The Computer Architecture Certificate covers the theory, design, implementations, and applications of computer architecture. Design methodology of computer architecture is rapidly changing due to advancement in microprocessors, integrated circuits and neural and VLSI circuits. Applications of computer architecture are many, including supercomputers, signal processing, communication systems, control systems, and large scale information processing systems.



Requirements for the Computer Architecture Certificate include four required courses and an elective course from the indicated list of courses. Students are expected to have a strong background in design and microprocessors at the undergraduate level.

Core Courses:
ECE 8405 - Computer Organ & Design
ECE 8440 - Hardware Sys Des & Modeling
ECE 8448 - Embedded Systems Architecture
ECE 8473 - UNIX and C Programming


Elective Courses: (Choose one from the following list)
ECE 8410 - Trusted Computing
ECE 8425 - Microproc & Microcomp
ECE 8455 - Adv. Digital Des. Using FPGAs
ECE 9090 - ECE Project

Dr. Maggie Wang