We offer four undergraduate programs: a Psychology major in either a BA or BS track, a major in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience and a minor in psychology.
Both psychology degree programs provide broad training in the scientific foundations of modern psychology and include a wide range of elective courses and opportunities for involvement in research and internships. The undergraduate major in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience provides an intensive course of study focused on brain-behavior relationships—ranging from genetic to whole brain contributions to mental processes.
Psychological and Brain Sciences are concerned with understanding behavior, thought, and experience. What could be more interesting and important than understanding ourselves?
PBS courses and programs provide rigorous, excellent preparation for a wide range of professional and life goals post-Villanova, including careers that directly or indirectly involve the behavioral sciences and graduate programs in psychological science, psychological practice, health professions, law and many other paths.
PBS programs include a range of opportunities for students beyond the classroom, including involvement in world-class research projects, internship opportunities, a regular colloquium/seminar program and close interaction among undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty members.