Nonlinear Dynamics and Control Certificate

The College of Engineering offers a certificate program in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, administered jointly by the Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering Departments. It includes a concentrated study of modern principles with both breadth and depth of coverage being emphasized. The research program at the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics & Control (CENDAC) serves to complement the course.

The certificate program is open to all individuals who possess a Bachelor's degree in either Engineering or some related field. Applications for admission are assessed on the basis of undergraduate record and related work experience.


The Nonlinear Dynamics and Control Certificate is awarded upon satisfactory completion of four courses:
Required Course
EGR 8304 - Nonlinear Control

Elective Courses (Choose three)

Nonlinear Dynamics and Control Courses (Up to three courses may be chosen):

EGR 8302 - Digital Control
EGR 8304 - Nonlinear Control
EGR 8305 - System Identification
EGR 8306 - Nonlinear Dynamics
EGR 8308 - Feedforward Control
EGR 8309 - Adv Topics in Dynam & Control

Graduate Level Mathematics Course (One may be chosen):

CHE 8579 - Adv Process Modeling/Analysis
ECE 8001 - Engineering Math I
ECE 8007 - Matrix Theory
ME 7000 - Advanced Engineering Analysis

Graduate Level Control or Optimization Course (One may be chosen):

ME 8204 - Robotics:Analysis & Control
Special Related Topics Course (One may be chosen): ChE, ECE, or ME Departments

Engineering Graduate Programs Office

Drosdick Hall, Room 209


Certificate Request to Pursue and Completion forms

Any current Villanova Graduate Engineering student interested in pursuing a Graduate Engineering Certificate must complete and submit the Request to Pursue a Graduate Certificate form for review by the Department.

Once a student has earned the required course credits for a certificate, they must complete and submit the Completion of Certificate Acknowledgement.