The Center for Peace and Justice Education co-hosts an annual symposium for graduate student research presentations on issues of peace and justice.

This one-day, no-cost, hybrid (zoom and in-person) event is an opportunity for graduate students to present and showcase their research, providing expertise and perspectives on topics related to justice and peace. 


“Peace and Justice: Practical Implications of Theoretical Analysis”

Friday, February 14, 2025 | 9:30 am – 5:00 pm

The Center for Peace and Justice Education, Catholic Relief Services Partnership, and the Augustinian Institute announce the fourth annual graduate student peace and justice symposium. The symposium theme “Peace and Justice: Practical Implications of Theoretical Analysis” aims to examine interdisciplinary perspectives on the thought and practice of issues related to seeking peace and justice.

This one-day, no-cost, hybrid (zoom and in-person) event at St. Rita Hall, Villanova University, is an opportunity for graduate students to present and showcase their research, providing expertise and perspectives on topics related to justice and peace. We encourage everyone to attend and learn more about these fascinating and important topics.

Registration is available using link below.

In-person participants who register by February 5, 2025, will be provided a catered lunch.


Schedule and Session Titles


Housing the Urban Poor: Innovative Approaches for Today’s Cities

Fr. John Abubakar, O.S.A. 


Panel 1a: Environmental Sustainability

Moderated by Dr. Mark Graham

• Questioning Selfish Motivations Disguised as Climate Justice (Arvin Gouw, Cambridge)

• Eco-Catechesis in Family (Francis Xavier Joseph, Univ. of Vienna)

• Collective Awareness in Managing Waste (Dodi Kusmawanto, Gadjah Mada Univ.)

• Unpacking Mental Models of Road Salt Use and Advancing a Novel Sustainable Alternative for Environmental Justice (Rayan Magon & Kamil Aliyev, Villanova)

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Panel 1b: Concepts of Peacebuilding

Moderated by Joe Evans

• Religious Figures and Institutions as Agents of Change (Stella Osei-Agyeman, Univ. of Ghana)

• Redefining Peace: Static Paradigms to Dynamic Process Philosophy (Perdian Tumanan, Villanova)

• International Humanitarian Law and Religious Concepts of Peace & Justice (Jim Garcia, Villanova)

• Reconciling Durgā, Restoring the World (Nindyo Sasongko, Fordham University) 


Panel 1c: Political Polarization and Action

Moderated by Dr. Ray Ward

• Public Trust and Its Determinants on a Global Scale (Luke Yingling, Villanova)

• From Pulpit to Protest: The Intersection of Theology and Activism (Carolin Hohmann, University of Münster)


Panel 2a: Trauma & Violence

Moderated by Fr. Fidelis Olokunboro

• Exploring Kachin Traditional Practices as a Decolonial Approach to Healing Trauma (Diana Seng Hkawn, Univ. of Notre Dame)

• When to Use the word ‘Genocide’: Discussing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Classroom (Guinevere Keith, Villanova)

• On the Genealogy of Looting (Claryn Spies, Villanova)

• From Online Contention to IRL Clashes: Political Violence in the Eritrean-American Diaspora (Sara Laine, Univ. of Notre Dame)

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Panel 2b: Feminist Theology Panel I

Moderated by Dr. Chris Jingchao Ma

• Reconceptualizing Universal Feminism: A Postcolonial and Theological Critique of bell hooks (Nathanael Pribady, Columbia Univ.)

• Historical Development of Asian Feminist Theology and its Implications for Vietnamese Women (Sr. Ngoc Nguyen, Marquette Univ.)

• Gender Equality in the Vietnamese Catholic Church (Duong Nguyen, FMV, Villanova)

• Afro-Feminist movement to combat GenderBased Violence in Ethiopia (Hasset Shimeles Hailu, Anabaptist Mennonite)


Panel 2c: Children and Youth

Moderated by Dr. Rubina Bhatti

• Dissecting Child Marriage in Central Kalimantan: Analysis of Structural Oppression and Paulo Freire's Thought-Based Narrative of Liberation (Alfonso Munte, Institut AKNPR)

• Breaking Barriers, Embracing Hope: Uplifting Families of Children with Special Needs (Ajeng Ayu Widiastuti, State Univ. of Malang)

• Viral Trends and Interfaith Campaigns: Examining the Impact of the Takjil War on Promoting Religious Tolerance Among Indonesian Youth (Ujun Junaedi, Boston University)


Panel 3a: Colonialism and Racial Justice

Moderated by Dr. Héctor M. Varela Rios

•  Racial Paradism: A Critical Ethics of a Touristic Fantasy (Abel K. Aruan, Villanova)

• Racial Justice on the Ground: The Founding of Radnor Township's Bishop Richard Allen Park (Anne Minicozzi, Villanova)

• Patriarchal and Racist Institutions in the Spanish Colonies of Latin America: The Case of the Casas de Recogidas in the 16-17th centuries (Angela Lopez-Egea Vives, Villanova)

• Three Crises, You're Out: Theorizing Labour's Rightward Shift on Immigration, 2008-2015 (David Adah-Ogoh, Villanova) 

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Panel 3b: Spiritual Approaches to Peace & Justice

Moderated by Sr. Beth Hassel

• Teresa of Avila's Journey into Divine Intimacy: A Transformative Process of Recovering Full Dignity for Contemporary Vietnamese Christian Women (Sr. Hai Nguyen, Oblate School of Theology)

• Re-sacralizing Creation: Rebuild My House (Fr. Augustin Kassa, Villanova)

• In Search of Relational Wholeness: Teilhard de Chardin on Technology, Unity, and the Path to Peace and Justice (Robert Nicastro, Villanova)

• Spiritual, Psychological, and Economic Values of Creation and the Theology of God's Enflesh-ment in the Biosphere (Samuel Odidi, Villanova)


Panel 3c: Feminist Theology Panel II (Pre-Recorded)

Moderated by Dr. Stefanie Knauss

•Interfaith Women’s Movements in Semarang Addressing Social Injustice: An Intersectional Approach (Muhamad Sidik Pramono, Satya Wacana Christian Univ.)

• Unveiling the Hegemony of Gender-Based Violence Against Transgender Women in the City of Love (Benaya Revelino, Satya Wacana Christian Univ.)

• Deborah's Leadership: A Challenge to Gender Norms (Indriwati Kanna, Satya Wacana Christian Univ.)

• The Intersectional Struggle of Indigenous Women Against Environmental Exploitation (Ningsih Sepniar Lumban Toruan, Gadjah Mada Univ.)


Our Response to the Call of the Gospel

Sr. Philo Morris, MMS


The Center often records their events, making them accessible to the wider community. You can watch them on YouTube.

Villanova Univeristy
Center for Peace and Justice Education
Corr Hall, 106
800 Lancaster Ave., Villanova, PA 19085

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The Center for Peace and Justice Education is closely integrated with the Office for Mission and Ministry and its departments, programs and initiatives.