smith, and A. L. Welker. (2021, July). Employing Augmented Reality Throughout a Civil Engineering Curriculum to Promote 3D Visualization Skills. 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, Virtual Conference.
Ampomah, R. O., V. B. Smith, K. Sample-Lord, and C. Smith. (2019, December 9-13). Fate and Influence of Urban Sediment on Green Infrastructure Performance. 2019 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Bohnhoff, G., and K. M. Sample-Lord. (2019, June). Creating a Library of Group Activities that Promote Active Learning in the Undergraduate Soil Mechanics Classroom. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Tampa, FL, USA.
Hosseiny, H., R. O. Ampomah, K. Sample-Lord, and V. Smith. (2019, December 9-13). Untangling the Effects of Complex Urban Development on Channel Morphology: Accounting for an urbanized watershed and a series of dams on Wissahickon Creek, Philadelphia. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Meehan, C., Kumar, S., Pando, M., Coe, J., Gallagher, P., Yerk, W., Getty, P., Sample-Lord, K., Vanderkluysen, L., Swan, R. (2019, March 24-27). Developing an Engineering Geology Field Trip to Enhance Student Learning: A Case Study. 8th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: Geotechnical Materials, Modeling, and Testing. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Meehan, C., Kumar, S., Pando, M., Coe, J., Tong, S., Sample-Lord, K., Bohnhoff, G., Balken, A., Ahmed, M. (2019, March 24-27). Dialysis Method to Measure Diffusion in Sodium and Enhanced Bentonites. 8th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: Geotechnical Materials, Modeling, and Testing. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Meehan, C., Kumar, S., Pando, M., Coe, J., Kugel, J., Carambelas, E., Welker, A., Kemp, S. (2019, March 24-27). Monitoring Stream Geometry at Headwaters in a Densely Developed Watershed. 8th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: Geotechnical Materials, Modeling, and Testing. Geo-Congress 2019: Soil Erosion, Underground Engineering, and Risk Assessment. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Mohammed, W., Welker, A., Press, J. (2019, March 24-27). Effect of Geotechnical Parameters on the Percolation Performance of an Established Rain Garden in Pennsylvania. 8th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: Geotechnical Materials, Modeling, and Testing. Geo-Congress 2019: Geotechnical Materials, Modeling, and Testing. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Rahman, S. A. B., Bohnhoff, G., K. Sample-Lord, K. Wardinski, I. Brietlow, S. Tong, and W. Henning. (2019, December 9-13). Diffusion in Sodium and Enhanced Bentonites at Elevated Temperatures. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Sample-Lord, K., V. Smith, P. Gallagher, and A. Welker. (2019, October). Using Your Campus as a Laboratory: An Adaptable Field Trip on Geomorphology for Engineering Geology. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Tampa, FL, USA.
Carvajal-Sanchez, S., Komlos, J., Welker, A. (2018, June 3-7). Impact of a Rain Garden on the Headwaters of Jenkintown Creek, ASCE EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Farnsworth, M., Welker, A., Traver, R. (2018, June 3-7). Investigation of the Hydrologic Budget within a Rain Garden, ASCE EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Lewellyn, C., Wadzuk, B. (2018, June 3-7). Risk Based Comparison of Green Infrastructure Design Under Present Day and Climate Change Scenarios, ASCE EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Nichols, B., Welker, A., Traver, R., Tu, M. (2018, June 3-7). Modeling Performance of an Operational Urban Rain Garden Using HYDRUS-ID, ASCE EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Traver, R., Wadzuk, B., Schmidt, N., Rindosh, S. (2018, June 3-7). Instrumentation, Lessons Learned, and Benefits from Hydraulic Monitoring of Urban SMPs, ASCE EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Tu, M., Traver, R. (2018, June 3-7). A Simple Methodology to Incorporate Vadoze Zone Mechanism into EPA SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) Model Building, ASCE EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Zaremba, G., Bryant, S., VonAlt, L., Wadzuk, B., Traver, R. (2018, June 3-7). Performance Review of a Real Time Control Equipped Irrigated Green Roof: Comparing Pre-Retrofit, Modeled, and Actual Performance, ASCE EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Welker, A.L., Sample-Lord, K.M., Yost, J.R. (2017, June 25-28). Weaving entrepreneurially minded learning throughout a civil engineering curriculum, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, OH, USA.
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