CHE 7002 - Quantitative Safety Tech
- Description:
- Quantitative safety analysis, applied to chemical processing: fire and explosion hazards, electrostatic hazards, source and dispersion models, relief requirements, quantitative risk assessment, accident case studies.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2024, Summer 2021, Summer 2018, Summer 2010
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7005 - Global Pharmaceutical Business
- Description:
- Covers new technologies that drive new bioproducts and bioprocesses in the pharmaceutical industry. Includes regulatory harmonization, global access to medicines, elements of global supply chain management and risk based quality and marketing approaches that differ across products and countries.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2024, Summer 2021, Spring 2018, Spring 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7511 - Sustainable Industrial Chem
- Description:
- Project based learning experience; three key areas; past discoveries that shaped the industry and its footprint; today's technology and the sustainability issues it faces; future directions based on green chemistry, and bioproduced feedstocks. Industry expert guest lecturers. Industrial site visits.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2014, Fall 2011
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7561 - Air Pollution Control
- Description:
- The causes, effects and control of air pollution, emphasizing fundamental mechanisms: chemistry of pollutant generation, meterorology and atmospheric dispersion, sampling and analysis, data interpretation, theory underlying control systems.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2023, Summer 2020, Summer 2017, Summer 2014
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7570 - Polymer Science & Engineering
- Description:
- Principles of polymer science: nature and structure of organic high-polymers, polymerization reactions, physical and chemical properties, mechanical testing, viscoelasticity, flow and processing applications.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2025, Summer 2022, Summer 2019, Summer 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7580 - CHE Economics
- Description:
- Techniques for economic evaluation of projects and processes; time value of money, return on investment, cost estimation of processes, alternative project evaluations, economic balances and optimization.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7587 - Biopharm Facility Design
- Description:
- Design of facilities for the pharmaceutical and bioprocess industries. Equipment selection, economics, team work, and presentations.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023, Summer 2020, Fall 2017
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7591 - Industrial Waste Management
- Description:
- Analysis of industrial waste disposal: sources of industrial wastes, disposal using physical, chemical and biological processes, overview of governmental regulations to prevent pollution.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7595 - Special Topics in CHE
- Description:
- Topics of current interest in chemical engineering, (to be announced in advance of offering).
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2025, Spring 2025, Spring 2024, Summer 2023
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7600 - Energy Storage Systems
- Description:
- Provide introduction to existing and emerging energy storage methods and their criticality to utilizing renewable sources for the production of electricity and potable water in different geographies and economic regions of the world. Course Requirement: Basic background at undergraduate level in physical sciences.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2014
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7651 - Survey of Biomass Conversion
- Description:
- Survey of biomass resources and utilization for the production of bio-based products, including energy, chemicals, and transportation fuels. Life cycle analysis and technoeconomic analysis for addressing the sustainability/environmental aspects and the economic feasibility of biomass production and utilization. Senior Engineers or Grad Science with Instructor's Permission.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2018, Fall 2016
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7715 - Alternative Energy
- Description:
- An advanced technical introduction and quantitative evaluation of selected topics within the broad subject of alternative energy. Analysis of sustainable solutions for energy storage, emerging distributed energy systems, and advanced centralized power production will be the cornerstone of this course.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7725 - Carbon Capture and Utilization
- Description:
- Application of chemical engineering principles to analyze limitations and future directions for decarbonization technologies intended to address climate change. Advanced sustainable solutions will be compared for both distributed and centralized energy systems for mobile and stationary applications.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 7730 - Green Engineering
- Description:
- This course explores the application of green engineering principles to process and product design. Green engineering metrics will be a central focus, providing methods to quantify the sustainability and environmental impact of different chemical technologies, processes, and products.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- CRSE Attributes:
- Sustainability
CHE 8531 - Inorganic Materials Sci & Eng
- Description:
- Properties and classes of nanomaterials, solid state physics semiconductors, characterization techniques, catalysis for energy transformations, fuel cells, batteries, solar cells, biofuels, hydrocarbons and hydrogen.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8550 - Chem Eng Reactors
- Description:
- Overview of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical kinetics, thermodynamic effects on rate laws and reactor behavior, reactor design for simple and complex reactions, mass and energy balances over reactors, transient and non-ideal reactor behavior.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8551 - Chem Kinetics and Catalysis
