Work Smart Salary Negotiation Workshops

Want to learn more about negotiating for a promotion or salary increase? Consider attending one of our upcoming AAUW Work Smart Salary Negotiation Workshops. The VWPN in conjunction with the Anne Welsh McNulty Women’s Leadership Institute will offer a live online workshop followed with group discussion and a Q/A session.

Who: Open to Graduate Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and the Community

When: Sunday, March 13, 2022 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. via Zoom 

            Sunday, May 22, 2022 | 9:30 – 11:30 in person (REGISTRATION COMING SOON) 

Facilitator: Cheryl Carleton, Associate Professor, Economics


  • About the gender pay gap and its consequences
  • Why it is important to negotiate, not just for pay and benefits
  • How to get the tools and techniques you need to ensure that you’re paid what you’re worth
  • How to quantify your market value so that you can be objective
  • How to confidently communicate your value
  • Strategies to create a pitch and respond to salary offers
  • How to approach opportunities for raises and promotions


Spring 2022

Financial Literacy Workshops Coming Soon!

This workshop helps graduate students, staff, faculty and the community to:

  1. Build confidence and motivate action
  2. Raise awareness of one's own attitudes, beliefs, and concerns around money
  3. Provide information on what is needed to develop a personal financial plan to achieve

Cheryl Carleton
Past Director, Villanova Women's Professional Network


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