College of Engineering Announces 2023-2033 Strategic Plan

Villanova University’s College of Engineering has announced a new strategic plan to help guide the College’s resources and focus for the next decade.
Developed with input from across the Villanova Engineering community, the College’s 2023-2033 Strategic Plan identifies areas of strength and opportunities for growth as the College furthers its commitment to igniting change for the greater good.
“The Strategic Plan belongs to our whole community—students, parents, faculty and staff members, alumni, new friends and longtime supporters,” says Michele Marcolongo, PhD, PE, the Drosdick Endowed Dean of Engineering. “The entire Villanova Engineering community will play a role in achieving our goals, enabling us to write the next chapter of the College of Engineering together.”
After a year’s worth of discussions with more than 140 individuals, including faculty, staff, administrators, undergraduate and graduate students and alumni, three themes emerged as key areas of focus: Teaching & Learning; Research & Innovation; and Lifelong Learning & Professional Development. At the heart of these areas was one overarching theme: Culture & Climate.
Throughout the plan’s development process, the College remained guided by Villanova’s Augustinian Catholic values of Veritas, Unitas and Caritas, as well as by the goals and ideals identified in the University’s Rooted. Restless. Strategic Plan.
The COE Strategic Plan will serve as a launching point for the College to focus on its objectives, but it is likely to grow and change over time. Details about the plan, as well as regular status updates, can be found at
“St. Augustine encouraged us to ‘always add some more, always keep on walking, always forge ahead,’” Dean Marcolongo says. “I look forward to working with our community as we shape the future of the College.”