April 1, 2020
Amanda Cassidy '18 BSN, RN

Staff nurse, Emergency Department
Bellevue Hospital (NYC Health + Hospitals), New York City
It’s been a long stretch of nights working in our COVID unit and we have now run out of ICU beds, so we are caring for all of our otherwise MICU-bound patients right in our emergency room.
Needless to say, it’s been a lot of learning and brushing up on skills that we seldom use in our ER. Grateful to have had such a great education through the College of Nursing where I was not only exposed to, but also had the opportunity to care for patients needing higher levels of care. Many of the skills I learned in school, I still carry with me today. While the worst is still ahead of us, the kindness I have received from the entire VU community has kept me fueled, and I will continue to fight for my patients and the people of NYC. I’ve never felt more proud to be a Wildcat.

March 24, 2020
from Instagram, used with permission
We’re hot. Our faces are dry and itchy from having to wear the same mask for an entire shift. We’re breaking out under our face shields that we’ve been using for the past week because the goggles they gave us are hurting our faces. We are tired. Many of us staying significantly longer than our scheduled shifts and coming in to work overtime because no amount of staff seems to be enough staff. We are running mostly off of caffeine and adrenaline.
But we show up. We hold your hand because we know you’re sick, and scared. We’re scared too. We laugh with you over silly things, because if we didn’t, the tears would surely come. This is our city and we won’t give up on you.
The outpouring of love we’ve received touches every single one of us and we are here for you, New York. And, we will continue to be here for you 'til the worst is behind us.

March 19, 2020
from Instagram, used with permission
Never been more proud to be a #villanovanurse. V’s up from the Bellevue Hospital ER here in NYC.