The Wireless and Digital Communications Certificate covers the theoretical background and practice of wireless and digital communications. Topics include: digital modulation, wireless systems, detection, sequence estimation, channel equalization, array processing for wireless communications, multimedia systems, information theory, source and channel coding.



Five courses are required to earn the certificate. The two Core Courses are required, unless the student already has a comparable background. After fulfilling the core requirement, the balance of the five courses are to be taken from the list of Elective Courses. Related courses can be substituted for the Elective Courses only upon approval from the ECE Graduate Coordinator. Students electing this certificate are expected to have a background in signal and system theory comparable to ECE 3220.

Required Courses
ECE 8072 - Stat Signal Processing
ECE 8700 - Comm Systems Engineering


Elective Courses
ECE 8247 - Multimedia Systems
ECE 8408 - Mob Computing & Wireless Net
ECE 8705 - Detection and Estimation
ECE 8708 - Wireless Communications
ECE 8771 - Info Theory and Coding Dig Com

Dr. Ahmad Hoorfar