EGR 7800 - Solar Therm. Energy Conversion
- Description:
- Fundamentals of solar radiation, heat and fluid transport in active and passive solar collectors, solar ponds, solar cooling, and photovoltaic energy conversion. Analysis and design of active and passive solar systems. Needs undergrad material equivalent of ME 3100 and ME 3600.
- Prerequisites:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2015, Fall 2011, Spring 2009
- CRSE Attributes:
- Mechanical Engineering
EGR 8301 - Control Systems Engineering
- Description:
- Review of dynamic process modeling, linearization, transfer function and state-space models. Stability and dynamics of open-loop and closed-loop systems. Feedback control system design and analysis in the frequency and time domain. Topics include: Bode, Nyquist, and Root locus design; multivariable control; feedforward control. Prerequisite: Undergraduate background in systems and control.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022
- CRSE Attributes:
- Mechanical Engineering
EGR 8302 - Digital Control
- Description:
- Introduction to digital control analysis & design techniques applied to discrete-time & sampled continuous-time systems. Sampling, difference equations, the Z-transform & modified Z-transform, discrete transfer function & state-space models, discrete-time regulator & observer design, stability of discrete-time systems, discrete linear quadratic regulator & linear quadratic Gaussian formulation. Prerequisite: EGR 8301 or equivalent with permission of the instructor.
- Prerequisites:
- EGR 8301
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Fall 2016, Fall 2014
- CRSE Attributes:
EGR 8304 - Nonlinear Control
- Description:
- Advanced treatment of nonlinear dynamical systems and control theory using modern techniques with applications. Topics include: Lyapunov stability theory, partial stability finite-time stability and control design, control Lyapunov functions, nonlinear optimal control, sliding mode control, and adaptive control.
- Prerequisites:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2016, Spring 2009
- CRSE Attributes:
EGR 8305 - System Identification
- Description:
- Introduction to system identification techniques for linear systems. Topics include: non-parametric time- and frequency-domain methods, parametric model structures, noise models, parametrc estimation methods, recursive estimation, bias and data pre-filtering, validation methods.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2015, Spring 2013, Spring 2011, Spring 2009
- CRSE Attributes:
EGR 8306 - Nonlinear Dynamics
- Description:
- Introduction to nonlinear dynamic analysis using analytical, graphical & numerical techniques. Linear system theory, the nonlinear pendulum, stability concepts, bifurcation theory, self-excited oscillations, overview of asymptotic methods, Floquet theory, Poincare maps, & chaos.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
EGR 8308 - Feedforward Control
- Description:
- Introduction to feedforward control techniques with an emphasis on model-based methods. Design of feedforward inputs for linear systems, nonlinear systems, nonminimum phase systems, and systems with actuator redundancy; integration of feedforward and feedback; iterative control; dealing with plant uncertainty.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2017, Spring 2015
- CRSE Attributes:
EGR 8309 - Adv Topics in Dynam & Control
- Description:
- Advanced treatment of various aspects of nonlinear dynamics and control. Prerequisite: Depends on the topic covered each semester. Contact instructor for specific details.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2010
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7000 - Advanced Engineering Analysis
- Description:
- Solutions of ordinary differential equations, series solutions, special functions, boundary-value problems, partial differential equations, vector calculus, calculus of variations, and engineering applications. Undergraduate students must obtain permission of the department chair.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7002 - Continuum Mechanics
- Description:
- Tensor algebra and calculus; Lagrangian and Eulerian Kinematics of Deformation; Cauchy and Piola-Kirchhoff stresses; general principles including conservation of mass, conservation of linear and angular momentum and energy; constitutive theory, ideal fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, finite elasticity, and linear elasticity.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2024, Spring 2018, Fall 2015, Fall 2013
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7020 - Financial Engineering 1
- Description:
- Introductions to Financial Engineering and big data programing skills. Integrating and applying methods from engineering, financial theory, computer science, statistics and applied mathematics. Topics: Corporate Finance, Financial Statements, Discounted Cash Flow, NPV, Stocks, Bonds, REITs, CAPM, Business Cases, R and basic programing strategies.
