SWE Hosts Annual Networking Dinner
by Katie Rose Scoboria ’18 ME
Members of the Villanova SWE executive board with guest speaker Dr. Anne Roby ’86 ChE (third from left).
On November 7th, nearly 200 industry professionals, Villanova University students and faculty attended the Villanova chapter of the Society of Women Engineers’ 12th Annual Networking Dinner. The event was generously sponsored by Harris Corporation, and a number of Harris representatives were in attendance.
The night began with a brief networking session, followed by opening remarks from the event chair, Dymon Moore ’20 CpE. After dinner, the president of Villanova SWE, Katie Scoboria ’18 ME, touched upon the chapter’s future plans, including its inaugural STEM outreach trip to Costa Rica over spring break. Mel Rakita, vice president of talent acquisition at Harris, followed by emphasizing the importance of organizations such as SWE, the need for diversity in the workplace, and the ways in which Harris strives to support SWE and foster diversity. The guest speaker, alumna Anne Roby, PhD, ’86 ChE, senior vice president at Praxair, concluded the evening by sharing valuable lessons she has learned throughout her technical and management career.
Villanova SWE would like to express its gratitude to all in attendance, as well as everyone who helped make the night such a success.
Margaret Liedkta ’20 CE, Jennifer Kraynik ’20 ChE, Juliet Minor ’20 ME and Conor O’Mara ’20 CE attended the Villanova SWE event.