After the Day of Service: What Now?

The St. Thomas of Villanova Day of Service is just one of many ways that Villanovans reach out to meet the needs of communities near and far. Below are a few examples of opportunities to continue your service throughout the year with Villanova or with outside agencies.
The annual Holiday Outreach Programs assist our community with Thanksgiving and Christmas needs. Email the Holiday outreach Team for more information or to get involved.
Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. Day of Service – More information can be gained through conatcting the Office of Belonging and Inclusion and Dr. Eloise Berry, (610) 519-6633, Corr Hall first floor.
RUIBAL – A first year-only service opportunity. Volunteer one day a week to serve Philadelphia schools and community centers while creating meaningful relationships with your fellow volunteers on campus! Contact Marcy Andersen for more information or to get involved! Marcy can be reached at or (610) 519-8276
COV: Community Outreach of Villanova - COV offers a large array of weekly opportunities for volunteers to serve various non-profit organizations in and around Philadelphia! Contact Josh Kammerer with questions or to get involved with COV. Josh can be reached at or at (610) 519-6555.
Please visit the Center for the Common Good if you want to become involved in these or other service projects! Email us at
Back on My Feet – The Villanova Chapter of Back on My Feet (BoMF) organizes weekly runs/walks at several BoMF sites in Philadelphia, hosts a campus-wide 5K for BoMF, and participates in community building through a variety of activities with BoMF members who are or were experiencing homelessness. Contact Jack Murphy, group president for more information.
Food Recovery Network – FRN is a student group that recovers usable food waste from the dining halls and delivers the food to area soup kitchens. Contact the Eboard to become involved:
Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter – Several Saturdays each semester the Campus Chapter provides students with the opportunity to work with Habitat for Humanity in Montgomery and Delaware Counties. Contact for more information.
LEVEL – LEVEL is a student group formed to bridge the gap between students with various abilities and disabilities. Targeting academics, social interaction, mindsets, and physical barriers, LEVEL is working to expand the idea of community on and off campus. Our goal is to make daily interactions all inclusive as well as raise able-ism awareness at Villanova and beyond. Contact Greg Hannah, (610) 519-3209.
Rays of Sunshine – The RAYS OF SUNSHINE PROGRAM provides Villanova student volunteers the opportunity to tutor, mentor, and support children in the greater Philadelphia area schools and community centers on a weekly basis. Contact: Stephen Koch at (610) 519-4214, or stop by Dougherty 102.
SREHUP (The Student Run Emergency Housing Unit of Philadelphia) - An initiative shared by Philadelphia area college students to help empower positive changes in the lives of Philadelphians experiencing homelessness Contact: Josh Kammerer
Villanova Refugee Empowerment Organization aims to serve new immigrants and refugees in the Philadelphia area by providing welcoming kits, assisting with accompaniment and other needs. Contact the Eboard to become involved:
The Center for Peace and Justice Education (CPJE) invites students and faculty to think critically, engage in difficult but transformative discussions, challenge institutions that render people vulnerable, and participate in efforts to realize dignity and the common good.CPJE has a mailing list that you can register for to receive weekly updates on peace and justice related events and opportunities on campus. Sign up at
Students who are interested in an intentional community focused on the integration of knowledge and experience related to service with poor and marginalized communities should consider applying to be a part of the Sophomore Service Learning Community. St Augustine Ctr Liberal Arts Rm 386.
Ignatian Solidarity Network’s Annual Ignatian Family Teach-In - The Ignatian Family Teach-In an annual gathering for to learn about social justice issues, reflect, pray, network and advocate together on Capitol Hill. Participants are empowered, reenergized, inspired, challenged and supported by a community that sees faith and justice as integrally linked. This year's gathering is October 26-28,2024. Contact Ray Ward for more information.
Service and Justice Experiences (SJEs) are opportunities for students to build relationships with other Villanovans and community partners committed to working for justice. Grounded in the Augustinian, Catholic values of truth, unity and love, SJEs are open to all students, regardless of faith identity, who are willing to think critically about social issues and commit to working for the common good. SJEs take place during Fall and Spring Break. Contact Abigail Gorman in the Center for the Common Good for more information.
Enroll in a Peace and Justice (PJ) course. PJ Course Offerings for the next semester are made available following the Fall/Spring breaks. Classes include: Race, Class, and Gender; Education and Social Justice; Peacemakers and Peacemaking; etc. You can also sign up for a major or minor in Peace and Justice!
The Major in Public Service and Administration (PSA) seeks to equip students with relevant competencies and skills to lead and serve as ethical, intelligent, inclusive and creative leaders in public service organizations, from nonprofit organizations, to local, state and federal government, as well as the private sector.
The Freedom School - As part of our annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Freedom School offers concurrent hour-long sessions that are hosted by various faculty members, staff, and students. The 2025 Freedom School will be held during late January.
Villanova Engineering Service Learning (VESL): Part of the Center for Humanitarian Engineering and International Development, VESL is committed to projects that are rooted in ethical engagement with partners and communities. Fundamental to this is the belief that empowering local communities is essential to creating sustainable solutions. VESL currently has intentional partnerships in Cambodia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Laos, Madagascar, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Tanzania. Contact Jordan Ermilio for more information.
Social Justice Documentary Program: Through the the Social Justice Documentary program, which is funded by the Waterhouse Family Institute, students are able to learn about film and then create documentaries that allow them to become advocates for important societal issues. Contact Hezekiah Lewis for more information.
The annual Holiday Outreach Programs including the "Turkey Drive" and "Sponsor a Family" assist our community with Thanksgiving and Christmas needs. Email the Holiday outreach Team for more information or to get involved.
Faculty and staff are needed as volunteers at the UCHC Soup Kitchen on Wednesday nights from 5:30-7 pm whenever students are on breaks. You can find the Sign-Up Genius here to sign up. Volunteers are also needed to provide treats through out the year. That Sign-Up Genius is found here. Contact Josh Kammerer with questions.
Thank you!