- Self-other Knowledge Asymmetry for Autonomous Self-direction and the Capacity for Intimacy
Emily Pintarelli
- The Impact of Counterfactual Curiosity on Problem-Solving Abilities
Ryan Krieger
- Perceived Sibling Support and Parental Well-Being in Homeless Contexts
Ranya Al-Khayyat
- Interleaved or Blocked: Using the N400 to track artificial language learning
Reet Patel
- Simultaneous Active Negative Attentional Templates for Multiple Distractor Colors
Harris Drachman
- The Association Between Residential Mobility and School Readiness in the Context of Homelessness
Eli Nuzzo-Dozier
- Encoding Context in Spoken Word Recognition: A computational model
Harini Sankar
- Investigating the Effects of Visual Stressors on Visual Attentional Capture
Elora Mitchell
- Perceptual Encoding Variability and Speech Perception
Ryan Henderson
- Shelter Beyond Walls: The importance of secondary support systems for children experiencing homelessness
Blake Bayles
- Older Adults and Emotion Recognition: Exploring the role of social engagement
Cody S. Triplett
- Conditioned Visual Learning in Drosophila Melanogaster
Tyler Oates
- Transferring Truth: Does Truth-Value Transfer by Co-occurence?
Tyler Hubeny
4/14/2023 - Girls can do science too: Investigating children's science educational media for counter-stereotypical behavior and gender
Rebecca Mason
- Unpacking the Connection Between Parental Monitoring and Parenting Style with Relationship Quality Among Adult Children and Their Parents
Lucretia Dunlap
- I didn’t mean to look, I’m just tired: The association between poor sleep, reduced inhibitory control, commitment, and attention to romantic alternatives
Hanna Campbell
- How Blind is Emotion Induced Blindness?
Tomas Wille
- Can Correlational Cuing Effects Bias Attentional Selection?
Guangjun Xu
- Utilizing Infographics to Combat Sleep Myths: Unveiling the role of personality
Victoria Martin
- The Effect of Identity-Safety Cues on International Students' Belonging and Engagement in College Classrooms
Gaby Molina
- Online swipe or in-person type: Online dating and self-esteem
Gage Miller
- Can an invertebrate add and subtract? Testing a numerical cognition methodology with bumblebees (Bombus Impatiens)
William (Billy) McCarthy
- Parent history of adversity, infant temperament, and intrusive parenting in the contexts of extreme poverty and homelessness
Marissa Mulvey
- Parenting emotion regulation and distress: Associations with quality of parent-infant relationships in families experiencing homelessness
Rahma Goran
- The role of causality in understanding how prior event knowledge impacts new learning
Alexa Gonzalez
- Clinician attitudes & knowledge about sleep and their impact on neuropsychological assessment
Jason Navon
- The impact of modeling mental states in goal directed conversations
Samuel (Sam) Sinemus
- The role of autonomy support during childbirth in new mothers' maternal self-efficacy and depressive symptoms
Madeleine (Maddy) Pekosz
- Time course of episodic-like memory in rats in an object recognition task
Ryan Pluck
- Spaced learning: A potential mitigation of learning deficits from sleep restriction
Eileen (Marie) Shuter
- The effects of brain serotonin deficiency on antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like responses to cardiovascular exercise in females
Allison Warner
- Examining estrogen withdrawal following hormone simulated pregnancy as a model of postpartum depression and anxiety in C57BL/6 mice
Kerry Buckhaults
- Differentiating borderline and antisocial personality disorders using the DSM-5 alternative model of diagnosis
Julia Kearney
7/28/2022 - Parenting lifetime adversity and expressed warmth in parents of infants experiencing homelessness: Infant temperament as a moderating factor
Katherine Hayes
- The role of attachment in ideals and need fulfillment in romantic relationships
Hannah Person
- Self-other knowledge asymmetry for personality functions and personality traits
Ashmita Ghosh
- Continuous cues to deception during high-stakes situations
Alec Martin
- The Calm Prevents the Storm: The Effect of Approach to Complaints and Belief in Ability to Change on Partner’s Willingness to Change and Relationship Satisfaction
Sidney Gibson
- Delayed Corollary Discharge as a Mechanism for Stuttering
Grace Gervino
- In the Eye of the Beholder?: Ethnicity, Gender, and Personal Projection
Sarah Krull
Teodora Niculae-caxi
- Domestic Terrorism or Heroism? Ideological Influences on Judgments of Violent Social
Lauren Hopkins
- Should the Cat in the Hat Keep Talking Like That? Evaluating Levels of Anthropomorphism In Children’s Educational Media
Gabriel Nguyentran
- Detecting deception in 911 homicide calls
Erika Feeney
- If only I had a (Pre-COVID) brain! Exploring the cognitive effects of COVID-19 on attention under stress
Chelsea Kryder
- Black characters matter: The role of reading fiction in reducing prejudice
Laura Hardner
- Crocodile Tears or Every Parent’s Biggest Fear? Examining Cues Related to Deception in 911 Missing Person Calls
Brooke Berry
- Discourse effects on maintenance of subphonemic uncertainty in language processing
Jenah Black
- The impact of cannabis use on episodic memory
Sara Kurko
- Your own personal Jesus: Examining public versus private religious displays predicting self-concept repair after threat
Sara Glass
- Age Trends in Functional and Trait Concepts of Personality Pathology
Melanie Glatz
- Evaluation of early childhood development knowledge, resilience factors, and burnout among homeless shelter staff
McKenna Halverson
- Evaluation of early childhood development knowledge, resilience factors, and burnout among homeless shelter staff
Shama Huq
- Effects of bilingualism on learning novel vowel categories
Siyu Lin
- Father Involvement and Academic Achievement For Children Experiencing Homelessness: A Person-Centered Approach
Jake Leonard
- The Relationship Between Parent Emotion Beliefs, Shared Book Reading and Children's Emotion Regulation Strategies
Arundhati Debnath
- Lost In A Good Story: The Role of Need For Affect, Genre and Modality on Narrative Transportation
Ravneet Kaur Sandhu
- Polarity, prettiness, and polyamory: The effect of similarity and attractiveness on the desirability of polyamorous and monogamous individuals
Brittany Wickham
- My Outfit Says It All: Exploring Symbolic Self-Completion as a Social Strategy to Repair Self-Concept Clarity
Peony Wong
- Mutual Responsiveness Supporting the Developmental Competence of Infants Experiencing Family Homelessness
Maria Abdul-Masih
- "If they can do it, maybe I can too!": Investigating the influence of educational media on children's views of conservation
Aarti Bodas
- Comparing micro and macro analytic techniques for observational coding of parent-infant interactions in dyads experiencing homelessness
Kristin Jennings
- The Effect of Remember-And Forget-Framing on Metacognitive Judgments of Learning: Contingent on Learning Ability?
