The emphasis of the post-master's DNP track is on broad “systems thinking” in order to facilitate the design and implementation of models of patient care and clinical practice.
The DNP project offers students the opportunity to apply advanced empirical and theoretical knowledge to design, implement, evaluate and intervene in the clinical environment based on the evidence. It is expected that students will focus on clinical issues and/or organizational systems that promote safe, effective, efficient and accessible care for individuals, groups, or populations.
The DNP project should reflect learning from course work and application to clinical practice. Students will complete a minimum of 500 practice hours while working on the DNP Project. The scholarly project will be a tangible deliverable in manuscript form. The project will be reviewed by a committee and formally presented at the project’s clinical site and with the broader community.

Nurse Practitioners move ideas to innovation. Martha Mulvey DNP, ANP-BC identified a clinical problem: adult patients with epilepsy were not being screened for obstructive sleep apnea. As a Villanova DNP student, Dr. Mulvey implemented and tested an EHRA screening alert to save lives. READ MORE

Patient safety deserves broader discussion. Paul Minnick DNP, RN, NEA-BC brought the issue into focus, and developed and implemented a daily safety huddle dedicated to analyzing complex practice and organization issues. READ MORE

According to the CDC, each year, 3 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries. Villanova DNP graduate, Michelle Cuttino, DNP, MSN, CRNP, AGPCNP-BC urges MCI screening in long-term care to create the opportunity for effective intervention. READ MORE
Geriatric Specific Inpatient Diabetes Management: The Effect of an Educational Intervention on Healthcare Providers Knowledge Levels
Francisco Diaz
The Development and Implementation of a Patient Educational Resource for Female Patients with Overactive Bladder in a Urology Practice
Darlene Bewick
Emergency Department Advanced Practice Provider Clinical Care Pathway for Adult Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Michele Connell
Impact of Crisis Checklists in Simulated Crises among Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists
Nicole Fanelli
Intentional Leadership Development for the Advanced Beginner Nurse Using a Virtual Platform
Larissa Hutchins
Implementation of the Spina Bifida Happy Skin Program in a Pediatric Specialty Clinic
Elizabeth Kaukl
Implementation of a Simulation-Based Training Session to Improve Malignant Hyperthermia Crisis Management for the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
Jennifer Raynor
Integrating Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Developing a Policy to Guide Pediatric Care at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Megan Snyder
Reducing Distracted Practice in the Cardiac Perioperative Area through an Education Intervention and Implementation of a Clinical Practice Change
Carolyn Srinivasan
Standardization of Preoperative Education within the Department of Orthopedic Surgery to Decrease Surgical Fear and Increase Patient Preparedness for Hip Fracture Patients
AnnMarie Thuer
Implementation of a Weekly Walk-In Clinic to Increase College Students' Access to Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections
Gretchen Bernatowicz
Fall Prevention Clinical Decision Tool on an Adult, Medical-Surgical Unit
Kimberly Daniels
The Development of a Clinical Practice Guideline for Distal Forearm Buckle Fractures in a Pediatric Emergency Department
Robert Day
Reducing Inhaled Anesthetic Waste Through Utilization of Low Fresh Gas Flow
Jillian Guzzardo
Development and Implementation of a Clinical Pathway for Bowel Management in Pediatric Spina Bifida Population
Joy Kerr
Implementation of Animal Assisted Therapy on an Inpatient Palliative Care Unit
Christa Massak
Introducing Palliative Care for Children with Brain Tumors and Their Families Through an Educational Intervention at the Time of Diagnosis
Ann Marie Mazzeo
Executive Onboarding for the Veteran's Health Administration (VHA)
Mary Alice Morro
Fiberoptic Intubation Simulation Workshop for Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists (SRNAs)
Molly Mulreaney
Enhancing Nursing Knowledge of Fall Risk Factors and Prevention Guidelines Through an Educational Intervention
Kimberly DiGerolamo
Nurse Manager Certification Program: Impact on Practice
Jennifer Hargreaves
Creating a Safe Environment for Open Dialogue of Gaps in Patient Safety for Hospital Leadership Through the Implementation of a Daily Safety Huddle
Paul Minnick
An Educational Program and Phone Application Implementation for CRNAs to Increase Knowledge and Improve Attitudes Regarding Conversions of Oral Opioid Medications to Intravenous for the Chronic Pain Patient During the Perioperative Period
Rachel Langraf
Improving CRNAs Knowledge and Perception of Diabetes and Hyperglycemia Management
Trisha McFarlane
Implementation of Schwartz Center Rounds Within the Adolescent Continuum of Care at a Behavioral Healthcare Facility
Courtney Emery
Practitioner Acceptance of a Minimally Invasive Cardiac Output Monitor
