In the Center for Peace and Justice Education, we equip you to become the person the world needs you to be.
Step into a Peace and Justice classroom, attend a lecture or film series, join a student organization, and consider how to advocate for a just and peaceful world. In whatever way you choose to get involved, the Center for Peace and Justice Education invites you to think critically, engage in difficult but transformative discussions, challenge institutions that render people vulnerable, and participate in efforts to realize dignity and the common good. Discover our community of devoted faculty and inspiring students. We believe that though there is injustice, even the smallest steps can carry us forward.
The Center offers an interdisciplinary major and minor, open to students across the University, equipping students to become people the world needs them to be.
The annual Adela Dwyer-St. Thomas of Villanova Peace Award honors nationally and internationally acclaimed peacemakers and leaders for justice.
Motivated students work to bring about social change through student groups dedicated to education, advocacy and activism.
CPJE invites the community to further the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through its annual Keynote Address and Freedom School.