The Electric Power Systems Certificate supports the training and continuing education needs of the engineers who operate electric power systems. It provides a broad range of courses, from the static and dynamic behavior of the electric power systems to the theory of operation and practical considerations of power apparatus.

Updated 10/30/2023


The Electric Power Systems Certificate consists of (3) required courses and two (2) elective courses from the lists below.

Required Courses
ECE 7805 - Electric Machinery
ECE 7810 - Power System Modeling
EGR 8301 - Control Systems Engineering


Elective Courses: (Choose two from the following list)
ECE 7000 - Renewable Energy Policy
ECE 7580 - Intro to Power Electronics
ECE 7800 - Renewable Energy Systems
ECE 7830 - Intro. to Electric Drives
ECE 7831 - Design&Model of Electric Vehic
ECE 8580 - Power Electronics
ECE 8815 - Smart Energy Systems
ECE 8820 - Power System Dynamics
EGR 7850 - Electrochemical Power Sources
EGR 8302 - Digital Control

Dr. Pritpal Singh