Students doing service, throwing up the Villanova V with rakes and bags

In the spirit of St. Thomas of Villanova, who dedicated his life to service, The Center for the Common Good provides weekly volunteer opportunities for members of the Villanova community to come together for a shared purpose of helping others.

Explore Volunteer Opportunities


A first-year-only service program offering volunteers the opportunity to serve K-8 students in Philadelphia schools and discuss social injustice with other passionate volunteers.

Community Outreach

A weekly volunteer service program open to all Villanova students to create lasting social change in the Philadelphia area.


Holiday Outreach

Our annual Holiday Outreach program supports local partners around the holidays where we donate food, giftcards and toys to families in need.

Habitat for Humanity

Join together with other Villanovans to help people in your community by building homes and checking out our other long-term service opportunities.


There are a wide variety of additional student advocacy and service groups provided through the Center for Peace and Justice Education for students to get involved in no matter their interests.