The Villanova School of Business invites finance researchers to attend the Annual VSB Mid-Atlantic Research Conference in Finance (MARC).  This one-day, one-track MARC meeting on Friday, March 22, 2024, will be held at Bartley Hall, Villanova University, from 8:15 am until 5:00 pm.  We will be sharing high quality research papers in all areas of finance.  The conference will include Prof. Maureen O’Hara of Cornell University as our keynote luncheon speaker.  

There will be several sessions during the day, with each session including 2-3 papers that are selected, after peer review, for inclusion in the conference.  There will also be an Outstanding Paper Award.  This is a selective and competitive process, but we look for broad participation among the many excellent academic institutions in the Mid-Atlantic region and around the world.  All topics in finance will be considered. 

Please contact the conference chair, John Sedunov, at MARC@villanova.edu for further information or with any questions about the conference. 

Registration for the 2024 Conference is now open!

The MARC Conference is organized by John Sedunov.