- Prerequisites:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2025, Summer 2024, Summer 2023, Summer 2022
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7030 - Num Methods for Eng Simulation
- Description:
- Numerical methods for root finding, curve fitting, integration, differential equation solving, coupled systems of equations, and optimization; algorithm choice for stability and computational efficiency.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Fall 2020
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7038 - Intro-Computational Fluid Mech
- Description:
- Discretization, boundary conditions, solution methods, heat transfer, flow with known pressure field, calculation of pressure field, applications program, special topics. Undergraduate students must obtain permission of the department chair.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2025, Summer 2023, Summer 2021, Summer 2020
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7040 - Intro to Fin Element Analysis
- Description:
- Introduction to the finite element method with a focus on stress analysis. Boundary value problems; weighted residuals; variational methods; finite element formulation and solution; hands-on experience using programs for solution of problems.
- Prerequisites:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7060 - Multiphysics Sys Modelng & Sim
- Description:
- Modeling of dynamic systems that feature interactions between mechanical, electrical, magnetic, fluid, or other physical domains; unified analysis based on network theory and energy balance principles; derivation and solution of linear and nonlinear state equations; computer simulation of system response.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2020, Spring 2018, Spring 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7070 - Aero Vehicle Struc Analy & Des
- Description:
- Aerospace vehicle configurations, free body diagrams and load paths, metal and composite materials, closed form analysis methods for statically indeterminant (redundant) structures, compression structures analysis methods, shear panel analysis methods, joints and fittings, design for fatigue and damage tolerance.
- Prerequisites:
- ME 7000
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7103 - Advanced Engrg Thermodynamics
- Description:
- An advanced treatment of engineering thermodynamics involving reversible and irreversible macroscopic processes with emphasis on fundamentals and applications of the first and second laws, and the thermodynamics of equilibrium states of substances. Seniors must have a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Prerequisites:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019, Spring 2018
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7110 - Alternative Fuels Production
- Description:
- Understanding the thermodynamics of production and utilization methods of biologically and chemically based alternative fuels. Topics include ethanol, methanol, butanol, biomass, biodiesel, biogas, hydrogen, Fischer-Tropsch fuels, shale oil, and sands.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2003
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7120 - Thermodyn Altern Energy Prod
- Description:
- Application of thermodynamic principles to biomass, alternative fuels, wind, hydro, tidal, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, nuclear, and geothermal energy sources.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7130 - HVAC Analysis and Design
- Description:
- This course covers analysis and design issues associated with heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The topics covered include fundamentals, building heating and cooling loads, equipment, design and control, special applications, and the state-of-the-art.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2024, Summer 2021
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7140 - Thermal Energy Storage
- Description:
- Basic principles of solar energy and Thermal Energy Storage (TES), sensible TES, latent TES, thermochemical TES, cold TES, TES and enviornmental impact, TES and energy savings, Energy and Exergy analysis of TES, case studies.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2022, Fall 2020
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7150 - Sustainable Energy
- Description:
- Fundamentals of solar, wind, nuclear, and hydro/geothermal energy generation; energy storage; economics and financing of sustainable energy.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7205 - Advanced Dynamics
- Description:
- Particle dynamics, system of particles, impulse and momentum, energy concepts, Lagrange's equations, kinematics of rigid body motion, dynamics of a rigid body. Approval of instructor. Prerequisite may be waived with permission of the chair. Undergraduate students must obtain permission of the department chair.
