11/22/24 Seminar - David Cereceda, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept of Mechanical Engineering 
Villanova University 
Lecture: Unraveling the Thermo-Mechanical Response of Transmuting Tungsten-based Plasma-facing Materials

11/15/24 Seminar - Ottman A. Tertuliano, PhD
AMA Family Assistant Professor 
Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics 
University of Pennsylvania
Lecture: Adapting to Cracks: Learning from the Dynamic Structure of Mineralized Tissue

11/8/24 Seminar - Brittany Coats, PhD
Director, Utah Head Trauma Lab 
Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
Assistant Vice President for Faculty & Academic Affairs 
University of Utah 
Lecture: Progressive Damage to the Brain-Skull Interface and its Influence on Traumatic Brain Injury 

11/1/24 Seminar - Connor Alexander Williams, PhD
Senior Scientist
Radiation & ICF Target Design
Sandia National Laboratories
Lecture: Inertial Confinement Fusion Across Length, Time, and Energy Scales

9/27/24 Seminar - Geoff Wehmeyer, PhD
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Dept
Rice University
Lecture: Thermomagnetic Devices for Thermal Switching, Amplification, and Rectification

9/20/24 Seminar- Deep Jariwala, PhD
Associate Professor
Peter & Susanne Armstrong Distinguished Scholar
Electrical & Systems Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
University of PA
Lecture: Materials and Devices for Extreme Electronics: From Low-Power Logic to High Temperature Memory

2/12/24 Seminar - Durga Ghosh, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan
Lecture: Villanova University Calendar - ME Seminar Series Spring 2024 - Dr. Durga Ghosh

2/16/24 Seminar - Yun Zhang, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Mechanical Engineering Dept
Purdue University
Lecture: Integrating Nature-Based Solutions for Water-Energy Nexus

2/19/24 Seminar - Muhammad Jahidul Hoque, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate
Energy Transport Research Lab
Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Lecture: Functional Surfaces and Devices for Sustainable Decarbonization

2/23/24 Seminar - Xuanjie Wang, PhD
Post-Doctoral Associate
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lecture: Sunlight Harvesting: Sustainable Solutions for Water and Energy Challenges

4/5/24 Seminar - Lin Han, PhD
Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering
Science & Health Systems
Drexel University
Lecture: Decorin: A Central Player of Cartilage Extracellular Matrix in Health and Disease

11/10/23 Seminar - Alison Weber, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biology
Bryn Mawr College
Lecture: Sparse and Efficient Sensing in Flight: Lessons from Insect Wings

11/3/23 Seminar
Elizabeth Getto, PhD
Associate Professor
Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering Department
United States Naval Academy
Lecture: Ion Irradiation as a Surrogate Testing Methodology for Prospective Reactor Materials

11/1/23 Special Seminar
Co-hosted with CLAS, VSB and Athletics
Joseph Lunardi
ESPN bracketologist
Lecture: The Perfect Bracket

10/26/23 - David J. Cappelleri, PhD
School of Mechanical Engineering
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering (by courtesy) 
Purdue University
Lecture: Microrobotics to Micro Aerial Vehicles: Robots Interacting with the Environment

10/16/23 - Lieven Vervecken, PhD
Co-founder and CEO
Diabatix nv
Leuven, Belgium
Lecture: Cooling the Future: Exploring the Power of Generative Design in Thermal Management

10/6/23 - Yuri Muzychka, PhD
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John’s, Newfoundland
Lecture:  Robust Modelling of Transport Phenomena

10/5/23 - Nesreen Ghaddar, PhD
Qatar Chair of Energy Studies
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director of the Munib and Angela Masri Institute of Energy and Natural Resources
American University of Beirut (AUB)
Lecture: Sorption-Based Systems for Sustainable Carbon Dioxide Capture and Humidity Pumping from Indoor Spaces

9/29/23 - Sandip Mazumder, PhD
Professor & Associate Chair
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Ohio State University
Lecture: The Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

4/20/23 – Noah Jafferis, PhD
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering Dept.
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Lecture: Untethered Flight of the RoboBee X-Wing - Bio-Inspired Design and Behavioral Insights

