*Gender information is required for the purpose of housing only.*

Parent/Guardian Information


Eligibility and Priority Status

Civitas through Caritas applicants must live in the greater Philadelphia area and be a current junior in high school. We prioritize students who are from low-income households and/or will be the first in their families to attend college. Other students are still encouraged to apply. There is no minimum GPA.

What are your parents' or guardians' highest education levels of education?

To the best of your knowledge, please provide your family's taxable household income.

List the number of people in your household including yourself.

Max. 100 words

Long answer questions

Please answer each of the following questions in 200-500 words

Max. 500 words
Max. 500 words

Recommendations and Transcripts

Letter of Recommendation

Ask a teacher or guidance counselor to write a confidential letter speaking to your ability to handle a heavy academic workload, willingness to participate in class, commitment to academic improvement, and your engagement in social or political causes as applicable. An email will be sent to your teacher or guidance counselor requesting the confidential letter be emailed to


You may upload your most recent high school transcript directly into this application using the link below; or you may ask your guidance counselor to email it to on your behalf.

Thank you for your interest in Civitas through Caritas!

Please click the SUBMIT button to submit your completed application to the Civitas through Caritas Program.

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