The following highlights information that students receive during their First Step Information Session and in their Passport Villanova Portal. Families are encouraged to direct any questions to their student first before contacting the OEA to ensure that their student knows the necessary information.
The following academic standards are required of all students prior to and during their time abroad.
- A minimum GPA of 2.75 is required. Some programs may require a higher average.
- All undergraduate majors are eligible, though some majors may be restricted to certain programs or semesters
- For semester study abroad, full-time student status and rising Sophomore or Junior standing is required. Seniors may apply for semester study abroad with special permission from their College. The Villanova School of Business offers the Global Citizens Program to incoming first-year students to study abroad during the spring semester of their first year.
- Students may not participate in study abroad if they have any holds on their account, including financial holds, academic concerns, or disciplinary probation.
- For semester study abroad all Passport Villanova Portal approval requirements must be completed by October 15 (for spring study abroad) or April 15 (for Summer and fall study abroad). Additional post-approval requirements will be posted to a student's Passport Villanova Portal prior to departure.
- Some Villanova Semester programs and all Villanova Summer and Intensive Course Abroad programs will have earlier application deadlines.
- Villanova University students cannot participate in study abroad programs in countries with a U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 4. Locations rated with a Level 3 will require additional special approval.
- Course Approval Forms are required for all Partner Programs, and some Villanova Semester and Summer Programs. The Course Approval Form outlines the students proposed academic plan abroad, and confirms the VU equivalents of those overseas courses.
- Working with an OEA Advisor, students complete a Course Approval Form listing the courses they plan to take while overseas along with the approved Villanova course equivalents that will appear on the VU transcript upon successful completion of the overseas course Course Approvals Forms are reviewed and approved by each College and (if applicable) the student’s department.
- The Course Approval Form must be completed before the start of the student’s program abroad, though students may add new courses to their Course Approval Form once they are abroad.
- A minimum grade of “C” must be earned for the credit to transfer as a "T" (Transfer Credit). Credit for work completed overseas will appear on the Villanova University transcript.
- In place of a letter grade, the designation “T” (Transfer Credit) will be assigned for all courses in which the student received a “C” or higher.
- Courses cannot be taken Pass/Fail. If a course is taken Pass/Fail, no credit will be granted.
- Transfer credit will not affect a student's Villanova GPA, but can be counted towards graduation requirements, including but not limited to major, minor, concentration, and some core requirements.
- A maximum of 60 credits are transferable toward a Villanova degree. This includes Advanced Placement, study abroad transfer credit, and summer credits earned at another institution.
- Courses taught by Villanova faculty/staff do not require a Course Approval Form. Students will earn a VU letter grade for classes taught abroad by Villanova faculty. Detailed academic information is outlined on each Villanova program page.
- Students must maintain full-time student status at the host institution or program abroad.
- Students may not enroll in Villanova distance learning courses while abroad.
- Students must confirm their overseas course schedule in the Passport Villanova Portal upon finalized enrollment overseas
- All courses that a student takes abroad must be approved with a Villanova equivalent for Villanova credit before their return to campus.
- Should a student need to deviate from their original academic plan outlined on their Course Approval Form once abroad, students can work with their OEA Advisor to obtain additional course approvals while abroad.
- The OEA cannot guarantee enrollment abroad in any specific course or program.
- Courses that do not have a Villanova equivalent assigned will not be transferred back to count toward the Villanova degree.
- Students can use the Course Approval Request System to submit new courses for approval review by the academic departments.
The University's Code of Student Conduct applies to conduct that occurs both on and off the Villanova campus, including students participating in overseas study.
Students placed on disciplinary probation before going abroad will not be permitted to study abroad if a student conduct probation period extends into the semester or summer term that the student intends to be abroad.
While abroad, students must comply with the behavior standards outlined in the Villanova University Blue Book Student Handbook.
In addition, all students are required to comply with the code of conduct policies outlined by the Program Coordinator, Overseas Host University and/or Program Provider.
Failure to comply with any policies outlined by Villanova or the Overseas Host University/Program Provider may result in dismissal from the study abroad program and could lead to disciplinary action when the student returns to campus.
Villanova University offers a variety of study-abroad opportunities all over the world. Some programs are designed specifically for Villanova students, and other experiences are offered by our Partner Programs. OEA Advisors help students choose a program that best meets their academic, personal, professional and cultural goals. Students and families should keep in mind that a program that worked well for a sibling or friend, might not be the best option for them. OEA Advisors encourage students to think critically about their goals and connection to the OEA Framework during program selection.
