The following classes are currently offered on a rotating basis. If you are interested in taking a particular course that is not offered regularly, you should let the department know of your interest.
- SAR 2113: The Charm of Music
- SAR 2114: Words and Music: The Art of Song
- SAR 2115: Orchestral Music
- SAR 2118: The Broadway Musical
- SAR 2119: Jazz: America's Music
- SAR 3030: Special Topics in Music (S21 - The Beatles: Song by Song)
- THE 2034: Musical Theatre
- COM 3242: African American Performance
- COM 3243: Performance Art
- COM 3354: Media Criticism
- CSC 1043: The Laptop Instrument (Programming & Music Theory)
- ECE 3230: Signals Lab
- ENG 2043: Writing about US Pop Culture
- FFS 3285: French Popular Music, 1950-Present
- HON 5410: Guitar Class
- HON 5410: Piano Class
- HON 5435: Music Theory
- ITA 2225: Italian Music
- MSE 2602: Physics: 40% Solution: Light/Sound
- PHI 4140: Philosophy of Contemporary Music
- SAR 2009: Sounds of Slavic Spirit
The following classes are currently offered on a rotating basis. If you are interested in taking a particular course that is not offered regularly, you should let the department know of your interest.
- ACS 1000/1001: Ancients/Moderns (Arts and Culture Learning Community)
- CSC 1045: Algor, Cartoons, & Animation
- COM 2240 Theories of Performance Studies
- COM 3240 Performance for Social Change
- COM 3241 Performance of Literature
- COM 3243 Performance Art
- COM 3247 Storytelling
- COM 3248 Performance Ethnography
- ENG 3616: Irish American Drama & Film
- HON 5300: Learning the Philadelphia Museum of Art
- HON 5400: Dance
- HON 5400: Mindfulness Meditation
- HON 5440: Poetry
- HON 5460: Drawing
- HON 5460: Painting with Acrylics
- HON 5460: Painting with Watercolors
- HON 5460: Photography
- HUM 2500: History: Imperialism & Humanities
- SAR 2010: Intro to Calligraphy
- SAR 2020: Basic Watercolor Techniques
- SAR 2150: Intermediate Watercolor
- SAR 2021: Basic Drawing Techniques
- SAR 2151: Intermediate Drawing
- SAR 2022: Basic Oil Painting
- SAR 2023: Basic Acrylic Painting
- SPA 3764: Drama of Golden Age Spain
- SPA 3944: Hispanic Pop Culture
- THE 2019: The Theatrical Experience
- THE 2021: Theatre in Philadelphia
- THE 2025: Improvisational Theatre
- THE 2029: Fundamental Principles of Acting
- THE 2030: Advanced Principles of Acting
- THE 2032: Elements of Dance
- THE 2033: Advanced Elements of Dance
- THE 2051: Creativity
- THE 3006: Shakespeare on Stage
- THE 3007: Playwriting
- THE 3008: Theatre of the African Diaspora
- THE 3010: Mindfulness in Action
- THE 3011: Asian Theatre
- THE 4011: Directing the Play
- THE 4014: Women and Theatre
Attention first-year students! Whether you are a performer, an artist, or a lover of the arts, the Communitas Art and Culture Learning Community will help you develop a sense of citizenship and personal responsibility with a special focus on art, music, performance, and imaginative interpretation.
In this learning community, students explore:
- Who am I in relation to the arts?
- Culture through the ages
- Off-campus performances, museums and art galleries
Students who select Communitas:
- Live together in a residence hall on south campus
- Take a specially-designed Augustine and Culture Seminar (ACS), a class all first-year students participate in
- Enjoy unique co-curricular programming
- Are enrolled in a one-credit Communitas course designed around a specific theme
For course and registration information, please visit the UArts Summer Music Studies website.
The UArts MM in Music Education is a 33 credit program of study and is designed for music teachers desiring a master of music degree and others interested in studying music education at the graduate level.
The degree can be completed in as few as 3-4 summers but must be completed within 7 years of matriculation. This course of study is a summer-only Master's degree and does not lead to PDE certification (Pennsylvania Teaching Certificate).
The curriculum consists of:
- 12-credit core of courses
- 15 credits in content coursework (electives)
- 6 credits final project/thesis
Visit the UArts website for additional information.
Tuition and Pricing:
Contact UArts for pricing information.
Application, Fees and Requirements:
Email Jenny Neff, Director of the Summer Music Studies Program at The University of the Arts.
Students who attended the Villanova Summer Music Program from 1993-present may request transcripts from the University of the Arts (UArts) in Philadelphia. Transcript requests carry a fee and must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at UArts. Please call 215-717-6420 for additional information.