SLRC Events

Simulation Institute
A full day, immersive learning program that is an ideal experience for the novice to mid-career simulation researcher, and educator.
Participants will apply the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM (HSSOBPTM) as evidence-based guidelines for all research initiatives and educational activities.
Participants will discuss challenges and barriers that impact the ability to spearhead successful simulation program development and implementation.
Together, participants will craft innovative solutions that connect with quality metrics as measurable outcomes and result in improved patient experiences.
Program Objectives
1. Integrate INACSL’s Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice TM (HSSOBPTM) into the development, execution, and leadership for simulation activities.
2. Discuss current trends to advance research in simulation methodology.
3. Examine challenges, solutions and future trends in simulation methodology and health professions education.