The Villanova University logos may be scaled proportionately to fit everything from directional signage to small brochures. The round crest is the defining element because of its intricate design details. To ensure successful reproduction, the crest should not be reproduced smaller than ½ inch high.
Schools and Colleges Logos
Each of Villanova University’s six colleges (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Villanova School of Business; College of Engineering; M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing; College of Professional Studies and the Villanova University Widger School of Law) has its own individual logo set that falls within the University umbrella. Like the University-level hierarchy, each college-level logo is available in four different configurations. The gallery below reflects the suite of logos available to all of the colleges.

To ensure its integrity and visibility, the Villanova University logo and the Villanova “V” should be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. The logos must be surrounded by an adequate clearspace—in any given format, a space equal in size to the height of the word “University”, as shown below.

Do not place on backgrounds or images that hinder the readability of the logo
Do not place in a shape that could be thought of as part of the logo
Do not use a color for the logo other than Villanova Blue, black, or white
Do not skew, stretch, or tilt
DO not rearrange the elements in the logo
Do not put images on top of the logo
Do not place additional working in a location that will be seen as part of the logo
If you have questions about which mark is most appropriate, please contact the Marketing department at or
610-519-3909, and you will be directed to the appropriate person.