The MAC program’s world-class faculty includes nationally recognized full-time professors as well as adjunct faculty who are current and former partners and professionals from each of the Big Four accounting firms. Our full-time professors are experts in their fields who excel in research and instruction. Adjunct faculty bring their direct experience to the classroom and enrich the MAC curriculum with their deep knowledge of industry-specific topics shaping accounting today. This combination of scholar-teachers and industry professionals gives students a unique and well-rounded learning experience.



Jennifer Altamuro, PhD

Jennifer Altamuro, PhD, CPA

Faculty Director, Master of Accounting with Data Analytics
Professor, Accounting & Information Systems

Courses Taught 

Valuation Issues in Accounting


Noah Barsky

Noah Barsky,  PhD, CPA, CMA

Associate Professor, Accounting & Information Systems

Courses Taught

Performance Measurement and Business Risk Management


James Bierstaker, PhD, CPA

James Bierstaker, PhD, CPA

Professor, Accounting & Information Systems

Courses Taught

Advanced Auditing Topics


Julius Green

Julius Green, CPA, MBA, JD

Villanova Business Fellow
Retired Partner, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP


Lauren Knoll

Lauren Knoll

Associate Director, Graduate Career & Professional Development

Courses Taught

Leadership for the New Accounting Professional


Danielle R. Lombardi

Danielle R. Lombardi, PhD

Associate Professor, Accounting & Information Systems


 Wenhong Luo, PhD

Wenhong Luo, PhD

Professor, Accounting & Information Systems
The John and Rachel Cashwell Scholar in Management Information Systems


John Repko

John Repko

Villanova Business Fellow

Courses Taught

Digital Accounting


Joyce Russell, PhD

Joyce Russell, PhD

Dean Emeritus of the Villanova School of Business
Professor of Management

Courses Taught

Leadership for the New Accounting Professional


Lauren Wade

Lauren Wade

Senior Manager, Tax Ignition, KPMG US

Courses Taught

Emerging Technologies


 William Wagner

William Wagner, PhD

Associate Chair, Accounting & Information Systems
Professor, Accounting & Information Systems


Luke Watson

Luke Watson

Associate Professor, Accounting & Information Systems

Course Taught

Taxes and Business Strategy


Ally Dotzman
Director, Graduate Admissions


February 20 | 12 p.m.

Join us for a live information session to learn more about the MAC and MBT programs. Admissions representatives will discuss program format, curriculum, application process and more.