Once a program is selected, the student must meet all application deadlines and requirements. The OEA cannot guarantee admission into any specific program. Should a student not be accepted into their top choice program, the OEA will work with the student to find an appropriate alternative. Applying to study abroad is not like applying to college and most students only apply to one study abroad program.
Villanova students may only receive academic credit for participation in Villanova or Partner Programs listed in the Passport Villanova Portal.
For participation in Summer Partner Programs for academic credit, the additional requirements apply:
- Students must attend a First Step Information Session
- Students must work with an OEA Advisor to complete the Passport Villanova Portal requirements by April 15th and finalize their Course Approval Form before departure
- Students will pay a $500 Administrative Fee to Villanova
The U.S. Department of State provides Travel Advisories for each country in the world. These Travel Advisories include four levels of safety and security risk.
The Office of Education Abroad monitors these ratings as well as travel risk indicators from our emergency assistance provider International SOS. Villanova University students cannot participate in study abroad programs in countries with a U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 4. Locations rated with a Level 3 will require additional special approval.
Should identified travel risks change after the student has been accepted to a program in a certain location, Villanova will work with the student as needed to select a different study program or discuss options to defer to another term abroad
Housing must be provided through integrated accommodations such as an international residence hall, apartment, or homestay. Students are required to live in established program housing when the housing is guaranteed by the host institution, program provider, or Villanova.
Villanova University believes that established program housing is best for health and safety concerns, as well as to support cultural immersion and academic development and therefore, students are not permitted to pursue independent housing abroad.
Villanova tuition policies are based on the type of abroad program your student participates in.
Students participating in semester study abroad programs pay their standard Villanova tuition regardless of the overseas location or posted program’s tuition. This standard semester tuition charge also includes the General Fee and the Health and Wellness Fee. Under the policy, students will use their Villanova financial aid to cover their Villanova semester tuition, just as they do when studying on campus.
Non-tuition costs such as room and board are not paid to Villanova University but are paid to the Partner Program or host university. In general, these room and board costs tend to be about the same as they would be at Villanova University. However, several factors must be taken into consideration, such as cost of living, travel expenses, and fluctuating exchange rates Other non-tuition-related expenses are also the direct responsibility of the student. This may include gym fees, health insurance fees, personal expenses, flights, etc.
Special billing applies for students who receive Tuition Remission, Tuition Exchange, and Augustinian Relative Grants, as well as those who are Yellow Ribbon students, ROTC students and Presidential Scholars. If you are a recipient of the above awards, please contact your OEA advisor and the Office of Financial Assistance for more information.
The policy is equalizing, allowing all eligible students to study abroad on essentially the same terms as on-campus study regardless of financial need. Most financial assistance applies to students who spend the semester abroad, making semester study abroad the most affordable option for students with high financial need. Scholarships grants, federal aid, and loans are credited to the student’s account as if they had stayed at Villanova.
The anticipated semester tuition cost is the same regardless of the cost of the overseas program’s tuition. If the overseas program tuition is more expensive than Villanova's semester tuition, Villanova pays the semester overseas tuition even if the receiving institution’s tuition exceeds that of Villanova’s. If the overseas program's tuition is less than Villanova's semester tuition, your regular Villanova tuition is still charged.
Students who study abroad in a Villanova program or partner program remained enrolled for the semester like every other Villanova student. Most importantly, the credit earned abroad is applied toward major, minor, and core requirements as approved before departure.
Students also have access to all University systems such as email, MyNova, and online registration. The Office of Education Abroad remains in regular contact with the students, helping with advising, course approval, and other troubleshooting.

This chart explains the OEA Semester Tuition Policy
Use the OEA Semester Cost Worksheet to estimate semester study abroad expenses. For a list of Villanova Tuition fees, please visit the Bursar's Office website.
Housing Fees Included
The following special Villanova Semester Programs include the cost of housing in the regular Villanova tuition. This means that students are not charged an extra housing fee to participate in the following programs.