David Krasucki
Gastrectomy Patient Satisfaction with Nutritional Information Provided in a Focused Support Group
Caitlin Brown
Identifying and Staging Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Patients with Hypertension and Diabetes in Primary Care Through Pre-Visit Planning
Monica McNeill Cades
Best Practice Prescribing of Analgesics for Acute Pain in the Primary Care Setting
Kate DeMutis
Effects of an Evidence-Based Sun Safety Education Program implemented at an Outdoor Water Resort Complex on Lifeguards’ and Aquatics Instructors’ Knowledge Level Regarding Sun Protective Behaviors
Pamela A. May
The Effect of Assessing Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using a Prompt in the Electronic Health Record for Adult Patients with Epilepsy
Martha A. Mulvey
The Implementation of a Surgical Site Wound Assessment Tool (SSWAT) for Use by Telehealth Nurses in an Ambulatory Care Cancer Center
Loleta C. Samuel
Development of a Policy to Facilitate Regional Integration of a Women’s Health Product Line
Kim Patricia Shaughnessy
The Introduction of an Electronic Workflow Document in the Primary Care Setting to Increase Staff Participation and Accountability in the Attainment of Value Based Care Measures
Margaret S. White
Improving Knowledge and Confidence of Frontline Clinicians Caring for Newborns with Spina Bifida
Tracy M. Widmer
A Seminar for Emerging Nurse Leaders
Kimberly F. Volpe
Evaluation of Health Care Issues and Best Clinical Practice in Guatemalan Communities During Global Intensive Learning Experience
Constance Glenn
Applying Standards and Guidelines to Clinical Practice at the Point of Care: Healthcare Provider Adherence to National Cardiac Monitoring Guidelines
Sheri A. Brown
Impact of Medication Adherence to Oral Cancer Agents When Using A Standardized Medication Educational Tool and Personalized Calendar
Elizabeth Dunphy
The Development and Implantation of a Clinical Practice Guideline for Feminization of Girls with Turner Syndrome
Denise Gruccio-Paolucci
The Relationship Between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorder among Adolescents in a Residential Setting
Amy Beth Carnall
Using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Tool to Improve Falls Risk Identification in Long Term Care
Michelle A. Cuttino
Improving Knowledge Through an Educational Program on an Integrated Care Pathway for Self-Injurious Behavior (SIB) and Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD)
Regina Gentlesk Green
Parental Prenatal Spina Bifida Video Education
Lori J. Howell
A Handoff Checklist for Student Nurse Anesthetists to Guide Transfer of Care to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit
Leslie Jackson
Influence of e-Health Technology Text Messages Linked to Health Portal on College Students' Influenza Vaccine Rate
Catherine Sharbaugh
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of an EMR (EHR) Alert on Ordering of Screening Mammography in the Primary Care Setting
Denise A. Zollicoffer
Examining the Extent of Nurse Practitioner Practice at a Large Academic Medical Center: Recommendations for Full Professional Practice
Latesha Colbert-Mack
SBAR Guided Communication in Long-Term Care between Nursing and the Provider
Rolanda Coverson
Evaluation of Tdap Vaccine Acceptance and Declination Rates in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Application of New Evidenced-Based Guidelines
Cara Curley
The Use of a Standardized EMR Note to Increase PCP Compliance with NIH Asthma Guidelines
Cynthia Hoens
Probiotics in the Prevention and Treatment of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: An Evaluation of Knowledge and Practice Patterns of Health Care Providers
Chelsea McEvoy
Screening Women for Generalized Anxiety Disorder in the Primary Care Setting
Shafeah Morrison
College Health Nurses’ Knowledge and Confidence in Treating Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: The Effects of Educational Intervention and Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines
Mary Agnes Ostick
Interdisciplinary Educational Checklist for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant Patients
Jean Ridgeway
A Mandatory Influenza Vaccination Policy for Health Care Workers
Sheryl Timpanelli
Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists: The Impact of Structured High Fidelity Simulation on Anesthesia Ready Time
Michele Ballister
An APN Home Care Intervention: Implementing Evidence Based Coping Mechanisms for Breast Cancer Patients
Meghan O'Regan Coleman
The Effects of Palliative Care on Quality of Life in Heart Failure Patients
Janet Dunn
Interdisciplinary Education Class for Patients Undergoing an Esophagectomy
Jenny Lynn
The Effects of Stimulated Pediatric Anesthesia Clinical Experiences on SRNA Anxiety as Measured by the STAI
Matt McCoy
Development of an Improved Clinical Workflow Process for INR Resulting and Reporting with Electronic Health Records in Adults Patients Receiving Warfarin Therapy in a Primary Care Setting
Penny McEvoy
Implementation of Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines for Smoking Cessation for Women in a Primary Care Setting
Betty Naimoli