Jesica Ferguson
- Can Fish Self-Recognize? Testing a Self-Recognition Methodology with Archerfish (Toxotes chatareus)
Bridget Austin
- Parental Attitudes in Context: Describing Contributing Factors for Motor Development in Children Experiencing Homelessness
Alex Buccelli
- Anticipatory timing of methamphetamine in rats
Julia Morgan-Agricoli
- The Association between Sibling Relationships and Interpersonal Functioning in Young Adulthood
Caitlin Cassidy
- Using Semantic Network Structure to Understand Repetitive Negative Thinking
Aidan Flynn
- Does early life stress increase susceptibility to negative outcomes following adult stressors?
Brittany Baugher
- Examining sex differences in susceptibility to stress-induced increases in binge drinking
Nicole Daly
- The Taboo of Money in Charitable Contributions: A Relational Models Account
Devon Singh
- Judgments of industriousness and idleness: A new moral foundation?
Silas Sheridan
- Attachment to God: Comparison to Parental Attachment Functioning as a Safe Haven
Andrea Ruggiero
- Subphonemic sensitivity of the covert speech efference copy: Implications for understanding auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia
Emily Martinez
- School Climate as a Moderator of Childhood Risk for Competence in Early Adulthood
Raechel Martin
- The Paradoxical Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Openness to Experience
Sarah Alahmadi
- Forging Connections: The impact of perspective taking on memory for novel-other-referential information
Anna Gjertsen
- Are you an adult? Ego identity status and conceptions of emerging adulthood
Cheyenne Dolbear
- The Dynamic Interaction Between Long-Term Gist Representation and the Situation Model
Kendra Andrew
- Identity Dysfunction and DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders
Olivia Best
- Identity Fusion and Responses Following a Group-Generated Harmful Act
Sarah Kramer
- Context is Everything: How Implicit Associative Learning Plays a Role in Ambiguous Figure Perception
Eva-marie Rocks
- Contextual effects on low-level acoustic processing
Agnes Gao
- Effects of Environmental Enrichment and Early Life Stress on Binge Drinking: A Potential Role of Microglia
Stephen Gironda
- Not Your Type: An Experimental Study on the Consequences of Perceived Dissimilarity Between Ideal and Current Romantic Partners
Cayla Milius
- Distraction & Top-Down Attentional Control After Adolescent Concussion
Anne Mozel
- Investigating the Role of Borderline Features in Romantic Relationship Conflict
Samantha Dashineau
- The Missing Factor of the Five-Factor Model of Personality: Examining Interpersonal Relatedness with Honesty/Humility
Chenle Xu
- Negotiating Multiple Identities: Identity Management Strategies of Minority Leaders
Kelly Gabriel
- Determinants of Expressed Emotion in African American Mothers Experiencing Homelessness
Courtney Thomas
- Same/Different Abstract Concept Learning in Archerfish (Toxotes chatareus)
Adam Davila
- Public Parenting: Challenges Facing Parents of Families in Emergency Housing
Perrin Fugo
- Effects of serotonin deficiency and fluoxetine on binge eating behavior and gene expression in the hypothalamus
Melinda Karth
- Effects of High Fat Diet and Brain Serotonin Deficiency on Anxiety- and Depression-like Behavior in Mice
Michelle Karth
- Integrating Personal and Social Information: Are Rats Jointly Controlled By Social and Perceptual Cues in a Spatial Choice Task
Frederick Nitchie
- Infants' Ability to Parse Novel Tool Use Actions
Megan Himes
- The Effects of Maternal Separation and Fluoxetine on Depression- and Anxiety-Like Behavior and Gene Expression in the Mouse Hippocampus
Davis Van Dyk
- Let’s Get It On: Music Lyrics’ Influence on Mating Strategy
Katie Adams
Elke Nordeen
- Pomp and Circumstance: The Influence of Openness to Experience and Anticipated Self-Change on Self-Concept Clarity for Graduating Seniors
Rebecca Divas
- Can Spaced Repetitions Help Toddlers Learn Words from Video?
Natalie Libster
- Semantic Response Consistency and Protocol Validity in The Structured Assessment of Personality Pathology
Michael Hartman
- Nationalism’s Effect on Ambiguous Race Perception and Categorization
Zachary Oxford-romeike
- The Persistence of Misinformation
Eli Mikkelson
- Redundancy and Variability in Speech: Listeners' Use of Token-Level Phonetic Cues
Abigail Benecke
- Finding Redemption in Past Transgressions - The Positive Impact on Psychological Well-Being
Jordan Rast
- Complementary in Personality Perception: Influence of the Self on Judgments of Others
Hannah Elliott
- Gaming Cooperatively: Does It Make Us Work Together?
Aaron Buncher
- Effects of Genetic Serotonin Deficiency and Stress on Endogenous Opioid Expression
Katherine Dodson
- Communication of Mate Value in Romantic Relationships
Kyle Yahn
- Latent Profile Analysis Risk in Homeless Parents and Infants
Emily Jacobs
- Shelter Environment and Parent Functioning Among Families Experiencing Homelessness
Sarah Vrabic
- Is Being Mindful Always Best? Exploring the Effects of Mindfulness and Entitativity on Emotional Labor
Zoebedeh B.G. Malakpa
- Preferences for Self-Expansion: The Implications for Romantic Relationships
Erin Hughes
- Effects of Multi-Day Practice Schedules on Learning and Memory
Heather-Anne Phelan
- Attracted To Now: Individual Differences that Relate to Interest in Mindfulness-Based Interventions in the Workplace
Haley Rian Cobb
- Can Semantic Associations Produce Contextual Cuing?
