What is humanhood? This is the question that the 2017 John F. Scarpa Conference on Law, Politics, and Culture will address through a conversation framed by the forthcoming book, Humanhood: Beyond Childhood and Adulthood, by distinguished Dartmouth philosopher James Bernard Murphy. Professor Murphy argues in his new book that the study of a human life is intrinsically multidisciplinary, and so the conference speakers will speak from the disciplines of biology, psychology, political science, sociology, linguistics, biblical exegesis, anthropology, literary theory, and law. The hope is to clarify a holistic conception of a developing human life, in which the virtues of children are also the virtues of adults, and both the temporal and the eternal are given their due. The event will be held on October 27, 2017 beginning at 9:15 a.m.
Beyond Childhood and Adulthood: A Multidisciplinary Conversation about Humanhood, 10/27
This program is approved for 5.5 CLE Credits (4.5 substantive and 1 ethics) by the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board.”
Schedule of Events:
9:15 a.m. - Welcome and Opening Remarks
Mark C. Alexander, Arthur J. Kania Dean and Professor of Law, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law
Patrick McKinley Brennan, Professor of Law, John F. Scarpa Chair in Catholic Legal Studies
9:30 a.m. - "Love and Humanhood: Parents, Disability and Other Complications"
Shelley Burtt, Executive Director of the Camphill Foundation
10:20 a.m. - "Childhood, Adulthood and Good Lives"
Harry Brighouse, Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
11:10 a.m. - "The Good of Being in Transition"
James Gordley, W. R. Irby Chair, Tulane University Law School
12 p.m. - Lunch break
1 p.m. - "It's a Long Story: Narrative and What We Are"
Marya Schechtman, Professor of Philosophy and member of the Laboratory of Integrated Neuroscience, University of Illinois at Chicago
1:50 p.m. - "Coming of Age: Fact, Meaning and Value"
Phillip Reynolds, Aquinas Professor of Historical Theology, Candler School, Emory University
2:40 p.m. - Roundtable Discussion
The annual Conference on Law, Politics, and Culture is named for John F. Scarpa, in recognition of his generous support of Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law through the John F. Scarpa Chair in Catholic Legal Studies.