Scholarship recipients gather to honor donors

The College’s fall 2011 scholarship recipients include (front row, from left) Hana Lee, Esther Lee, Jessica Lee, Sarah Sheerin, Carolyn Peng, Mackenzie Miller, Ashley Phillips, Maggie Wang, Melissa Pfeifer, Katherine Conte and Christine Bochanski. (back row, from left) Shakia Blount, John Barrow, Stephanie Gailor, Andrew Masiello, Lauren Robinson, Catherine Capozzola, Sinead Kemmy, Marie McClure, Zoe Gasparotti, Jennifer Warren, Lisa Rivera, Karli Miller, Caitlin Rhodes, Victoria Steiner and DeAnna DelGaiso. Not pictured: Jolyssa Lewis.
Special friends of the College of Nursing make possible the education of many future Villanova Nurses. Scholarship recipients and their families had a chance to meet and thank their generous donors, as well as share their Villanova stories, at the annual Scholarship Breakfast in Driscoll Hall held on September 17, 2011 during the University’s Parents’ Weekend.
The Robert and Frances Capone Scholarship
John Barrow, junior, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Beatrice A. Chase Scholarship for Nursing ’54
Victoria R. Steiner, Sophomore, Syracuse, NY
Richard W. and Martha B. Coyle Nursing Scholarship
Sinead C. Kemmy, Senior, Norwood, Mass.
The Frances Farrell D’Ambrisi Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Karli Miller, Freshman, Poughkeepsie, NY
Makenzie Miller, Freshman, Morrestown, NJ
The Eastwood Family Nursing Scholarship
Sarah E. Sheerin, Junior, Lancaster, Pa.
Stephanie J. Gailor, Junior, Lancaster, Pa.
The Eastwood Family Nursing Scholarship and PPJOC Endowed University Scholarship
Deanna M. DelGaiso, Senior, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Linda D. and James W. Eastwood, ‘68 Family Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Caitlin B. Rhoades, Senior, Glassboro, NJ
The Memorial Endowment Fund of Margaret S. and Jeremiah J. Enright
Catherine J. Capozzola, Senior, Delmar, NY
Melissa Pfeifer, Freshman, Plymouth Meeting, Pa.
The Daniel M. and Christine A. Finnegan Endowed Nursing Scholarship in Memory of Eileen S. Lupton, ’03
Christine V. Bochanski, Junior, Lansdowne, Pa.
The Eileen Greyson Hoffman, ’61 Scholarship for Nursing
Jessica Lee, Junior, Albany, NY
Mary Alice Holland Memorial Scholarship
Katherine Conte, Junior, Glen Mills, Pa.
The Kreider Family Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Maggie Wang, Junior, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Eileen S. Lupton ’03 Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Marie E. McClure, Junior, Coatesville, Pa.
Gerald M. and Carolyn A. Miller Family Scholarship
Carolyn Peng, Junior, Philadelphia, Pa.
Theresa Wilson & Michael J. Mruz Scholarship in Nursing
Lisa J. Rivera, Senior, Brick, NJ
The Mary V. O’Donnell Endowed University Scholarship
Hana Lee, Senior, Ridgefield, NJ
The Col. Julia B. Paparella and Dr. Benedict A. Paparella Endowed Scholarship for Nursing
Marie E. McClure, Senior, Coatesville, Pa.
The Pizzi Family Nursing Scholarship
Jolyssa Lewis, Freshman, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Pompizzi Family Endowed Scholarship for Nursing
Zoe Gasparotti, Junior, Cockeysville, Md.
The Alexis Rosenberg Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Jennifer Warren, Freshman, Stoneham, Mass.
Shakia Blount, Junior, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Mother Teresa Endowed Nursing Scholarship Established by Peter and Colleen Schleider in Memory of Richard and Ellen Wright
Lauren A. Robinson, Junior, Avondale, Pa.
The Margaret Mary Starzynski Memorial Fund Scholarship
Andrew E. Masiello, Senior, Staten Island, NY
Ashley Phillips, Freshman, Maplewood, NJ