Olivia Pereira
- Do Learners Appreciate the Benefits of Testing?
Ryan Iaconelli
- Overcoming the Illusory Truth Effect: The Influence of Contextual Details on Memory Monitoring
Stephanie M. Vicari
- Maturity in Adulthood: Age Trends in Narrative-based Social Cognition and Object Relations Scores
Liana Galtieri
- Parent Appraisals, Postraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Coaching of Avoidant Coping Behavior After a Pediatric Injury
Tiffany C. Kichline
- The Role of the Speech Envelope in Speaking Rate Compensation
David Saltzman
- Parallel vs. Serial Processing in Language Comprehension
Emma Folk
- Enhancing Tools for Measuring Phonetic Convergence
Tifani Biro
- Interval Timing in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat
Rebecca Della Valle
- Temporal Memories for Fixed and Variable Interval Procedures
Alexandra Henning
- How Long Can Listeners Maintain Gradient Acoustic Information?
Ben Falandays
- Predicting Process and Outcome Variables in Psychotherapy for Veterans
Morgan McCredie
- Eating Disorders in the Workplace
Jaclyn Siegel
- Self- and Other-Deceptive Positive Response Distortion in Relation to Dysfunctional Eating Attitudes and Behaviors
Emily O'Gorman
- Examining the Functional Relationship Between Crawling and Stranger Anxiety
Ariana Patrick
- Objectification and Romantic Relationships
Elizabeth Mahar
- Predicting Direct Versus Displaced Aggression in Romantic Relationships:
An I3 Theory Analysis of the Respective Roles of Attachment Anxiety and Self-Regulatory Ability
Jessica Grom
- Personality Traits and Dysfunctional Construal of Online Health Promotion Messages
Joy Lee
- Determinants of Mutual Responsiveness: Parent Social Support and Distress in the Context of Family Homelessness
Lexie Tabachnick
- The Rapid Acquisition of Novel Information: Is Disjunctive Syllogism Necessary for Fast-Mapping?
Hillary Abel
- Does Language Aid in the Process of Switching Tasks: The Effect of Articulatory Suppression in a 2:1 Cuing Paradigm
John Hicks
- Increasing Charitable Donations: The Limits of the Unit Asking Effect
Martin Marcinkiewicz
- Children Recovering from Complex Trauma: The Influence of Child, Family, and Community Level Factors
Lauren Sparks
- Possible Mechanisms of Effort in the Stroop Task: Introspection or Inferential Heuristics?
Jessica Evans
- The Effects of Framing Practice Tests As Restudy on Final Recall
Taylor Curley
- Generalization and Persistence of Value-Based Attentional Capture
Rebecca Garrison
- Value Driven Attentional Capture using Semantic Categories
Brad Stillwell
- Schema Formation through Probabilistic Learning
Harrison Stoll
- Mechanisms of Action Processing in Infancy
Amanda Albu
- Prosocial Behavior in Rats: Examining the Social-Contact Hypothesis
Kelsey Heslin
- Pathological Personality Traits and Intra-Individual Variability in Interpersonal Behavior in Daily Life
Evan Good
- Interval Timing, Temporal Averaging, and Bayesian Decision Theory
Ben DeCorte
- Does Food Value Modulate Social Influence in a Spatial Search Task?
Marie Saxon
- Categorical Organization of the Lexicon in Early Word Learning: An Examination of the Matthew Effect.
Chase Phillips
- Disparities in Physical Attractiveness Within Romantic Dyads and Mate Retention Tactics
Joshua R. Oltmanns
- The Role of Desired End Goal Information in a Risk Assessment Task: An Explanation for Behavioral Optimism?
Andrew Stokesbury
- Is There a Crass Ceiling? The Effects of Gender on Perceptions of Profanity Usage at Work
Jennifer Ng
- Acetylcholine and Temporal Proactive Interference
Brenden Tervo-Clemmens
- Testing the Generalizability of the Physical Activity Self-Definition Model to Healthy Eating
Tiffany Chang
- Pursuit and Capture: Is the Eye Gaze Cueing Effect Modulated By Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements
Colin Flowers
- Cognitive Control: From Neural Correlates to Behavioral Adjustments
Leeland Rogers
- Perceived Relatedness as a Correlate of Physical Activity Self-Definition in Collegiate Ice Hockey Players
Genevieve Ladiges
- Modulation of Aggression in Response to Rival Males' Fitness in a Mating Context
Juliana French
- Commitment Components and Intimate Partner Violence: Does Cognitive Commitment Inhibit Aggressive Inclinations Toward A Partner Following a Provocation?
Lyuboslava Kolarova
- Effects of Self-Regulation and Engagement on 3- and 5-year-olds' Vocabulary Acquisition
Chelsea R. Samples-Steele
- Attentional Effects on the Perception of Stationary and Rotating Reversible Figures
Jennifer F. Louie
- Bilingualism and the Synonym Effect
Elena Brown
- Discriminating Self-Deceptive versus Other-Deceptive Positive Response Distortion in Structured Personality Assessment
Caitlin Dresler
- The Role of Relatedness in Attentional Capture by Category Relevant Images
Alexander J. Berenato
- It's About Time: The Role of Future Thinking in the Age-Related Positivity Effect in Memory
Shaina L. Garrison
- Crawling and Stranger Anxiety: Are Self-Locomotion and Fear of Strangers Functionally Related?
Kelly Escobar
- The Role of Prosodic Features in Infant-Directed Speech
Danielle Steck
- Effects of 5-HT1a Antagonism at Retrieval on Temporal Averaging
Zvi R. Shapiro
- Amphetamine's effect on interval timing: Clock speed or memory sampling basis?