- Prerequisites:
- ME 7000 (min. grade: C)
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2018, Fall 2015, Fall 2013, Fall 2011
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7206 - Dynamics of Rotating Machinery
- Description:
- Coordinate systems and kinematics of rotor motion, critical speeds and unbalance excitation, effect of asymmetry in rotor and stator, gyroscopic effect, stability and energy concepts, hydrodynamic bearings, finite element modeling, nonlinear phenomena in machinery. Undergraduate students must obtain permission of the department chair.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2021, Spring 2016, Spring 2014, Fall 2011
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7207 - Simulation of Multibody System
- Description:
- Complex Mechanical Systems Motion simulation: Modeling, analysis, and control system for multibody mechanical systems including robots, automobiles, and various forms of mechanisms.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2024, Fall 2022
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7208 - Space Flight Mechanics
- Description:
- Study of two-body and restricted three-body problems including orbital motion, orbit determination, and Langrange points, topics related to space craft dynamics and control including torque-free motion, attitude control, control moment gyros, thruster management
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2025
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7209 - Adv. Flight Dynamics & Control
- Description:
- Study of three-dimensional motion and control of fixed-wing aircraft and spacecraft. Development of general equations of unsteady motion, torque-free motion, small disturbance theory, modes of motion, attitude control of aerospace vehicles, classical and state-space methods for autopilot design.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7240 - Constructal Theory and Design
- Description:
- Basic principles of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics; internal spacings for natural and forced convection; tree networks for fluid flow; multiscale configuations for heat transfer; multi-objective configuations; vascularized materials: mechanical and flow structures; electrokinetic transfer.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2024, Spring 2022
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7250 - Nano/Microscale Mater Behavior
- Description:
- Atomic arrangements in crystalline solids, imperfections in crystalline solids, the relationship between nano-/micro-structure and materials properties, the synthesis and behavior of nanomaterials, and the characterization at the nano-/micro-scales; demonstration labs on materials behavior at the nano-/micro-scale using X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope, bubble raft, and nanoindenter.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2021, Fall 2018, Spring 2016, Spring 2014
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7260 - Mechanic Behavior of Materials
- Description:
- Mechanisms of linear and nonlinear elasticity, plasticity, viscoelastic-plasticity, creep, fatigue and fracture of materials. Atomistic and molecular fundamentals of mechanical behavior of crystalline and amorphous metallic materials, ceramics, and polymeric materials.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2023, Fall 2020, Fall 2017
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7270 - Polymer Engineering
- Description:
- Advanced polymer processing-structure-property relationship. Polymer chain structures, polymer crystaline structures, glass transition, viscoelasticity, mechanical properties, electrical properties, polymer extrusion, and polymer injection as well as polymer composite processing.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2020
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7280 - Additive Manufacturing
- Description:
- Additive manufacturing processes and workflow. Relevant standards. Bioprinting. Design for additive manufacturing. Software tools. Materials issues. Practical fused filament fabrication techniques. Stress and strain calculations.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2024, Fall 2022
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7400 - Intro to Computer Integ Mfg
- Description:
- Production line analysis, line balancing, group technology, MRP, numerical control, robotics, automated inspection and material handling.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2017, Fall 2014, Fall 2012, Fall 2010
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7401 - Num Control & Robotic Applns
- Description:
- Principles, types and features of NC systems; NC programming; CNC and DNC; principles and configurations of industrial robots; robot programming; end-effectors and sensors for robots; manufacturing applications of robots; justification of NC and robot systems.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2010, Spring 2008
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7402 - Comp-Aided Prod Planning
- Description:
- Static and dynamic production planning models, operations scheduling, inventory control, forecasting, queuing theory. Undergraduate students must obtain permission of the department chair.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2016, Summer 2014, Summer 2013, Summer 2011
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7501 - Reinforced Comp Materials
- Description:
- Particulate, filamentary, short-fiber, and laminated composites; elastic, and thermal structure/property relationships; stress analysis and design of material systems; static and fatigue failure; destructive and NDE test techniques. Undergraduate students must obtain permission of the department chair.
- Prerequisites:
- ME 7000
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7502 - Fiber Composite Structures
- Description:
- Orthotropic stress-strain relations, hygrothermal effects, laminate analysis, manufacturing residual stresses, stress analysis, finite element analysis, composite structure failure, designing, joining, and repair. Prerequisites: Matrix algebra and undergraduate solid mechanics. Undergraduate students must obtain permission of the department chair.
- Prerequisites:
- ME 7000
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Fall 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7550 - Biomechanics of Hard Tissues
- Description:
- Mechanical properties and structure-property relationships of bone; analytical and computational models of mechanical behavior of bone including fracture mechanics, damage, and failure theories; composite models of bone; applications of bone mechanics. Restricted to ME Senior with 3.0 GPA or higher.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018, Spring 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7560 - Biomechanics of Soft Tissues
- Description:
- Mechanical properties and structure/function relationships of biological soft tissues, including: connective tissues, muscle brain tissue, vasculature, and the heart. Numerical and computational modeling of mechanics of these tissues under physiological and non-physiological loading conditions. Analysis of novel engineered tissues.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2023, Fall 2018, Fall 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7600 - Thermal Mgmnt of Electronics
- Description:
- Fundamentals of thermal design issues associated with electronic equipment; including free and forced convection, liquid immersion, heat pipes, thermoelectrics, reliability, cold plates and numerical solution methods.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2024, Spring 2022, Fall 2018, Fall 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7700 - Tran Phen in Bio Systems
- Description:
- This course provides an introduction to the modeling and interpretation of transport in living tissue and cells. Topics include momentum, heat and mass transfer in arteries, water and solute exchange in the microcirculation, mass transfer across cell membrane, renal physiology and gas exchange in the lung. Prerequisite: Undergraduate fluid mechanics or transport courses, or instructor's consent.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 7800 - Systems Engineering
- Description:
- Determining technical requirements for engineering systems; Planning technical product design and requirements; Analyzing functionality, interoperability, and sustainability; Integrating disparate engineering components; Testing and evaluation of engineering systems to evaluate conformance with requirements; Organizational structure for execution of complex engineering programs.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8000 - Adv. Engineering Analysis II
- Description:
- Tensor calculus with applications to dynamics and elasticity, Calculus of Variations, Complex analysis, Conformal mapping, Perturbation theory, Asymptotic expansions.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2016, Spring 2014
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8010 - Special Topics in ME
- Description:
- Advanced and current topics in Mechanical Engineering.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Summer 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8020 - Financial Engineering II
- Description:
- Introductions to advance investment products (derivatives) and strategies. Develop more advanced big data programming skills in R for developing and validating technical tools in finance. Topics: Derivatives, Arbitrage, Programing strategies for investment strategies/big data applications, Value at risk, Mean semi-variance, and Stochastic Dominance.
- Prerequisites:
- ME 7020 (min. grade: B) and ME 7000
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023, Spring 2021
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8038 - Adv Computational FluidDynamic
- Description:
- Foundations of computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer; classification and solutions of model equations; application of numerical methods to the governing equations of fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2023
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8040 - Adv Fin Element Analysis
- Description:
- Nonlinear applications of the finite element method. Emphasis on formulation, solution algorithms, and convergence. Hands-on experience using programs for solution of problems.
- Prerequisites:
- ME 7040 (min. grade: C)
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2007, Spring 2005
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8100 - Fund of Cond & Rad Heat Trans
- Description:
- Fundamental theory of steady and unsteady conduction with applications. Fundamental theory of diffuse radiation heat transfer with applications.
- Prerequisites:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2023, Fall 2019, Fall 2017
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8103 - Advanced Fluid Mechanics
- Description:
- Fundamentals of fluid mechanics, conservation of mass, momentum, and energy; incompressible inviscid and viscous flows; Navier-Stokes equations, laminar and turbulent boundary layers, high speed flows.
- Prerequisites:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018, Spring 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8104 - Statistical Thermodynamics
- Description:
- A techanical introduction to selected topics within the broad subject of statistical thermodynamics, including the molecular interpretation of thermodynamic equilibrium, development of the partition function, introduction to quantum mechanics and molecular partition functions. The formulation of statistical thermodynamics and applications to ideal gases, solids, liquid, and related transport properties.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8120 - Convection Heat Transfer
- Description:
- Fundamentals of convection; conservation of mass, momentum and energy in integral and differential forms; laminar and turbulent, forced, and natural convection in internal and external flows; introduction to mass transfer. Prerequisite or Corequisite ME 7000.
- Prerequisites:
- ME 7000
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2020
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8145 - Thermoelasticity & Thermal Str
- Description:
- Heat transfer mechanisms in structures: conduction, convection and radiation. Fundamentals of thermoelasticity for isotropic and anisotropic materials. Thermal stresses in one-dimensional members and plane thermoelastic problems. Thermal stresses in plate, spherical and cylindrical structures. Thermally induced instability and thermally induced vibrations in engineering structures.
- Prerequisites:
- ME 7000 (concurrency)
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8150 - Multiphase Flow & Heat Trans.
