Senior receives innovation award
Villanova’s Center for Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship Announces 2015 Meyer Innovation and Creative Excellence Award Winners
Senior Teresa Yang (center) is joined by Dean Louise Fitzpatrick (left) and Dr. Beth Dowdell, her research mentor, after receiving the Meyer ICE award for innovation.
On April 22, the Center for Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (ICE Center) at the Villanova School of Business (VSB) announced the winners of the annual Meyer Innovation and Creative Excellence (ICE) Awards. Five students were selected to receive this honor: Joanna Schaff ’15 COE, Alyssa Nazar ’15 CLAS, Stephanie Rozalski ’15 VLS, Teresa Yang ’15 CON, and Sergio Rizzuto-Flancbaum ’15 VSB. Hezekiah Lewis, III, M.F.A, assistant professor of film studies, earned the faculty ICE Award.
Teresa, one of two inaugural Davis Undergraduate Summer Nursing Scholars, designed a quantitative pilot study, “Using Technology to Increase the Safety of College Students,” an issue of growing concern all the way up to the White House. She tracked how female college students use “Circle of 6,” a safety smart phone app, and examined risk behavior correlation to its use. “Circle of 6” connects friends in case help is needed. Teresa found that overall, most women in the study reported feeling safer with the app available on their phone and that they would recommend it to others.
Teresa received the Meyer ICE award for this trailblazing work in nursing research targeting how technology can help nursing become more innovative in the delivery of health promotion services. Her study findings have significant implications for healthcare policy. She was selected by the College of Nursing to represent the undergraduate nursing program at the Eastern Nurses Research Society’s 27th Annual Scientific Sessions in April in Washington, DC. Additionally, Teresa has worked with the VU student health and wellness center to incorporate smartphone technology into student outreach and health maintenance programs for undergraduates.
The ICE Awards were created and endowed by Patrick Meyer '74 VSB in honor of the Meyer family (Patrick '74, Edward '86, and C. Paul '30) to recognize a spirit of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship that enhances Villanova University. Meyer ICE Award winners receive a trophy and a cash award ($2,500 for faculty recipients; $1,000 for student recipients.)