Jung Kim
- The Organization of the Moral Domain as Viewed Through Values: Differentiating Individualizing and Binding Moralities
Kelly McCusker
- Control of Choice by Human Gestures in Domestic Dogs: Use of a Compound Cue Test to Explore the Role of Experience
Jennie Ruff
- Marching to the Beat of Different Drums: Processing Differences between Two Similar Reversible Figures
Ashley L. Moore
- Exploring the debate on initial attraction: Are similarities or dissimilarities more influencial for initial romantic attraction?
Courtney Walsh
- A Weight Off the Shoulders: The Effects of Self-Compassion on Affect and Self-Stigma Following Negative Associations with Weight and Body-Image
Deborah Ward
- Attentional Capture by Biological Motion
Michael Jackiewicz
- Positive Bias in Confabulation: Effects of Agent and Aging
Lauren Nutile
- That's Right! Examining the Influence of Self-Regulation, Engagement, and Responsiveness on Preschoolers' Ability to Learn New Words from Stories
Virginia C. Salo
- The Role of the Mirror Neuron System in the Eye Gaze Cuing Effect
Heather Lasslett
- The Effect of Same-Sex Mate Value Comparisons on Mating Aspirations
Brittany Jakubiak
- Examining the Time Course for the Establishment of the Beneficial Effects
Brian Kemppainen
- Executive Functioning in Patients with Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia
Mark V. Versella, Jr.
- Mate Guarding in Romantic Couples
Erica Sciulli
- Relationship History and Current Romantic Satisfaction
Elena Cucco
- The Efficacy of Learners' Strategies in Scheduling Practice Tests
Matthew Pagano
- Follow the Leader: The Influence of Social Information in a Spatial Search Task
Teagan A. Bisbing
- Leaving a Legacy: Does Mortality Salience Prime Pedagogy
Laura E. Spearot
- Characterizing the Side-effect Effect: Do Personality Judgments Influence Judgments on Intentionality?
David Ezekiel Strober
- The Role Of Strength of Opinion and Domain Type in the False Consenus Effect
Joseph Leman
- The Role of Personal Control in Hope and Optimism
Matthew Shotts
- From "We" to "Me": The Effects of Group Centrality and Self-Construal on Group Membership Loss
Nadya Soto Fernandez
- The Complementarity of Interpersonal Styles Among Same Gender Friends
Jason E. Strickhouser
- Self-Monitoring and the Interpersonal Circumplex: Predicting Spin and Complementarity
Takakun Suzuki
- Spatial Contingent Capture by Conceputally Defined Stimuli
Nicholas Jones
- The Effects of Valence on Suppressing Currently Irrelevant Memory Traces
Christopher Pizzica
- Attractiveness and Humor in Mixed Gender Interactions
Rebecca J. D'Orazio
- Five Factor Model Correlates of Internalizing and Externalizing Psychopathology in Young Adults
Catherine A. Sanders
- The Impact of Interval Time on Delaying Gratification
Christine M. Harron
- Adaptive Spatial Cognition: The Effect of Fitness Relevance on Performance in a Spatial Task
Jared M. Batterman
- Is Single-sex Schooling Associated with Smailler Gender Gaps in Math Attitudes?
Oana Peterca
- Adolescent Ethnic Identity and Parental Socialization Across Ethnic Groups
Emily Morse
- The Role of Mindfulness of Past Transgressions Within the Hypocrisy Paradigm
Kyle Haney
- Lost Without Each Other: The Influence of Group Identity Loss on the Self-Concept
Laura Winger
- Teacher Responsiveness During Shared Book Reading and Child Vocabulary Growth
Nicholas Brown
The Stability of Goal Self-Concordance as a Function of Self-Schema Status
Patrick Morse
- Creativity Training: The Impact of Self-Generated Feedback and Exercise Domain
Katherine Eaton
- Who is Sexier, a Comedian or a Sugar Daddy? Ovulatory Cycle Effects on the Attractiveness of Humor
Abbye Bonatsos
- Differentiating between Borderline and Antisocial Personality Disorders Using the Four Factors of Impulsivity
Hilary L. DeShong
- The Role of Autobiographical Support in Semantic Memory Retrieval: Evidence from Semantic Dementia
Maggie Place
March 8, 2010
- Are Narcissists Funny or Do They Just Think They are Funny?
David P. Marino
- Predicted Levels of Learning for Massed and Spaced Practice: Do People Appreciate the Benefits of Spacing?
Matthew D. Litke
- Smoking or Non-Smoking? Effects of an Educational Intervention on Decreasing Lung Cancer Stigma
Concetta Caterina Mineo
- Stigmatization of Male and Female Sufferers of Anorexia Nervosa
Nicole A. Cross
- An Investigation of Same/Different Concept Learning in Bumblebees (Bombus impatiens)
Justin M. Sayde
- A Disease Stigma Scale Grounded in Weiner's Attribution Theory
Tammy Stump
January 13, 2010
- The Moderating Effect of Personality Disorders on Violent Video Game Induced Hostility
Rebecca M. DeMoor
January 29, 2010
- Comparing the Stability of Personality Traits and Coping Styles across Two Social Contexts
Amanda M. Sizemore
February 5, 2010
- Reducing the Synonym Effect: The Impact of Increased Engagement on Children's Word Learning during Book Reading
Ryan Langan
February 15, 2010
- The Role of Autobiographical Support in Semantic Memory Retrieval: Evidence from Semantic Dementia
Maggie Place
March 8, 2010
- How to Not Remember Nonsense: Using Warning Conditions in the DRM Paradigm to Enhance Monitoring Processes in Confabulation
Travis Nichols
March 12, 2010
- Can Parents' Use of Screen Media for Infants Be Changed?
Shaina M. Hardesty
March 15, 2010
- A Moral Vocabulary? Exploring the Link between Self-Conscious Emotion Word Knowledge and Moral Judgment
Meredith A. Henry
March 19, 2010
- Impact of Motivation on Strength-Focus versus Problem-Focus Models in the Revision of Creative Ideas
Elizabeth M. Hocker
April 6, 2010
- Choosing to Learn by Taking Tests: The Effects of Feedback, Spacing, and Successive Lists
Melissa H. LaVan
April 7, 2010
- The Effect of Priming an Anxious Mood State on the Attentional Blink
Jeffrey Shalda
April 16, 2010
- Does Motionese Influence Motivation to Select an Object for Manipulation?
