Call for applications: Fellowship supports APRN DNP students focused on families with spina bifida
Ashley Rose Pitek Nurse Scholars Fellowship
The Ashley Rose Pitek Nurse Scholars Fellowship supports DNP study at Villanova University College of Nursing for APRNs committed to the care of children with spina bifida. The eligible recipient must be an advanced practice nurse who has met DNP applicant requirements and is enrolled full-time in Villanova’s DNP program. The student’s DNP project must focus on critical aspects of spina bifida care that can be applied in practice and which contribute to the improved care and the quality of life of these children and their families.
The funding from the Ashley Rose Pitek Nurse Scholars Fellowship covers all tuition and fees, stipend for project development and implementation, and the cost of attending conferences related to spina bifida. One fellow will be selected to begin the DNP program in summer 2018.
Only applicants with a demonstrated career interest in patients and families with spina bifida whose DNP project focuses on spina bifida will be considered and reviewed.
By January 31, 2018, the candidate must send a letter of interest for consideration and also have applied to the DNP program. Please send the letter of interest to Dr. Debra Shearer, DNP Program Director, at
For more information, contact Rachel N'Diaye at or 610.519.4914.