The Sunshine Fund in Memory of Rev. John P. Stack, OSA

The Sunshine Fund honors the life and legacy of Rev. John P. Stack, OSA, who served as Dean of Students and then as Vice President for Student Life for more than 40 years at Villanova University.
Hosted by the Division of Student Life, The Sunshine Fund is available to provide financial support to help individual students with demonstrated need connect with co-curricular learning experiences that will further their sense of belonging and connection to the Villanova community. Funded opportunities may include:
- Cost(s) related to participation in a student organization, such as representing Villanova at a national conference,
- An activity that serves the Villanova community,
- Participation in a Student Life program or event
- Other unique personal circumstances related to the student experience.

Grants distributed under this fund will:
- Range from $50 to $500 per request;
- In total throughout a given academic year, not exceed more than 20% of the full amount in the fund;
- Be open to any undergraduate student and available no more than once/annually to an individual applicant.
The Sunshine Fund will not be available to support academic or curricular student experiences.
- A student may click the button below to apply for funding, or an advisor may apply for funding on behalf of the student.
- The requestor will provide a short description of the program and amount requested.
- Each request will be reviewed by a committee comprised of a minimum of three Student Life professional staff.
- If funding is approved, the applicant will be expected to follow appropriate guidelines for disbursement of funds (utilizing Zelle, an approved advisor with a procurement card, sharing receipts, etc.).
- Students should contact the Vice President for Student Life with any questions.
- Click here to make a donation to the Sunshine Fund.