Brittany McClure Jemmoua
October 7, 2009
- Evaluating the Relationship between Self-Concept Differentiation and Psychological Maladjustment using Self- and Informant-Ratings
Amy Pastva
October 19, 2009
- An Investigation of the Potential Role of the Nucleus Accumbens in Interval Timing Processes
Allie Kurti
October 23, 2009
- Just Say Om: Does Priming a Meditation-like Schema Reduce the Attentional Blink?
Allison Todd
November 11, 2009
- Constant versus Risky Choice in an Eight-arm Radial Maze
Robert D. Haddix
December 16, 2009
- The Role of Dopamine in Temporal Memory Averaging
Dale N. Swanton
February 10, 2009
- Exploring Social Class Differences in the Development of Elaborated Word Meanings
Nicole Sorhagen
February 25, 2009
- Objects Lack Subjectivity: A Mediational Model of Risky Sex in College-Aged Women
Carlie M. Allison
March 11 1009
- Personality Trait Change in the Transition to College Life
Amber L. Farrington
March 13, 2009
- The Big Five Personality Traits as Predictors of Adjustment to College
Meredith A. Puher
March 13, 2009
- Emotional Influences on Cross-Modal Attentional Capture
Megan B. Roeder
March 18, 2009
- Effect of Spatial Context in Object Memory: Evidence from Amnesia
Meghan L. Davis
March 27, 2009
- Associations of Personality Pathology and Objective Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics
Joshua L. Rutt
April 15, 2009
- Relating Interpersonal Behaviors to the Constructs of Dominance and Warmth
Juliene Yvonne Musser
April 15, 2009
- Exploring the Benefits of Motionese
Courtney Jeanne Casperson
May 21, 2009
- The Spacing Effect in Category Learning: When is Spaced Practice Advantageous?
Amy Catherine Moors
June 11, 2009
- Explaining Variations in the Magnitude of Attentional Capture: New Tests of a Two-Process Model
Brian A. Anderson
October 3, 2008
- The Role of Self-Schema Status in Moderating Cognitive Dissonance
Joseph Hafer
October 28, 2008
- Cursed by Knowledge in a Gambling Task: A Perspective Taking Test
Ryan J. Corser
November 7, 2008
- Stigmatization of HIV Positive Individuals: The Effects of Onset-Controllability, Gender, and Sexual Orientation
Tracy L. Jackson
November 19, 2008
- Effects of Time Constraints on Social Spatial Memory
Matthew Keller
December 11, 2008
- A Mediation Model to Predict Career Choice: The importance of Self-Efficacy and Extrinsic versus Intrinsic Work-Related Motivations.
Katherine L. Andriole
January 17, 2008
- The Effect of Stimulus Novelty on Saccade Trajectories.
Rebecca R. Goldstein
January 18, 2008
- Mutual Exclusivity in Bilingual Word Learning.
Joshua M. Feldblyum
January 23, 2008
- A Test of the Adaptation Theory of Figure Reversal: Selective Adaptation as a Function of Physical Stimulus Variation.
Michael J. Gillen
January 23, 2008
- What Type of Extra-Textual Input is Optimal for Preschoolers' Vocabulary Learning during Storybook Reading.
Autumn B. Wyant
January 24, 2008
- Relationships and Social Context in Trait Judgments: Self-Other Agreement in Siblings Versus Peers.
Meghan J. Rose
January 24, 2008
- Common Arm Preferences in the Radial Arm Maze as an Alternate Explanation for Paired Rats' Attraction Tendencies.
Toni-Moi N. Prince
February 28, 2008
- Impact of Strength-Versus Problem-Focus in the Revision of Creative Ideas.
Matthew D. Wood
March 13, 2008
- Stigmatization of HIV/AIDS Positive Individuals.
Erin Ann Brennan
March 14, 2008
- Effect of Implementation Intentions on Healthy Eating Behavior as a Function of Self-Schema Status
Rebecca Leigh Ritter
May 20, 2008
- Investigation of an Anomalous Non-linear Decline in Tickle Sensitivity.
Olufunsho K. Faseyitan
July 31, 2008
- Predicting Treatment Process Variables in Outpatient Psychotherapy.
Thomas A. Kavanagh
July 31, 2008
- Is it Better to be Right or Polite? Sex Differences in Detecting Deception in the Contexts of Attraction and Friendship.
Stephanie J. Ficiak
July 27, 2007
- Evaluating the ABC Model of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Theory: An Analysis of the Relationship between Irrational Thinking and Guilt.
Peter E. Jensen
September 7, 2007
- The Effects of Imagined and Experienced Regret on Risk Avoidance in a Gambling Task
Jessica R. Landers
October 1, 2007
- Are Infants Attracted to the Larger Range of Motion in Motionese?
Astrid S. D'Cunha
October 26, 2007
- The Effect of Age and Stimulus Novelty on Attentional Capture.
Jennifer L. Fleming
November 1, 2007
- Relationship Quality and Goal Agreement among Emerging Adults and Their Parents.
Lindsay C. Morton
December 7, 2007
- Relationship Quality and the Complementarity of Interpersonal Behaviors among Parent-Child Dyads.
Wendy C. Eichler
December 10, 2007
- Dissociating Clock Speed and Attention in Modality Effect.
Christopher M. Magaro
December 14, 2007
- A Test for the Configural Nature of Episodic-like Memory.
Karen E. Doyle
December 19, 2007
- How Do Subjects Use Judgments of Item Difficulty to Guide Study Strategies in Selection of Spaced or Massed Practice?: A Comparison of Theories.
Michael S. Cohen
January 19, 2007
- The Effect of Punishment on the Actor/Observer Asymmetry in Risky Decision Making.
Timothy C. Wifall
January 19, 2007
- Global Operations Theory of the Interval Timing Clock: Emergence of the Clock from Cortico-triatal-thalamic Loop Activity.
