The RUIBAL Challenge
What is RUIBAL?
The RUIBAL Challenge is is a weekly service program in which first-year students serve K-8 students in Philadelphia schools and community centers through tutoring, mentoring, and building mutually-beneficial friendships with the children at service. Through attending service, Social Justice Forums, and RUIBonding, students are challenged to grow in their understanding of what service is and transition from service being something they do to service being a way of living.
How does RUIBAL work?
Weekly Service:
Villanova students are put in groups with fellow students who have a passion for service and justice work. Volunteers commit to serve for three hours one day each week throughout the semester. Opportunities are offered Monday-Friday from 2:30-5:30 p.m. and 3-6 p.m. (including transportation time). Groups travel to Philadelphia schools and community centers to serve at their after-school programs as tutors, reading coaches and mentors.
Groups are led by sophomore students who coordinate all the logistics of service: they drive the RUIBAL group to and from service in Villanova vans, they serve alongside you, they foster reflective conversations during the van rides to and from service and they serve as a resource for you while at service and on campus.
Volunteers are assigned to serve at one of our partner sites for the entirety of the semester. Each site is unique in terms of how volunteers spend their time serving. Some of our schools have a greater emphasis on tutoring while others are more open-ended and our students help prepare crafts/activities for the children.
As a whole, our service is based on creating real, life-giving relationships with the students.
Social Justice Forums:
Offered twice each semester, RUIBAL students are required to attend Social Justice Forums that are hosted by RUIBAL and Community Outreach of Villanova program chairs.
SJFs are an integral part of the RUIBAL program because they provide an opportunity to learn more about social justice issues that might be impacting our community members. We have a responsibility to educate ourselves on these issues so we can approach service with sensitivity and a better understanding of our community from a holistic perspective.
RUIBonding events are offered at various points throughout the semester for RUIBAL students to destress, get to know each other, and have some fun. Events vary each semester and can include activities like pumpkin painting, RUIBAL Olympics, scavenger hunts, and more. In addition to large group RUIBonding events, individual groups are given a budget to use throughout the semester for group bonding activities like minigolf, a dinner out, attending a movie together ... the options are endless!

The Three Pillars of RUIBAL
Empower youth to value education by serving as a positive influence in their lives. RUIBAL requires volunteers to attend service as often as possible, making a true effort to have service become a way of life and not an activity that is "done" once a week.
Form meaningful relationships with your peers and the youth at service! Youth at service sites notice when RUIBAL volunteers are absent because our volunteers leave a lasting impact on the students at service, and RUIBAL volunteers feel like part of their week is missing when they are unable to attend service.
Social Justice
Better your understanding of the various ways social issues show up for yourself and our community members. It is imperative we learn from and listen to the needs of our community so we can serve them in the best way possible.
Due to the PA Act 153, all volunteers working with minors are required to complete a set of clearances prior to attending service.
When registering for RUIBAL, you will select a time to attend a Clearance Workshop for us to walk you through the clearance process.

"I feel that RUIBAL helped break me out of my shell. I feel that this past year of this service has taught me so much in such a short amount of time and I feel that there is still so much to learn from the children of the schools."-Christina O.
"RUIBAL fosters relationships and healthy conversation with fellow Villanovans which has ultimately led to meeting some of my closest friends on campus. RUIBAL has been an integral part of my time at Villanova and has helped define the way I tackle present day life— by striving to build a community which creates change." -Henri D.
"I look forward to RUIBAL all week because hearing those children scream every time you walk down the stairs means something. RUIBAL, to me, was a highlight of my freshman year.” -Ellie B.
"There is a true feeling of community within the groups we are a part of as RUIBAL is filled with amazing people who are passionate about making a difference. I'm very thankful that this program has opened my eyes to the injustices that exist within various underrepresented and underserved communities." -Jared G.
"RUIBAL redefined 'service' for me. Prior to this program, I often thought of 'service' solely as grand acts and big sacrifices. I had seldom interpreted 'service' as small acts (patiently helping a student with homework, attentively listening to another's stories, etc.) RUIBAL approaches service as an attitude not just an act." -Katherine D.
"RUIBAL provided me with leaders who truly were my mentors throughout this entire year, and I feel so lucky that I had the opportunity to connect with my amazing leaders. RUIBAL and the RUIBAL community was a huge part of my freshman year experience at Villanova." -Colleen O.