There would be no Augustinian Catholic values without Jesus and the Gospel. At the heart of St. Augustine’s conversion was an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ, as told in Book VIII of the Confessions. Jesus’ call to “Love thy neighbor” is a key element of our Augustinian Catholic mission. St. Augustine found the twofold commandment of love—the love of God and the love of neighbor—to be a love without distinction. St. Augustine echoed this Gospel message in preaching an ethos of love: “The measure of love is to love without measure.” This love is a call to action, inspiring individuals to seek justice, practice compassion and work for the common good. Love is the anchor of our University motto—Veritas, Unitas, Caritas, or Truth, Unity, Love.

Furthermore, the Augustinian emphasis on the pursuit of truth aligns with the Gospel's call to seek wisdom and understanding. Our commitment to academic excellence and intellectual curiosity is deeply intertwined with our mission, fostering an environment where faith-guided values help us all continually grow and learn. The sense of community is fostered by Augustinian values and mirrors the Gospel's vision of the kingdom of God—a community where all are welcomed and valued. In essence, the alignment of Augustinian Catholic values with Gospel values at Villanova University is not merely theoretical but practical, shaping every aspect of campus life and inspiring individuals to live out their faith as an expression of love for others.