Casey A. Murray
January 26, 2007
- Social Class Differences in Shared Book Reading Experiences.
Megan Fedor
February 2, 2007
- The Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Infant-directed Action: An Exploration into Individual Differences.
William Christiana
February 2, 2007
- The Moderating Role of the Five Factor Model of Personality on Anxiety following Computer Mediated Interaction.
Lindsay Rice
February 13, 2007
- The Effects of Immediate and Delayed Feedback following Correct or Incorrect Responses on the Long Term Retention of Paired Associate Learning.
Abby Costello
February 16, 2007
- Teaching Accuracy in Judgments of Conscientiousness.
Sara Lowmaster
March 29, 2007
- Are Implicit Motives "Visible" to Well Acquainted Informant Peers?
James R. Daugherty
April 12, 2007
- Investigating the Goal Bias Effect in Attention during the Processing of Action Scenes.
Leah C. Rusinko
April 20, 2007
- An Animal Model of the Migration Effect.
Arlington G. Wilson
May 10, 2007
- Development of Traits and Motives across the Lifespan.
John B. Phebus, Jr.
May 11, 2007
- Enhanced Attention to Infant-directed Action: Do Infants Prefer "Motionese?"
Wendy L. Shallcross
January 25, 2006
- Fast Detection of Familiar Things: Detecting the Soccer Ball in the Grass
C. Josh Simpson
January 25, 2006
- Capturing Time: How the Thalamus Checks Time and Switches
Martin Wiener
February 1, 2006
- The Mutual Exclusivity Bias in Children's Word Learning: The Role of Cognitively Demanding Circumstances and Speakers' Communicative Intent
Amy Lee Burk
February 1, 2006
- Contrasting "Rich" and "Minimal" Models of Metacognition: Exploring the Possible Role of Reversal Learning in Strategy Selection
Mary Elizabeth L. Knight
February 3, 2006
- The Effect of Stimulus Type on Children's Spontaneous Inductions: Using Recognition Memory as an Indicator of Categorization
Maura G. Sabatos
February 15, 2006
- Uncovering the "Slow Mapping" Process of Word Learning Through Word Definition and Word Association Tasks
Alexis Lynn Dolena
February 17, 2006
- Positive Self-Presentation Strategies in Structures Personality Assessment: The Effects of Job Applicant and Child Custody Contexts
Courtney Lee Posey
February 22, 2006
- Racial Categorization of Ethnically Ambiguous Faces and the Cross-Race Effect
Shaun Baldwin
April 21, 2006
- The Effect of Tests on Learning: The Role of the Opportunity to Retrieve
Regina N. Coles
June 5, 2006
- The Second-to-Fourth Digit Ratio and the Female Waist-to-Hip Ratio
Martin Wasielewski
June 8, 2005
- The Role of the Supplementary Motor Area in Interval Timing: Direct Pharmacological Manipulation and Its Effects on Temporally Based Behavior
Jason T. Drott
June 16, 2005
- In the Dark about Light: The Effects of Artificial Illumination in Impulsivity
Kara Phaedra Massie
September 29, 2005
- Retrospective Complementarity and the Interpersonal Situation
Aidan Wright
October 28, 2005
- Violent Video Games and Aggression: The Moderating Role of Personality
Gary Giumetti
November 1, 2005
- An Investigation of Sex Differences in Spatial Cognition Predicted by the Hunter Gatherer Hypothesis Using a Human Analog of the Pole-Box Task
Edward Lorek
November 16, 2005
- The Role of Hope and Expectations in Performance Outcomes
Sevie Shuman
November 18, 2005
- Spatial Capture Following Attentional Engagement: Particular to Certain Classes of Stimuli
Edward Ester
November 22, 2005
- The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Infidelity: An Evolutionary Perspective
Ana Mills
November 22, 2005
- The Associations of Universal Value Types With the Big 5 Personality Traits and Individualism-Collectivism in Lebanon and the United States
Maya Mroue Boustani
December 2, 2005
- Interpersonal Dependency: A Personality Trait or a Relationship Status Variable?
Rachel Lauren Bachrach
December 9, 2005
- The Comparative Stability of Personality Traits and Attachment Styles across Two Social Contexts
Erin Bernadette Kornsey
January 26, 2005
- Effects of Quality Reading Styles on Children's Vocabulary Development in Two Socioeconomic Groups
Stephanie Elaine Shealy
February 4, 2005
- Asking Questions during Shared Book Reading: The Effects of Demand Level on the Acquisition of Novel Vocabulary Words
Samantha A. Cook
February 9, 2005
- An Investigation into the Relationship between Healthy Eating and Concern with Self-Presentation
Laura O'Herron
February 16, 2005
- "Acoustic Packaging:" The Role of Infant Directed Speech in Segmenting Action Sequences
Stephanie L. Tapscott
March 15, 2005
- The Role of Speech in Infants' Action Processing: Do Infants Recognize Temporal Synchrony Between Speech and Action?
Jelena Stojanovic
March 15, 2005
- The Effect of Spacing Repetitions in Children's Incidental Free Recall: Semantic versus Non-Semantic Processing
Amanda C. Terembula
September 15, 2004
- The Effect of Acoustic Noise on Contingent Attentional Capture Under Focused Attention Conditions
Erica A. Byerly
October 6, 2004
- Top-down and Bottom-up Processes in Figural Reversal
Cindy J. Moran
October 8, 2004
- The Effect of Noise and Age on the Useful Field of View
Linda Maria Cylc
November 5, 2004
- The Face-ism Effect Applied to Personal Advertisements
Audrey A. Cleary
November 5, 2004
- The Effect of Signal Duration on the Firing Rate of Striatal Neurons: Temporal Modulation or Abstract Timing?
