McGuire and Caughlin Halls are "twin" buildings located on South Campus. Both halls opened in 1988. Each of the three-story buildings traditionally houses 120 residents in double rooms.
McGuire Hall is named in honor of Rev. Francis X. McGuire, OSA, who served as Villanova's President between 1944 and 1954. During Fr. McGuire's tenure, the College of Nursing and the School of Law were founded.
- Air Conditioned
- Wireless Internet
- Cable Television
- Tile Floor (rooms)
- Carpeted Floor (hallways)
- Lounge on each floor
- Laundry Room on 1st floor
Standard Double Room Furnishings
- 2 Beds
- 2 Desks with bookshelf
- 2 Desk chairs
- 2 Dressers
- 2 Closets
- Vertical Blinds
- Full Length Mirror (on back of door)
- Floor Size: 15'3" x 11'11"
- Window: 52" x 70"
- Bed Height from Floor: Maximum 26" for single beds; 56" (loft beds in tripled rooms); 10" for bottom bunk bed
- Closet: 48" wide (closets are open)
Closets do not have doors. Students often bring tension rods with curtains or shower curtains to block view of closet from the rest of the room. Closet door openings are 48". The closet shelf is 13" deep and approximately 24" from the top of the closet.
How to Use Your HVAC System - McGuire Hall