SEPTEMBER 26 - 27, 2024

Student presents research at symposium.

Exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and foreign languages, the "Code Meets Culture" symposium highlights new research and innovative applications for using AI as a learning partner. 

With artificial intelligence’s undeniable influence on various sectors—from healthcare diagnostics to soil analysis in agriculture—it is imperative that educators adapt, innovate and employ these tools, ensuring that pedagogical practices remain relevant and effective. In the field of second language pedagogy, the role of artificial intelligence can become a real a game changer. AI’s advanced capabilities, especially in natural language processing, can be exploited in a number of ways to assist language professors and present an opportunity to reshape the very dynamics of teaching languages, literature and culture. By taking over routine tasks like grammar drills, tests and basic pronunciation corrections, AI can free up language professors to focus on more profound and culturally immersive aspects of language learning. In other words, by automating the foundational aspects of language instruction with AI, professors can elevate the conversation to a level where language learning becomes not just about communication, but also about understanding and appreciating the depth and breadth of a culture. This enriched approach can lead to a more profound, lasting and transformative learning experience for students.

While AI’s potential for language pedagogy is significant, its incorporation also presents serious challenges. The subtleties of human language, cultural contexts and the irreplaceable value of human interaction in language acquisition require careful consideration. Alongside these pedagogical concerns, ethical considerations like data privacy, potential biases within AI algorithms and the danger of over-dependence on technology further underscore the need for careful, informed integration. Balancing AI’s transformative potential with these challenges makes the exploration of AI in second language pedagogy crucial.

The goal of this symposium is to bring together educators, researchers and technologists to explore the multifaceted role of AI in language education. By sharing insights, experiences and research findings, we aim to develop a nuanced understanding of harnessing AI to enhance language learning while addressing the inherent challenges.



Villanova University Grant for Research for Arts and Sciences Professors, CLAS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, the French and Francophone Studies Program, the Italian Studies Program, the Disability and Deaf Studies Program, the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies, the Center for Irish Studies, the Department of Communication, the Department of Education and Counseling, the Department of English, the Department of Global Interdisciplinary Studies, and the Department of Spanish