- *Villanova Semester: University of Galway in Ireland
- *Villanova Semester: French Language and Politics at ESPOL
- *Villanova Semester: French and Francophone Studies
- *Villanova Semester: VSB Business and Culture in the Italian Context
- *Villanova Semester: Spanish Language and Culture in Cádiz, Spain
- *Villanova Semester: Communication, Society and Marketing in the Italian Context
- *Villanova Semester: VSB Global Citizens Internship Asia Pacific
Villanova Semester Program Deposits
These Villanova Semester programs require students to pay a deposit to hold their space in the program. Deposit terms and deadlines will be communicated to students upon acceptance and any deposit will be applied to the upcoming semester’s tuition bill.
All deposits are to be submitted online via the E-payment process (NOT V-BILL).
Once at the Bursar site, click on the Payment Methods link, then select the E-Payment option and proceed accordingly, filling in the amount of your deposit next to Deposit – Semester.
Tuition remission and exchange does not apply to semester or summer study abroad programs, whether the program is through Villanova University or an affiliated partner.
For semester study abroad, students will be responsible for the overseas program fee paid directly to Villanova.
For participation in a Villanova Summer program, the full program fee will be charged. For affiliated non-VU summer programs, students will be responsible for all program fees to be paid directly to the program, and VU will charge a $500 administrative fee to the students' Villanova University student account.
Please contact your OEA Advisor for program-specific information and visit the Human Resources website, or office, for details on the policy.
To confirm their spot in the program, a non-refundable commitment fee must be submitted within two weeks of acceptance to the program.
The commitment fee will be applied to the total program fee due to Villanova.
A $450 commitment fee is due for most programs, however, an $850 commitment fee is due for the following programs:
- Villanova Summer London Early Years' Experience Internship
- Villanova Summer Dublin Early Years' Experience Internship
- Villanova Summer Internship and London School of Economics in London, England
The commitment fee is not refundable under any circumstances after a student's application has been accepted and the fee has been submitted.
The following Villanova University Cancellation and Refund Policy will apply to students who have paid their commitment fee and withdraw from the program:
- During the month of February will forfeit 25% of program fee
- During the month of March will forfeit 50% of program fee
- On or After April 1 will forfeit 100% of program fee
Exceptions to the above policy regarding program fees will only be considered if a student withdraws from the program for medical reasons before the start of the program and if they provide evidence of medical necessity for withdrawal from a physician. Following receipt of all required documentation, the OEA will refund all fees paid except the commitment fee.
If a student leaves or is expelled from the Program for any reason after the Program has started, there will be no refund of fees. The student is responsible for any and all costs (including, without limitation, travel arrangements, penalties and other costs and fees) arising from voluntary or involuntary withdrawal from the Program prior to its completion, including withdrawal caused by illness or disciplinary action.
If a Program is cancelled, or if in the sole judgment of the University, a Program has been so radically changed in itinerary or curriculum that it would be unfair to require students to participate, and a student elects in writing to withdraw from the Program, the University will refund all program fees paid (the commitment fee will not be refunded). Except as expressly stated in this policy, the University will have no responsibility or liability or owe any refunds or other amounts to the student or his/her parents or guardian.
All issues related to outstanding debts, collection of fees, and receipt issuance will be handled by the Office of the Bursar.
All commitment fees are to be submitted online via the E-payment process (NOT V-BILL).
Once at the Bursar site, click on the Payment Methods link, then select the E-Payment option and proceed accordingly, filling in the amount of your deposit next to Deposit - Summer Study Abroad.
If the commitment fee is not paid within two weeks, the student will be removed from the program and their place will be forfeited to another student.
If you cannot pay the commitment fee within two weeks of receiving your acceptance and still intend on participating in the program, you must notify the Office of Education Abroad immediately to make alternate arrangements.
You will be automatically removed from the program if payment is not received within two weeks.
Students participating in a Partner Program during the summer will pay the full fee to the approved program. Villanova will also charge all students a $500 administrative fee for processing the study abroad credit. Students cannot receive credit for a summer study abroad program without having the program and courses pre-approved by the April 15 deadline.
Villanova offers scholarship funding to support participation in study abroad programming, however, students should not expect to receive full funding. Award amounts can vary by students’ financial need and typical scholarship award ranges are posted on the individual scholarship application page. Deadlines and decision dates also vary, so early planning is key.
Students are also encouraged to apply for external scholarship opportunities. This includes scholarships offered by their partner program (if applicable) as well as other external scholarships listed on the funding page.