The Villanova Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences has offered a Master of Science degree in general psychology since 1961. This MS degree program is research-oriented and particularly well suited to provide a strong foundation for individuals seeking entry into PhD programs in most subfields of psychology. In addition, the program serves the needs of students unsure of their future professional goals, of individuals wanting a more gradual transition between undergraduate and PhD level work, and for those seeking a terminal master's degree..
Prepare for a PhD Program in Psychology
The Villanova MS degree is particularly well-suited to provide a strong foundation for individuals seeking entry into PhD programs in most subfields of psychology. It also serves the needs of students who want to continue their education but who are unsure of their future professional goals as well as students who want a more gradual transition between their undergraduate and eventual PhD-level work. The program enjoys a strong national reputation, contributing to the success of a large proportion of our graduates in gaining admission to top PhD programs in psychology, including Brown, Columbia, Cornell, UC-Berkeley, UC-San Diego, Colorado, Johns Hopkins, Michigan State, NYU, Penn State, Penn, Rochester and Wisconsin.
Acquire Marketable Skills
Students who decide not to pursue doctoral training upon completion of their MS degrees find employment in the private sector in a variety of capacities, including working as science writers, lab technicians, data analysts and market researchers. The program is not specifically designed to provide terminal training for mental health professionals. Our MS students who are interested in clinical or counseling psychology typically continue on to doctoral level work following graduation from our program.
The two-year curriculum provides excellent training in research skills. Students gain expertise in the formulation of research designs and in the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data. Laboratory courses in cognitive psychology, statistics and biological psychology are complemented by electives in many of the other subfields of psychology. The elective courses allow students the flexibility to tailor the program to their particular goals. In addition, students may elect to take a graduate course in a department other than psychology to round out their area of special interest, such as biology, chemistry, computer science, human organization science or applied statistics.
Students are required to complete a total of eight courses, including statistics and at least two laboratory courses. In addition to coursework, students will conduct an original piece of research under faculty supervision in the form of a thesis. The master’s thesis is required and additional independent research is strongly encouraged. There is no comprehensive examination or foreign language requirement.
The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences faculty has maintained a consistently strong record for productivity and scholarly research. Active research labs do cutting-edge work in a broad variety of subfields in Psychology (e.g., Animal Learning, Attention, Decision Making, Cognition, Developmental, Human Factors, Memory, Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience, Organizational, Perception, Personality and Personality Assessment, and Social Psychology).
Graduate students frequently co-author the research published by their mentors, thereby enhancing the graduate education and preparation for a top-quality doctoral program. A number of our faculty hold or have held research grants from various government agencies (e.g., National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, NASA). Similarly, a number of our faculty serve or have served in important editorial positions (e.g., Associate Editor, Consulting Editor) for top journals in the field.
The Villanova Graduate Program in Psychology: Research to Ignite Change
The Villanova University Graduate Program in Psychology offers the resources and faculty mentorship for you to conduct research that will ignite change.STUDENT SPOTLIGHT

Psychology Thesis Award Recognizes Postpartum Depression Research
The Villanova University Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences is pleased to announce Kerry Buckhaults '23 MS as this year's Ingeborg L. and O. Byron Ward Outstanding Thesis Award winner. This award honors one Psychology master's student each year for a particularly excellent thesis and thesis project, Buckhaults conducted her thesis project, "Examining Estrogen Withdrawal Following Hormone-Simulated Pregnancy as a Model of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety in C57BL/6 Mice," under the direction of Benjamin Sachs, PhD. READ MORE