International & Multicultural Experiences
The Fitzpatrick College of Nursing offers a variety of international and multicultural study opportunities to its undergraduate and graduate students that enhance their education through service learning and study abroad. In the past, students have traveled to:
- Dominican Republic
- South Africa
- Japan
- Ireland
- Poland
The Fitzpatrick College of Nursing in conjunction with the Office of Education Abroad also allows sophomore students to study abroad at the University of Manchester in its Nursing Department. Qualified students are eligible for partial funding for these study opportunities through the Connelly-Delouvrier International Scholars Program.
Second Degree Accelerated Health Promotion Experience
Second Degree Accelerated BSN students may apply for a health promotion experience with the Blackfeet Nation in Browning, Montana. To apply:
- Complete the Application for NUR4113 Practicum in Health Promotion
- Complete the International Experience Faculty Recommendation - Scholarship and Selection
- Submit completed applications to the Director of the Center for Global and Public Health
Connelly-Delouvrier International Scholars Program for Nursing Students
Enrolled students who are interested in applying for funding for their selected international or multicultural study opportunity should view the information and application on the Connelly-Delouvrier International Scholars Program for Nursing Students.
Summer Study Abroad Opportunities
A Nursing major may also participate in any of the numerous summer study abroad programs offered through the International Programs and Resources.. Students interested in spending a semester of their junior year abroad should contact their Program Director and the Director of International Studies. These non-nursing programs are not eligible for Connelly-Delouvrier funding.