Villanova University receives commitment from Marianne and Richard Kreider (’83 VSB) to Establish Endowed Professorship in College of Nursing
The Kreiders’ gift is part of the University’s $600 million Comprehensive Capital Campaign

Villanova University has received a commitment from alumnus Richard J. Kreider ’83 VSB – retired director in business operations at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Co. (KKR) – and his wife, Marianne, as part of the University’s $600 million Comprehensive Capital Campaign, “For the Greater Great: The Villanova Campaign to Ignite Change.” Designated for the College of Nursing, the Kreiders’ gift establishes The Richard and Marianne Kreider Endowed Professorship in the Nursing of Vulnerable Populations.
“We hope this gift will allow the College to attract and retain highly qualified academic leaders that will prepare the next generation of nurses to face the challenges of the health care field and provide exceptional care for vulnerable populations around the world,” said Richard Kreider.
Villanova launched the public phase of its campaign in Oct. 2013, and to date has raised $420 million toward its $600 million goal. The most ambitious in the University’s 173-year history, the Villanova Campaign to Ignite Change is aimed at cultivating academic innovation across its schools and colleges, investing in recruiting and retaining the finest teacher-scholars, dramatically enhancing financial aid and student opportunities, and continuing to build a premier living-learning environment on the University’s 260-acre campus.
“Endowed faculty positions are critical to Villanova’s success, as they provide dedicated and consistent support for the thought leaders who inspire our students every day,” said Michael J. O’Neill, Senior Vice President for University Advancement. “We thank Richard and Marianne for their generous and unfailing commitment to the College of Nursing and its mission to transform students into nursing leaders.”
The establishment of The Richard and Marianne Kreider Endowed Professorship in the Nursing of Vulnerable Populations will support a distinguished faculty member whose teaching and research significantly contribute to the health care of populations at high risk for chronic and life-threatening illnesses. The holder of the Kreider Professorship will enhance, expand and provide ongoing leadership and sustainability in the development of this critical component within nursing education.
“The Kreiders’ extraordinary generosity, including the time and the leadership Rich has provided the College of Nursing through his participation on the Board of Consultors, and the Villanova Campaign to Ignite Change, speaks to his loyalty to Villanova and his appreciation of the contributions that nurses make to the University and society,” said M. Louise Fitzpatrick, EdD, RN, FAAN, Connelly Endowed Dean and Professor, Villanova University College of Nursing.
“The endowed professorship is symbolic of the complementary nature of contributions that nursing makes to the people it serves through education, research and service,” added Dean Fitzpatrick. “It reflects the Catholic and Augustinian mission of the University and College.”
The College of Nursing’s Campaign Priorities include faculty and programmatic support, scholarships and facilities.
Richard J. Kreider, ’83 Villanova School of Business, retired in April 2014 from his position as director in business operations at KKR, a leading asset management company, after 28 years. Prior to joining KKR, Kreider worked for Deloitte as Certified Public Accountant.
Kreider serves on Villanova’s Campaign Executive Committee and is the Chair of the College of Nursing Campaign Committee, as part of “For the Greater Great: The Villanova Campaign to Ignite Change.” He was previously a member of the Villanova University Alumni Association Board, as well as an inaugural member of the College of Nursing’s Board of Consultors – having also served as its chairperson. In addition, Kreider served on the Villanova School of Business Accounting Advisory Council and is currently on the board of the Theodore Roosevelt Council for the Boy Scouts of America for Nassau County, N.Y.
After earning his BS in Accountancy from the Villanova School of Business (VSB) in 1983, Kreider earned his MBA from New York University.
The Kreiders, who reside in Huntington, N.Y., have been loyal supporters of the College of Nursing since their daughter Kristen ’05 CON – one of five Kreider children – was a Nursing student at the University. Two other Kreider children are also Villanovans – daughter, Kelly ’09 CLAS, and son, Brian, who is a freshman in VSB. In 2004, the Kreiders established The Kreider Family Endowed Nursing Scholarship.
For more information on the Villanova Campaign to Ignite Change, visit
About Villanova University: Since 1842, Villanova University’s Augustinian Catholic intellectual tradition has been the cornerstone of an academic community in which students learn to think critically, act compassionately and succeed while serving others. There are more than 10,000 undergraduate, graduate and law students in the University's six colleges – the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Villanova School of Business, the College of Engineering, the College of Nursing, the College of Professional Studies and the Villanova University School of Law. As students grow intellectually, Villanova prepares them to become ethical leaders who create positive change everywhere life takes them. For more, visit