4/14/23 – Ajit Roy, PhD
Air Force Research Laboratory
Materials & Manufacturing Directorate
Wright-Patterson AFB
Lecture:  Atomic-Scale Multifunctional Materials Design

3/17/23 – Arindam Banerjee, PhD
Professor & Dept. Chair
Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
Lehigh University
Lecture: Impact of Tidal Turbulence on Operation and Response of Tidal Energy Convertors

2/24/23 – Leslie Lamberson, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Colorado School of Mines
Lecture: Photomechanical Approaches to Dynamic Viscoelastic Material Identification

2/10/23 – Alexander Rattner, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Penn State University
Lecture: Additive Manufacturing and Topology Optimization for Thermal Systems: Supercritical CO2 Power Generation and Spacecraft Radiators

12/2/22 – William Nagel, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Robotics Engineering
Widener University
Lecture: High-Precision Rapid-Positioning for Dual-Stage Systems: Design, Modeling, and Control for Micro and Mesoscale Mechatronic Systems

11/18/22 – Anthony J. Calise, PhD
Retired Professor
School of Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Lecture: Case Studies in Neural Network Based Adaptive Control /

11/11/22 – Haibo Dong, PhD
Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dept.
Director, Aerospace Engineering Program
University of Virginia
Lecture: Bio-inspired Underwater Propulsion for Fast, Efficient Swimming: A Computational Approach  

10/28/22 – James Tangorra, PhD
Department Head
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Drexel University
Lecture: Biological Derived Approaches and Prototypes for the Control and Propulsion of Swimming Vehicles 

10/21/22 - Tyler Van Buren, PhD
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
University of Delaware
Lecture:  Biomorphology in Engineered Hydrodynamic Propulsion

9/30/22 - Jie Yin, PhD
Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC
Lecture:  Harnessing Physical Intelligence for High-Performance Soft Robots

9/23/22 - David H. Kohn, PhD
Natalie C. Roberts Endowed Professor
Dept of Biomedical Engineering
Dept of Biologic & Materials Sciences
University of Michigan
Lecture:  Bone Matrix Composition: From an Unexpected Result to a Diagnostic Path

9/13/22 - Grzegorz Litak, PhD, DSc
Dept. of Automation
Head of Department
Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Piotr Wolszczak, PhD, DSc
Dept. of Automation
Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Lecture:  Energy Harvesting with Nonlinear Mechanical Systems

7/7/22 Special Summer Seminar - Kam K. Leang, PhD
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Utah Robotics Center
University of Utah
Lecture:  Autonomous Sentinels for Dangerous Gas Leak Detection, Localization, and Estimation

4/22/22 - Raffaele Luca Amalfi, PhD
Senior Lead Researcher
Nokia Bell Labs
New Jersey
Lecture:  Performance Metrics and Economic Benefits of Two-phase Systems

3/11/22 - Anthony Calise, PhD
Retired Professor from Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering
AIAA Fellow
Lecture:  Year-Round Solar Powered Stratospheric Flight

2/18/22 - Andrew Erwin, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Valero Lab
University of Southern California
Robots with Compliance for Neurorehabilitation and Human-Robot Collaboration

2/14/22 - Seong Hyeon Hong, PhD
Mechanical Engineering Dept
University of South Carolina
Lecture:  Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering in Robotics Applications

2/11/22 - Rui Liu, PhD
Assistant Professor
College of Aeronautics and Engineering (CAE)
Kent State University
Lecture:  AI-Powered Robot Cognition Modeling for Resilient Humans-Robots Collaboration ---   Trust, Intent, Attention, Risk

2/4/22 - Arman Sargolzaei, PhD
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Tennessee Technological University
Lecture:  Resilient, Autonomous, Networked Control Systems

12/3/21 - Dr. Pengtao Yue
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mathematics
College of Science
Virginia Tech
Lecture: Thermodynamically Consistent Modeling of Complex Flows