George S. Portugal
November 9, 2004
- Patterns of Initial Liking in Unacquainted Female Dyads: A Test of Differing Models of Complementarity
Elisabeth K. Cherry
November 10, 2004
- The Effects of Age on the Contingent Capture of Visual Attention in Space and Time
Davina S. Rosen
November 12, 2004
- Assessing Productivity of Dyadic Interactions in Terms of Three Models of Complementarity
Holly Serrao
November 19, 2004
- Spatial Memory for the Choices Made by another Rat in a Radial-Arm Maze
Robert F. Farley
December 20, 2004
- Item Keying and the "Garden Path" Phenomenon: An Investigation into the Issue of Score Inflation in the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory
Diane J. Gilman
January 12, 2004
- A Resource Conservation View of the Mutual Exclusivity Effect in Children's Word Learning
Thomas Piccin
January 13, 2004
- The Effect of Questioning Style During Storybook Reading on Novel Vocabulary Acquisition: Long-term Intervention with Preschoolers from Two Socioeconomic Groups
Bridget A. Walsh
January 15, 2004
- Development of Infant Action Processing Abilities: Does Infant-Directed Narration Help?
Elisa N. Gonzalez
January 16, 2004
- Spatial Pattern Learning: Development of a Human Analog of the Pole Box Task
Aaron D. Upton
February 25, 2004
- Anxiety Sensitivity as a Confounding Variable in the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory
Susan Elizabeth Bennett
February 25, 2004
- Conformity, Conscientiousness, and the Place of Ego Development in the Five-Factor Model
Sara B. Mayfield
March 8, 2004
- Motivational Orientation and Physical Activity Self-Definition
Sean P. Mullen
March 19, 2004
- The Convergent Validity of Two Ego Based Measures of Psychological Maturity
Rachel E. Schremp
March 22, 2004
- Detecting Attraction: Sex Differences in Decoding Deception
Shelly Engelman
May 7, 2004
- The Effect of Gender on Tickle Sensitivity: A Test of the Interpersonal Theory of Tickle
Amy E. Nowlin
Mary 7, 2004
- Irrational Thinking and Neuroticism: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and the Five Factor Model
Jacqueline Jean Gruber
May 7, 2004
- Psychological Correlates of Detection and Utilization Processes in Accurate Personality Judgment
Christina M. Bianco
May 27, 2004
- Emotions: Can they bias attention allocation?
Cynthia Elizabeth Kaschub
Dec. 5, 2003
- Use of an Abstract Representation of a Spatial Pattern in a Radial-Arm Maze
Urmo Jaanimagi
Dec. 11, 2003
- The Effect of Lighting on Bulimic Behavior
Rebecca Ann Wagner
Jan. 31, 2003
- "Engaging" Attention: Does it Have Implications for Spatial Capture?
Kristof Troemel
Feb. 13, 2003
- Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism: Comparing Relationships Among Values Types and Relational Models
Justin Lehmiller
Feb. 14, 2003
- Gender Differences in the Accuracy of Interpersonal Trait Judgments at Zero-Acquaintance
Sarah J. Tarquini
Feb. 14, 2003
- Do Social/Pragmatic Cues Affect Object Label Extensions in Young Children?
Emily A. Iobst
Feb. 19, 2003
- Preschoolers' Novel Vocabulary Acquisition from Shared Book Reading: The Effect of Commentary Placement and Demand-Level
Keiran M. Rump
Feb. 26, 2003
- Social/Pragmatic Cue Effects on Children's Mutual Exclusivity Responses in Label Extensions
Lisa Ann Hirth
Feb. 28, 2003
- On the Possibility that Underlying Medical Conditions Contribute to Reports of Social Anxiety on the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory: A Frequency Investigation
Heather K. Johnson
March 10, 2003
- Transfer of Behavioral Control by a Spatial Pattern to a Novel Environment
Jillian Wintersteen
March 11, 2003
- Physical Activity Self-Definitions: Comparing the Weights of the Determinants across Different Physical Activities
Joshua A. Hicks
March 13, 2003
- Health Eating Self-Schema and Intention Stability among College Students
Colleen A. Moors
March 14, 2003
- The Role of Expertise and Self-Monitoring in Prototype Content and Use of Self-to-Prototype Matching Strategy in Physical Activity Self-Definition
Kara-Lynne Kerr
March 21, 2003
- A Confirmatory Analysis of the Structure of Fiske's Relational Models Theory in Japan and the United States
Yoko Mor
Nov 8, 2002
- Evaluating the ABC Model of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Theory: An Analysis of the Relationship between Irrational Thinking and Anger
Phillip N. Smith
Dec 11, 2002
- Spatial Pattern Discrimination Following Presentation of the Whole Stimulus
Kelly A. DiGian
January 16, 2002
- The Effect of Book Reading Style on Children's Acquisition of New Vocabulary Words: The Impact of a Short-term Intervention Program on Two Socioeconomic Groups
Erin E. Guthridge
January 23, 2002
- The Effect of Co-Narration Style on Children's Narrative Ability: The Impact of a Short-Term Intervention Program on Two Socioeconomic Groups
Donna C. Hutchison Lang
January 24, 2002
- The Effect of Age on the Selective Processing of Multidimensional Objects
Corinne R. Leach
February 1, 2002
- The Effects of Flutamide Exposure on Days 15 and 16, 17 and 18, or 19 and 20 of Gestation on Sexual Behaviors of Male Rats
Melissa M. McClure
February 5, 2002
- How Does Distraction Affect the Perception of Reversible Figures?
Christopher J. Lotis
February 6, 2002
- Re-Evaluating the Role of Domain-Specific Mental Sets in Producing the Stroop Effect
Matthew M. Doran
March 12, 2002
- Do Violations in Expectations Capture Spatial Attention?
