Getting Writing Done
A Workshop Series for Graduate Students
Reaching writing goals can be one of the great challenges of being an academic. Yet, writing is critical to our success. The Getting Writing Done workshop series, previously offered for faculty, has been adapted to focus on strategies for graduate students to become more efficient, satisfied writers. Topics covered include writing myths, imposter syndrome, mentorship, finding time to write, and managing revision.
Session 1 - Overcoming Common Writing Hurdles
This session explores writing hurdles that hold academics back, (challenges such as facing the blank page, editing while writing, dealing with imposter syndrome, insufficient mentorship, having no time/energy to write, etc.) and then presents approaches for re-thinking and overcoming them. We will discuss tips for carving out time to write amidst school and personal obligations and ways to maintain momentum on writing projects. This session also shares habits of prolific scholars and ways to adapt writing practices to implement success strategies.
Thursday, April 11, 2024, noon - 1:00 pm. Register here to receive the zoom link.
Session 2 - Dealing with Rejections, Revisions, and Resubmissions
Rejection is a familiar but discouraging norm for academics as they seek publication and funding. As graduate students professionalize, understanding ways to negotiate negative feedback and maximize revision opportunities can save precious time and emotional resources. This session offers strategies for responding to rejections, revising, and resubmitting publications and proposals.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024, noon - 1:00 pm. Register here to receive the zoom link.