- Description:
- In-depth look at homogeneous and especially heterogeneous kinetics and catalysis, collision and transition state theories, analysis of reaction sequences, rate laws from experimental data, and heat and mass transport effects on catalyst and reactor performance.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8558 - Process Design I
- Description:
- The design of chemical processes: synthesizing a process, organizing material and energy balances for solution, iterative convergence techniques, cost estimation and economic analysis, process improvemment, energy conservation, interaction of process units, process control, designing for safety.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8563 - Transport Phenomena
- Description:
- Unified study of momentum, heat, and mass transport with emphasis on theory and applications of fluid dynamics and mass transfer. Underlying physical laws, mathematical representation of transport laws, transport analogies.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8564 - Fluid Dynamics
- Description:
- Theory and applications of fluid dynamics: continuity equation, equation of motion, ideal fluid flow, laminar viscous flow, boundary layer flow, turbulent flow.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2016, Spring 2014, Spring 2012, Fall 2009
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8565 - Heat Transfer
- Description:
- Mechanisms, theory and applications of heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8571 - Separation Processes I
- Description:
- Distillation processes, from the equilibrium-stage point of view: separation factors, phase equilibrium relationships, analysis of steady state processes such as flash vaporization, binary, multicomponent and azeotropic distillations, batch distillation.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8572 - Separation Processes II
- Description:
- Separation processes other than distillation, from the equilibrium-stage point of view: gas absorption, extraction, leaching, adsorption, filtration and sedimentation, ultracentrifugation, evaporation.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8575 - Thermodynamics
- Description:
- Advanced concepts of thermodynamics: equations of state, physical and chemical equilibrium, estimation of thermodynamic properties.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8579 - Adv Process Modeling/Analysis
- Description:
- Mathematical techniques for analyzing chemical engineering problems: development of mathematical models of physical and chemical problems, time dependent and position dependent models, solution of model equations by numerical techniques, computer applications
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2015, Fall 2013, Spring 2010, Fall 2007
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8586 - Biomaterials & Drug Delivery
- Description:
- Materials for use in medicine and in/on the body, material bulk and surface properties, biological responses to materials, applications, manufacturing processes, cost, sterilization, packaging and regulatory issues. Drug delivery mechanisms, issues, and modeling.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8588 - Biochemical Engineering I
- Description:
- Basics of biochemistry, microbiology, cell biology and molecular biology, as applied to bioproduct formation; enzyme kinetics, immobilized enzymes, diffusion limitations, immobilized enzyme reactors; cell growth kinetics, batch and continuous fermentor operation, bioreactor operation; sterilization, oxygen transfer and scaleup.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8589 - Biochemical Engineering II
- Description:
- Fedbatch, continuous, immobilized-cell and other advanced bioreactors; bioreactor monitoring and control; design and operation of downstream processes, including cell disruption, filtration, extraction, chromatography; facility design; validation and regulatory issues.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8591 - Gene & Cell Therapy
- Description:
- An introduction to molecular genetics, genomic editing techniques, and a survey of recent successful gene and cell therapies in the clinic.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Summer 2008
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8592 - Protein Engineering
- Description:
- Advanced concepts of protein structure, stability, and activity applied to the modification and improvement of proteins and enzymes; along with computer simulations of protein structure and activity.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2025, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8651 - Biomass Conversion
- Description:
- Technical approaches for converting biomass to energy, fuels, and useful chemicals. New advances, current challenges, industrial applications, important research areas discussed.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Spring 2017, Fall 2014, Fall 2011
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 8663 - Systems Biology
- Description:
- MATLAB-based modeling and analysis approaches for drug target identification: introduction to systems biology, biological reaction networks, model construction and parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis, metabolic modeling, pathway network analysis, pharmacokinetic modeling, biological data analysis, and systems biology approaches for personalized medicine.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 9020 - CHE Independent Study
- Description:
- This course may be taken twice by graduate students.
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 9024 - CHE Thesis I
- Description:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 9025 - CHE Thesis II
- Description:
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 9080 - Thesis Continuation
- Description:
- Credit Hours:
- 0
- Last Offered:
- Fall 2025, Summer 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2024
- CRSE Attributes:
CHE 9085 - Independent Study Continuation
- Description:
- Credit Hours:
- 0
- Last Offered:
- Summer 2019, Summer 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017
- CRSE Attributes: