A certificate in Electro-Mechanical Systems will be awarded upon successful completion of a total of five courses. One of these courses is required and the remaining four are electives to be chosen from the elective course list below. At least one elective must be an ME graduate class. Similarly, at least one elective must be an ECE graduate class.



The Electro-Mechanical Systems Certificate consists of (1) required courses and four (4) elective courses from the lists below.

Required Course
EGR 8301 - Control Systems Engineering


Elective Courses: (Choose four from the following list)
ECE 7525 - Elec Measure & Convers
ECE 8007 - Matrix Theory
ECE 8342 - Digital Control Systems
ECE 8224 - Reliability Theory & Practice
ECE 8580 - Power Electronics
ECE 99001 - Special Topics in EE
ME 70002 - Advanced Engineering Analysis
ME 7060 - Multiphysics Sys Modelng & Sim
ME 7205 - Advanced Dynamics
ME 7206 - Dynamics of Rotating Machinery
ME 8204 - Robotics:Analysis & Control
ME 8207 - Vibration Analysis
ME 80101 - Special Topics in ME

1These courses will be accepted only if the selected topics are appropriate for the certificate, as determined by the graduate committee chair.

2While ME 7000 may be used toward these certificate programs, it cannot be counted toward two different ME certificates.