Meet Graduate Student Ambassador Zora DeSeignora

Zora DeSeignora
"Villanova is a great place for growth! So many of my peers are so knowledgeable, and it's so amazing to be in classes with them. I feel like I grow every time I leave my class because there's always something new that I have learned."

Describe your interest in your academic program and what you hope to gain from it.
I was interested in the MA in Communication because I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the field. There is so much within communication and ways that people communicate.
What is your favorite course you’ve taken so far? If you are in your first year, what course are you most looking forward to in your program? Why?
My favorite courses that I have taken so far have to be my Health Communication class and my Strategic Public Relations course. Both of those classes are different, but they were every hands on with examining case studies. I gained understanding of strategical approaches when creating or examining campaigns.
What are a few things you would like to share with prospective students regarding the Villanova student experience?
The grad community is very welcoming! I think our GroupMe is very active and people are willing to connect and newtwork with you. I also think that within your program, you will find some of the best people who become your friends instantly. The campus has a lot to offer, so always ask around about events and opportunities.
How do you maintain a good school/life balance?
I think the important part of school/life balance is making sure you have space for yourself. If you are filling up your schedule, make sure you are filling it with a mixture of activities where some require your time and effort, but then the others are ones that fill you up and contribute to your growth.
If you’re living around Villanova, what are one to two “must do” experiences you would suggest to students new to Villanova and the surrounding area including Philadelphia?
I would encourgage anyone to try small local businesses within the area. One that I recently tried was Golden Bowl in Ardmore. The food and service was great and I had a pleasant experience!
Describe what it means to be a graduate student at Villanova. In other words, why Villanova?
Villanova is a great place for growth! So many of my peers are so knowledgeable, and it's so amazing to be in classes with them. I feel like I grow every time I leave my class because there's always something new that I have learned.