Villanova University Safety Committee (USC)
University Safety Committee
The Mission of the USC is to support Villanova University’s mission of excellence and distinction in the discovery, dissemination, and application of knowledge by providing leadership and sponsorship to assure a safe and healthy environment for all members of the University community. The USC supports programs and services to promote anticipation and recognition of and corrective responses to safety risks to the Villanova University community.
The USC monitors safety risks to the University. The Vice President for Facilities Management serves as the Chair of the USC. The committee is apprised of emerging issues, regulatory developments and related safety risks by its membership. The committee:
1. Supports development of policies and actions to reduce sources and levels of safety risk on campus.
2. Supports safety-related efforts of the university community.
3. Supports missions of safety-related standing sub-committees.
The USC membership represents the University community, and includes members from the following University departments and outside entities:
· Athletics
· Dining Services
· Environmental Health & Safety
· Facilities Management
· Human Resources
· Risk Management & Insurance
· Workers Compensation Insurer
· Casualty & Property Insurance Broker
· Public Safety
· Residence Life
· College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering, Villanova School of Business, College of Nursing
The USC meets monthly, September through June.
Email: Bob Morro via Trish Robinson