11/12/21 – Dr. Kevin Hemker
Alonzo G Decker Chair of Mechanical Engineering
Depts. of Mechanical Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
Earth & Planetary SciencesJohns Hopkins University
Lecture: Nanotwinned Metal MEMS with an Impressive Suite of Properties

11/5/21 – Dr. Yogendra Joshi
G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Lecture: Two-Phase Heat Transfer in Enhanced Microgaps

10/8/21 – Dr. Ashwin Ramasubramaniam
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Lecture: Thermomechanical Behavior of Functionalized, Defective Graphene and Graphene-Polymer Nanocomposites

10/1/21 – Dr. ShinYoung Kang
Quantum Simulations Group in MSD
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA
Lecture: Hydrogen Embrittlement-resistant High-entropy Alloys with High Strength and Ductility

9/17/21 – Dr. Steven Kurtz
Principal, Exponent, Inc.
Associate Research Professor
Director of Implant Research Center
Drexel University
Lecture: Point of Care 3D Printing of PEEK for Orthopaedic Applications

4/30/21 – Jin-Oh Hahn, PhD
Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
University of Maryland
Fellow, Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices
Faculty Affiliate in Applied Mathematics, Statistics & Scientific Computation (AMSC) Program
Lecture:  Digital Twin and Control in Systematic Design of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems

4/16/21 – Ajay Prasad, PhD
Engineering Alumni Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Delaware
Lecture:  Impact of Connectivity on Electric Vehicles

4/9/21 – Brian Helenbrook, PhD
Paynter-Krigman Endowed Professor in Engineering Science Simulation
Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering Dept. Chair
Clarkson University
Lecture:  Experiments and Modeling of Horizontal Ribbon Growth

3/19/21 – Nicholas Glavin, PhD
Functional Materials Division
Air Force Research Laboratory
Lecture: Enabling Soft, Flexible Sensors with 2D Materials

3/5/21 – Mary Frecker, PhD
Professor of Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering
Riess Chair in Engineering
Director, Center for Biodevices
Penn State University
Lecture:  Optimal Design Approaches for Adaptive Structures

2/12/21 – Kavan Hazeli, PhD
Assistant Professor
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dept.
University of Alabama
Lecture: Synchronous Involvement of Topology and Microstructure to Design Additively Manufactured Lattice Structure

2/5/21 – Frank Fish, PhD
Professor of Biology
Liquid Life Laboratory
Department of Biology
West Chester University
Lecture:  A Whale of an Idea for an Innovative Technology from Bio-inspired Design

12/11/20 – Mulugeta Haile, PhD
Aerospace Research, Lead
Vehicle Technology Directorate
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Lecture:  Rethinking Classical Mechanics:  Moving Beyond Hamiltonian

11/20/20 – Zhenyu Gan, PhD
Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dept
Syracuse University
Lecture:  Exploring Passive Dynamics in Legged Locomotion

11/13/20 – Kai, Xiao, PhD
Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Lecture: Synthetic Strain Engineering in 2D Materials

11/6/20 – Sung Hoon Kang, PhD
Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute; Institute for NanoBioTechnology
John Hopkins University
Editorial Board Member, Sensors
Early Career Research Board Member, Multifunctional Materials
Lecture:  Self-adaptive Materials, Structures and Devices

10/2/20 - Carl Zweben, Ph.D. Advanced Thermal Materials and Composites Consultant
Life Fellow, ASME; Fellow, SAMPE & ASM;
Associate Fellow, AIAA; Senior Member, SPIE
Lecture: Advanced Thermal Management Materials

10/9/20Chengyuan Wu, MD, MSBmE
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Radiology
Co-Director, Integrated Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center 
Fellowship Director, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
Division of Epilepsy and Neuromodulation Neurosurgery (EN2)
Department of Neurosurgery 
Vickie and Jack Farber Institute for Neuroscience
Thomas Jefferson University
Lecture:  Technology and its Challenges in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

10/16/20 Keith W. Moored III, PhD
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Lehigh University
Lecture:  Physics of Efficient Bio-Inspired Propulsion: From Single Swimmers to Schools


Updated 1/15/2025