
The Catholic faith grounds and guides us in everything we do. Every warm welcome and kind smile, curiosity and question, and way we come together to learn. Faith is a framework that provides all Villanovans with a shared understanding of the values that set us up to succeed not just academically—but professionally, personally and spiritually, too.

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus was willing to engage in dialogue. It is through dialogue that we learn from one another and cultivate mutual respect and care. These are distinctive traits of our Villanova community, and all have been undoubtedly nurtured by our faith. Fundamental traits like these have just as much value, if not more, in the 21st century as they have in each century that came before it. Together, we can continue Villanova's legacy, drawing students, staff and faculty from around the world with strength of spirit, brilliance of mind and warmth of heart.

Since our founding, Villanovans have supported one another in times of need. We’ve taken the time to look inwards and reflect on areas for growth. And time after time, we’ve found ourselves drawn to the pursuit of knowledge.

Driven by our restless spirit, we continually aspire to reach higher and to dream big. As far back as our history spans, our faith has inspired and motivated us to shape leaders who will create meaningful change in the world. And as the future landscape continues to shift, the same roots that keep us grounded today are the ones that will be our guide as we move forward, prepared for whatever comes next.