Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning

Randy Weinstein, PhD
Villanova is committed to excellence in teaching, and we appreciate that discovering and disseminating knowledge go hand-in-hand. This model of the educator as a teacher-scholar guides my work as Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning.
My office is here to support faculty so they have the resources necessary to be innovative and challenging instructors, and to make sure our students receive an outstanding educational experience worthy of a community of learners.
Randy Weinstein, PhD
Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
Randy Weinstein, PhD, focuses his research on environmentally benign chemical processing, nanomaterials, thermal management of electronic devices, and innovation in the undergraduate classroom. His interests include blending technology into the classroom, inverting the classroom and using multidisciplinary projects as the basis for learning. Dr. Weinstein received the American Society of Engineering Education Corcoran Award for the most outstanding article published in Chemical Engineering Education in 2016. He also the recipient of the Innovative Teaching Award (2008) and Lindback Award for Teaching Excellence (2010) at Villanova. Dr. Weinstein has a BS from University of Virginia and a PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both in Chemical Engineering.