- Description:
- Elements of boiling heat transfer; pool boiling; bubble dynamics; convective boiling; boiling of mixtures; micro-channels boiling; condensation heat transfer.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2023, Spring 2019, Fall 2016, Fall 2014
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8200 - Elasticity & Stress Analysis
- Description:
- Stress analysis fundamentals and solution methods. Strain, stress, elastic constitutive relations, equilibrium, compatibility, boundary value problems, uniqueness, two-dimensional and axisymmetric problems, flexure, torsion; energy methods, applications to structures, pressure vessels, rotating machinery. Approval of instructor.
- Prerequisites:
- ME 7000 (concurrency) (min. grade: C)
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2021, Spring 2019, Fall 2016, Fall 2014
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8204 - Robotics:Analysis & Control
- Description:
- Forward and inverse kinematics of non-redundant and redundant robotic arms; kinematics and dynamics of wheeled robots; path planning and control of mobile robots; alternative locomotion mechanisms. Approval of instructor.
- Prerequisites:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018, Spring 2015
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8207 - Vibration Analysis
- Description:
- Linearization and stability, multi-degree-of-freedom systems, eigenvalue problem, forced response, continuous systems, discretization techniques, finite element method for vibration analysis.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8250 - Microscale Heat Transfer
- Description:
- Kinetic theory of ideal gases; introduction to statistical thermodynamics; phonon, electron, and photon transport in solids.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2018, Spring 2016, Spring 2014, Spring 2012
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8350 - Applied Fracture Mechanics
- Description:
- Analysis of stress field near a crack tip, concepts of stress intensity and strain energy release rate, fracture modes, brittle and ductile fractures, fracture toughness test, fracture mechanics design, fatigue and fatigue crack growth. Approval of instructor.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2022, Summer 2021, Fall 2014, Fall 2012
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 8450 - Nano/Microscale Mechanics
- Description:
- Mechanics of imperfections in crystals (point defects and dislocations), diffusion theory, time dependent plasticity (creep and viscoelasticplasticity), size-dependence of mechanical behavior, as well as mechanics of thin films/coatings, and mechanics of nanomaterials (nucleation and growth). Demonstration labs on mechanical behavior at the nano-/micro-scale using atomic force microscope and nanoindenter.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 9000 - Independent Study
- Description:
- Individual supervised study on special topics in Mechanical Engineering. May include some research related to the topics. Approval of chair and faculty advisor.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Summer 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 9031 - Thesis Research I
- Description:
- Supervised participation in thesis research, registration to be approved by department chairperson and thesis advisor.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 9032 - Thesis Research II
- Description:
- Second course of supervised participation in thesis research, registration to be approved by department chair and thesis advisor.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Summer 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 9080 - Thesis Continuation
- Description:
- Credit Hours:
- 0
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Summer 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 9085 - Independent Study Continuation
- Description:
- Credit Hours:
- 0
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Summer 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 9086 - ME Graduate Practicum
- Description:
- Provides work experience for a graduate student who has been offered an opportunity to work in the mechanical engineering field in industry. Required for curricular practical training.
- Credit Hours:
- 0
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Summer 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 9087 - ME Grad Pract Continuation
- Description:
- Continuation of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Practicum. Required for extension of Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
- Credit Hours:
- 0
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Summer 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
ME 9100 - ME Graduate Seminar
- Description:
- The graduate seminar aims to immerse ME PhD students in cutting-edge research by attending ME department seminars given by distinguished speakers. The course will foster critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to learn from ongoing progress in the field.
- Credit Hours:
- 0
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024
- CRSE Attributes:

"Villanova's MSME program is outstanding; the rigorous, solid courses and groundbreaking graduate thesis research have greatly augmented my knowledge and skills as an aspiring thermal engineer.”
Deogratius Kisitu, Graduate Assistant

“I was able to take courses from renewable energy and manufacturing to composites and finite element analysis—a wide range of topics that I couldn’t necessarily find in other programs.”
Mary Beth Biddle, Mechanical Engineer, Lockheed Martin; Adjunct Professor, Thomas Jefferson University

"The MSME program gave me the opportunity to connect engineering with nature. From my thesis on biomimetic materials science that analyzed the naturally occurring strength of seashells, to my courses in heat transfer and renewable energy. These gave me the solid foundation of HVAC system design I use to this day in making buildings operate more sustainably with our environment."
Gregory Karambelas, Senior Associate / Mechanical Engineer, CannonDesign