Stefanie M. Yates
March 19, 2002
- Toward a Relational Sense of Fairness: The Moral Implications of Relational Self-Construal for Salary Demands in Negotiations
Dumitrela A. Negru
April 22, 2002
- Self-Other Agreement for Personality Ratings by Parents Versus Peers: A Test of Code Switching in Trait Expression
Christine A. DiGiacomo
October 29, 2001
- Openness to Experience and Creativity as Dispositional Factors in Critical Thinking Performance
Magdalen M. Boufal
November 16, 2001
- An Investigation of the Behavioral Inconsistencies of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory: Social Fear versus Social Blushing
Regina C. Sims
November 26, 2001
- Irrational Thinking and Reactivity to Daily Stressors: Testing the ABC Model Underlying Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Yvonne Leslie
January 18, 2001
- Gender Differences in the Consensus of Interpersonal Trait Judgments at Zero Acquaintance
Tiara Szostak
January 30, 2001
- An Investigation of the Behavioral Inconsistencies of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory
Deana Nordstrom
February 1, 2001
- The Effects of Stress and Alcohol on the Prenatal Testosterone Surge on Gestational Days 17 and 18 in Male Rats
John D. Affuso
February 8, 2001
- The Effects of Prenatal Stress and/or Alcohol Exposure on the Prenatal Testosterone Surge in Male Rats on Days 19 and 20 of Gestation
William D. Long III
February 9, 2001
- The Relationship between Gender and Tickle Sensitivity for the Interpersonal Theory of Tickle
Andrea J. Lee
February 15, 2001
- The Association between Fiske's Four Relational Models and the Universal Value Types in Poland and the United States
Magdalena M. Klimkiewicz
March 19, 2001
- The Roles of Temporal Spacing and Level of Processing in the Production of a Spacing Effect in Incidental Free Recall
Greg P. Oakley
April 5, 2001
- The Correspondence between Vertical and Horizontal Individualism and Collectivism and Fisk's Relational Models in Japan and the United States
Yoko Hara
April 27, 2001
- The Effect of Spacing Repetitions in Children's Intentional and Incidental Free Recall: An Investigation of a Level-of-Processing Approach
Marissa H. Kiepert
June 29, 2001
- Attentional Control Settings for Motion Stimuli
Jessica Hackman
November 14, 2000
- Aging and Attentional Resolution
Clare Gideon
December 14, 2000
- Negative information: Locating a pattern by determining where it is absent
Elizabeth DiGello
January 19, 2000
- The effects of socioeconomic status on young children's vocabulary, narrative skills, and word defining abilities: A follow-up study
Karen Prunner
February 3, 2000
- The effects of presentation rate and spacing repetitions in cued and free recall of paired-associates
Karen Hanson
March 10, 2000
- Gender and interpersonal sensitivity as moderator variables in the association between complementarity and roommate relationship qualtity
Kristopher Jones
March 22, 2000
- The effect of visual cues on spatial pattern learning: Cue facilitation or cue competition?
Sue Yang
March 23, 2000
- Attentional capture and automatic attentional responses
Adrienne Zegers
March 31, 2000
- Initial salary negotiations: The impact of negotiator gender on rate of negotiation and success of outcomes
John Jenkins
June 1, 2000
- The Role of Perceived Ability in Physical Activity Self-Definition
Michael Leggiadro
June 29, 2000
- Spatial Pattern Learning in the Pole Box: The Development of a General Measure
Jason Huntington
July 27, 2000
- The influence of acculturation on self-concept and personality questionnaire response style in an Indian-American sample
Ronak Chokshi, Fall 1999
- The effects of prenatal stress and alcohol on the prenatal testosterone surge on days 19 and 20 of gestation in fetal male rats
Jin Ho Park, Fall 1999
- The effects of prenatal stress and/or alcohol exposure on the prenatal T surge on fetal days 17 and 18 of gestation in male rats
Maria Schepise, Fall 1999
- Individual differences in personality and personal choice: A closer correspondence of theory and measurement
Mark N. Bing, Fall 1999
- The influence of various stimulus types on young children's taxonomic label extensions
Angela Maglio, Fall 1999
- An investigation in measurement mechanics for the social phobia and anxiety inventory: Concretizing the frequency scale
Andrea Sharp, Fall 1999
- Relationship between morality codes and value types in U.S. and Turkish samples
Ozge Gurel, Fall 1999
- "The effects of prenatal stress and alcohol on the postnatal testosterone surge in newborn male rats".
John Denning, Spring 1999
- "Spatial Pattern Learning by Rats in the Pole Box: Pattern Representation or Response Sets?"
Christine Zeiler, Spring 1999
- "The Development of Young Children's Narrative Skills: Links to Socio-economic Status and Maternal Style of Interaction"
Amy Lutz, Spring 1999
- "Irrational Ideation and Pessimistic Explanatory Style: Strengthening the Existing Rational Emotive Behavior Theory of Personality"
Janine Hawley, Spring 1999
- "Maternal Book Reading and Children's Vocabulary in Two SES Groups"
Melanie Burns, Spring 1999
- "The effects of socioeconomic status and modeling on young children's word defining abilities"
Nicole Lundgren, Spring 1999
- "Concentration ability and the efficacy of distraction and redefinition as pain"
Jennifer Clifford, Spring 1999
- "An empirical investigation of the two-factor model of critical thinking"
Sarah Ozol, Spring 1999
- "An investigation of seasonality and premenstrual dysphoric disorder symptoms in samples of students from USA and Finland".
Johanna Schaaf, Fall 1998
- "A psychometric investigation of the validity of inconsistent responses in structured personality assessment"
Catherine Parrish, Fall 1998
- "Gender differences in the effects of interpersonal styles on peer relationship quality"
Emily Ansell, Fall 1998
- "Objective and perceived similarity in personality traits and the quality of peer relationships: A study of roommates"
Jennifer Sherker, Fall 1998
- "Free testosterone and anger/irritability across the menstrual cycle: Implications for the pathophysiology of premenstrual dysphoric disorder".
Anna Rusiewicz, Spring 1998
- "The performance of male and female rats on the standard and reference memory radial maze tasks"
Michael Drew, Spring 1998
- "Effects of affective valence of stimuli and mood on recall and recognition"
Patricia Lee, Spring 1998
- "An investigation of validity for the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory: The influence of socially desirable responding"
Valerie Harwell, Spring 1998
- "The effect of social activation of self-relevant information on self-definition"
Nicole Wright, Spring 1998
- "An investigation of the structure of premenstrual dysphoric disorder symptoms across student and community samples"
Megan Storey, Spring 1998
- "The applicability of response latency theory in personality assessment: The effect of varying response format"
Kurrie Wells, Spring 1998